
Russell Brodtke

From the book Unholy Alliance: page 29
Returning from Vietnam physically unscathed I moved to the Fox Valley, bought a home and found stable employment. Now I was able to seriously search for answers. I attended public lectures where I first met Bonnie Meyer and other like-minded people, but it was the close sightings which left the deepest impression. My reaction of, ‘Oh, God!’ was more than an exclamation; it was a prayer for answers. Even today I am seeking answers, however, today my questions still outnumber any answers I have received.”

Hello, I'm Russ. I grew up on the family homestead and spent hours looking at the stars, awed by the vastness of creation, just knowing there were others out there. My parents provided me with a parochial education and an example of weekly church attendance. Thus I grew up with a belief in a loving heavenly Father and a conviction that home was among the stars because that was where God lived, so death was just a brief rest from all activity.                   

I have given considerable thought to government involvement in my life. My mother told me she took her babies to Manitowoc, in the late 1940’s, to be examined and a Public Health Nurse just happened to be in Manitowoc at the time. A photographer from the local paper took pictures and mother showed me a newspaper clipping with photograph to prove it. Is this unusual – I don’t know, except I have heard several stories of children being taken from families by the government and sent to special schools. It appears as if the government is somehow able to identify these individuals. The question is, how is this done and for what purpose? Years later we were told by our positive alien friends how the negative aliens identified who the individuals working on the spiritual side were for the government because they were a common enemy/threat.

The examples some of my experiences and of various types of surveillance I have endured are arranged in a loose chronological order. Sometimes the surveillance was blatantly obvious while others were constant like clicking and humming noise of tape recorders on the phone when no one answered. A few examples are quite strange but other events convinced me of the global nature of someone’s concerns about my activities within the UFO community. Well I’m getting ahead of myself; read, accept what you can and file the rest.

One summer night in 1956 when I was ten my dad, my brother, and I saw a white light dance in the sky. At first we thought it was a plane because the light was so large, however hearing no engine noise and observing the geometric shapes it made in the night sky convinced us it was no airplane or helicopter. We watched it until dad said, “Come on boys; time to finish the chores.”

Earthquake Vision
Also in 1956, I recall having a vision in which I saw a volcanic eruption and an
earthquake, which was so vivid I could feel the heat. An earthquake rips open the
ground. From the crack comes fire and flames, then fountains of flames. Soon all
vegetation is burned and all that is visible is ground and rock. Here and there geysers of red-hot magma blow holes in the ground.

The above scene, which was on a large wall-sized screen, lasted for what appeared to be ten minutes.

Because we lived in the country a long bus ride was necessary to get us to school. During high school the bus driver listened to the radio program, "Stranger Than Science" which was about all type of unexplained events and people with various psychic abilities. Healing, ESP, precognition, dowsing, telepathy, UFO's and other topics were reported. I would talk with my grandfather about some of the programs and he would share a similar local event. This prompted me to read all I could find on these subjects; however there was little time during college and service to really look into them.
Returning from Vietnam physically unscathed I moved to Appleton, Wisconsin, bought a home and found stable employment. In 1972, within two years of completion of my military duty I started to actively search for answers about UFO’s and attended many meeting in Appleton and the surrounding areas. At one of the meetings we setup a telescope to view the rings of Saturn and look at the planets while hoping to see a high-flyer. At one of these meeting I was surprised to see a man I worked with. The next day he told me, “Boy was I glad I gave my real name since normally I make one up.” and added “I was doing some undercover work for police into this group hosting UFO meetings.” He worked only a few months more before he quit. I did not see him again for several years. Since then I have often wondered if he was watching me as part of that first investigation but I’ll never know.
Wisconsin Sky Window

In 1974 a friend and I drove to Door County, Wisconsin to see if we could observe any of the strange lights in the night sky we had heard rumors of. About 2:30 my friend poked me until I woke up. I glance up in the sky where she was pointing and saw two silhouetted figures peering out or a window in the sky at us. Due to their size my estimate is these figures were less than 500 feet away. There was a
circular dark area around this window which blocked out the stars. No sound was heard and feeling no fear I went back to sleep.

Stretching Ball of Light 1

Stretching Ball of Light 2

Stretching Ball of Light 3
Besides working and remodeling my house I was dating a woman who also had an interest in UFO’s. One evening we visited friends in Fond du Lac and were traveling North on Highway 41 back toward Appleton when we saw a bright ball of light coming from the West heading East.  

When the ball of light started to go parallel with the horizon, it stretched the light across the windshield. Then the ball of light separated from the streak and became a single dot of light before everything vanished. Total elapsed time was about four seconds. We looked at each other and simultaneously asked, “Did you see that?” Our relationship ended soon afterward. 

I dated and married a woman with two teenage daughters who did not have any interest in the paranormal or ‘flying saucers and little green men’ as she called them. Needless to say this was a strain on the marriage and we amicably parted, going our separate ways after three years. I moved into an upper flat apartment.

