Monday, July 15, 2019

Greetings from The Lightside - Positive ET Contact


How It All Began

I have had alien contact for over forty years.  During that time I have heard my alien contacts speak of God and Jesus.  I was surprised at first to hear messages coming from them about God and Jesus.  How I wondered, did UFOs and God and Jesus go together and how would I ever explain that to anyone?  I had heard of God whom the aliens call the Creator of All and his son Jesus the Christ but I was brought up in a household that did not practice a specific religion.  My parents provided me with an example of what a spiritual life was.  Kindness and love were the norm in our home.

Being an only child with elderly parents, I did not think they would be comfortable about the UFO’s and aliens let alone the channeling. The only things they knew about aliens and channeling was what they read in the newspaper and that was not very flattering. Over the years I meet people who were also interested in aliens and we began meeting weekly to discuss what we read and what we had seen. Having someone to speak to and not be afraid was so important.  Many people came to the meeting; some have stayed and some have gone however most did not return. But the core of the group has never changed. I sometimes feel like the glue that holds things together. I seldom talked to my parents about my interests and only answered questions when they asked. I promised myself I would not go public with everything until they passed, both parents my dad in 2010 and mom in 2015.

When I first heard about UFOs I did not believe in them, until I saw my first one up close and personal.  It was in the summer of 1976 on the 4th of July weekend. My husband and I were camping with two of my girlfriends and all of our children. My girlfriend Edna and I decided to go to a UFO meeting which was about thirty minutes from the campground.  I was driving and on the way back, for some reason I turned down an unfamiliar country road.  A ship came down and landed on the road.  Needless to say my girlfriend and I were in a state of shock. An alien being came down out of the ship and motioned for us to come and go for a ride. I indicated to him that I was not willing to go along and he turned around and started to leave.  It was at this point that I thought I might never have that opportunity again. As soon as I had that thought, instantly, I was on board the craft. I went for a ride with them and was even offered to drive the craft. I did not do a very good job I must admit. After this adventure I could no longer deny the existence of UFOs and aliens.  Eventually I came to the realization that this contact was meant to re-assure me that there are good beings out in space and that they were there to help me accept that they are real.
Over the years I meet people who were also interested in aliens and we began meeting weekly to discuss what we read and what we saw. Having someone to speak to and not be afraid was so important.  Many people came to the meeting; some have stayed and some have gone however most did not return. But the core of the group has never changed.

I have found through my years of study and interaction with others interested in the topic that many do not recognize or understand the difference between an abduction and contact.  My experiences have been contact experiences with benevolent alien beings and not abduction experiences.  I have always been allowed my free will choice to go with them or not.  I am never forced to go along neither am I paralyzed or experimented on. When I indicated during that first experience that I did not want to go they were willing to leave. I realize I have been fortunate to have contact with benevolent beings.  They respect the Law of Non-Interference and do not abduct.  There is a huge difference between them and the abducting alien beings.  The abducting aliens take their victims against their will, they paralyze them and many times eggs are harvested or sperm is removed.  Sometimes the abductees are shown a hybrid child  they believe to be theirs.  At times the abducting aliens even tell abductees that they agreed to being abducted in a past life or before they were born.  What they do not tell them is that we are all given the ability from God to stop such events from happening.   

Over the next few months there were messages in my head that I can only describe as being like a ticker tape was scrolling across my forehead and I could read it. This happened when I was doing chores around the house like cleaning the bath tub.  I knew it was not my thoughts as they were more inspirational, kind and loving.  I did not share this with anyone at the time as I did not want them to think I was crazy. Over time I became comfortable with what was happening, and then I started to get messages like someone was talking to me with a voice. And again I told no one as I was sure they would think me crazy.

The aliens were kind enough to allow questions to be asked of them.  They were quite willing to answer questions about themselves and who they are and why they are here at this time in Earth’s history.  They also answered many questions about happenings in the news and how it relates to Biblical prophecy, conditions on the planet, and the weather, etc. Our lists of questions could get pretty extensive at times.  All of their answers were recorded and many of them are in my first book, Alien Contact the Messages They Bring. They would not answer anything of a personal nature about someone who was not in attendance as this is similar to our gossiping and they would not engage in that activity. At first they were also hesitant to answer anything relating to the governments of planet Earth. They informed us that this may not be in our best interest to know and could put us in danger!

My second book Unholy Alliance a Global Deception is about the government’s involvement with the negative aliens and their surveillance of individuals interested in the topic of aliens and UFOs.  Many of the messages from the aliens are also in this book.  I did not like sharing information about the secret government and the governments of the world and how they have interfered with many lives including my own but I felt it needed to be said.  

It has taken me almost thirty years to feel brave enough to share my experiences and these messages from the aliens however; I felt that it was essential as this side of the story was not being heard. I have had a few researchers tell me that I am kidding myself and I am not remembering correctly and that I am in fact being abducted. Further, they suggest that if I do not meet their criterion of what they believe an experience with the aliens should be, they dismiss my case all together. I have given my books freely to UFO conference organizers in the hopes of securing a speaker’s slot. Time and time again I have been refused or never contacted by them.  Again I believe this is because my story does not fit the criterion of what most believe an alien experience should be. I knew it was time for me to write my books so that the other side of alien contact could be heard.   

Many times my contacts suggested I be very leery of anyone giving a date or time such as December 21st 2012 when the end of the planet has been predicted. Or others have predicted that we will all ascend into a higher spiritual level. They suggested being very careful, as no one knows when these types of events are going to happen. They even suggested running in the other direction, as only God knows when these things will come to pass, not even Jesus, the Son of God knows. How many times has someone predicted that the aliens were coming to pick people up or that the world was ending, only to not have it come true? My suggestion is to not falling into this trap, as there are many false prophets out there who may not even be on a spiritual path. I believe we can make a difference by our choices and actions as to how severe or even when the coming times ahead will be. It is my hope and my prayer that we choose to make a difference for the best possible outcome. 

The aliens have been asking us for years to share the information given us. I have written two books, and have a web-page. Now we are doing this blog.   

It has been quiet a long journey for me from my first sighting in 1976 to now but throughout that journey I have come to the realization that it is the survival of the soul that matters.  We all need to know how to survive the coming times ahead with our soul intact so that we may return to The Creator of all.  We will all loose our bodies upon death but it is the soul’s survival, the eternal part of us, which matters most.  Many times I have come in contact with people who have said they would do anything to survive perhaps even take someone else’s life.  I have always asked this simple question; would you do these acts to save your body only to loose your soul? 

Hopefully you will read these messages we received from our contacts throughout the years with interest and an open heart and mind. 

In the Love and Light of The Creator,
Bonnie Meyer  

This blog will be sharing information from positive aliens who are here at this time to help humanity join peaceful intergalactic explorers. To do this we need to end our aggressive, negative attitudes, eliminate wars and help each other.

Captain Eric on the Peace Ship
We of The Lightside will be posting what the aliens have shared with us through the years. Hopefully this will help bring awareness that there are positive aliens here at this time. 

This was their initial message given by Eric, the Captain of the Ship of Peace on September 27, 1986: 

Federation Greeting

"The Federation greets the people of Earth. We are here in peace to help you in your problems on planet Earth. Now is the time for the awakening of all souls who have come to planet Earth. These souls have chosen to come to planet Earth to help in time of disaster and turmoil.

The awakening is upon us. We are here to help all that we can. We are sending people, our people, to help your people of Earth. The easiest way for this to be accomplished was to have people born on the planet, as they could more easily understand the problems of planet Earth.

We who are born on other planets cannot understand your problems. We cannot understand why you cannot live in harmony with nature. You must learn to be one with the Universe if you are to survive.

Many will read this message and it will mean nothing. To those of you who hear this message and understand will realize that you are the ones who were born of the Earth to help planet Earth in its time of trouble.
We will sign off now with Love and Light, as always, the Confederation."

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