With plenty of time to read and research all topics within the UFO phenomena I reconnected with similar minded individuals. We read magazines and books, watched televisions shows and movies and took a class on self-hypnosis for relaxation. One of my friends started to tell us things when she was in a deep meditative state about topics she had never read on nor researched. The individual speaking through her told us personal things about ourselves she should not have known and informed us she was an alive alien here to help us complete our mission to the Creator and that we had known each other before we came to this planet.
Incomplete Teleportation
One afternoon a male figure started to materialize in mid-air at one end of my kitchen table. He was wearing a blue shirt and slacks with a black belt and brass colored buckle which had something engraved or embossed on it. I believe he was unable to completely materialize because my thoughts were very negative and very intense. Needless to say this startled me and to this day serves as an object lesson in cleaning up my thoughts. During a channeling session I was told one of my guides had worked with me between lifetimes and that he looks similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. I believe it was he who tried to materialize in my kitchen. 

In May of 1990 I went to Brazil to visit a niece who was a Rotary International exchange student. While at her adopted family I answered the phone one day to hear the voice of my travel agent asking for me. When I told her I was speaking she told me if I wanted to go to Machu Picho in Peru, I better get there a day earlier since there was going to be a conference of South American presidents there the day I had planned on going. Well I changed my travel plans and managed to be in the last group to tour it before it was closed to the public. A young woman who worked for the World Bank was also in the last group and we talked a little bit about occupations and the like while walking among the ruins.

On the plane back to Miami I was conversing with a younger man who was carrying a backpack and I said that looks like radios I saw in Vietnam. He then told me it was a Global Positioning Radio which would give his exact location to anyone he was speaking to because his superiors need to know this and that he had used this type on previous missions. When we got to Miami he was able to just walk out the airport as he had no other baggage.

In December of 1991, I went to Egypt to attend a UFO conference and do some sightseeing. On the morning I left St Catherine’s monastery it was necessary to be at the bus stop for the return to Cairo while it was still very dark out. While standing at the bus stop sign I heard footsteps approaching and soon a tall very athletic man walks up carrying a backpack which appears to be identical to the one seen the previous year on the plane to Miami. I doubt that was just a coincidence. 

One of My Guides
We have been told that we are not allowed to remember the eyes of our guides because they are the windows to the soul and the great love visible in their eyes would make it difficult for us to return to earth. This guide has been with me for a very long time trying to teach me balance, patience and compassion. She has long black hair and the reddish brown complexion of an American Indian. I recall her as being tall and lanky while walking with the ease and grace of a ballet dancer.

UFO Conference Program
During May 1991 the First World UFO Conference in Tucson, Arizona was hosted by Wendell Stevens. Speakers from all over the planet shared events from their countries:
Dr. Marina Popovich: a former cosmonaut from the USSR shared the realities of the Voronezh landings and subsequent six abductions in that continuing case.
Salvador Freixedo: (Spain) was ordained into the Jesuit Order in 1953 but became defrocked and was expelled from the Roman Catholic Church for writing a dozen books on the UFO phenomena beginning with My Church Sleeps and concluding with We Must Defend Ourselves From the Gods. He illuminated his presentation with very specific examples of clerical betrayal of trust, life on other planets and aliens meeting with clergy.
Valdo Kapetanovic: an engineer at a power plant in the Cordillera Blanco of Peru, in 1960 wrote 170 Horas Con Extraterrestres under his pen name Vito Novi. He began his presentation stating his power plant lost all power. He saw a UFO on the ground near the plant, got in his car to race three hours to the nearest city and report events to police. He stops and thinks. I get there, report it, return in six hours with police, no UFO and then I would have no job. He returns to the mountain village near the power plant and see villagers lined up to receive medical assistance from the extraterrestrials. He meets with them and shares with the audience some of what he learned from them.

Throughout the conference I took prolific notes of each speaker to share with others back in Wisconsin. The strangest event at the conference was the disappearance of my notebook after the last speaker late one night.
I did ask at the conference desk if anyone had turned in my notebook but no luck. Back home during a channeling session I was told the government used something on me which caused me to give my notes to the agent attending the conference. This just isn’t right. Why were they interested in what notes I took?

For many years Lawrence University hosted an October Fest celebration with lots of music, food, plenty of beer and an art fair. During one of these events the woman I was dating and her daughter joined me in examining the art and handcrafted items. As we walk past a door that was built into the side of the hill, the door opens and a young man in a security type uniform starts to step out, looks at me, turns around and says to someone behind him who I can’t see, “He’s right here.” The other person says something and the security type repeats, “He’s right here!”  Son-of-a-gun they blew their cover, again. Then I knew it was time to go home.

In 1992 a photographer came to UFO Daze taking many shots of the event and late in the afternoon came to the picnic table where Bonnie and I were enjoying some shade. He asked if he could take our pictures and said he would send a copy of them to us through email. We agreed and I didn’t think much of it until after the next UFO conference I attended in Philadelphia two months later. The speakers at the conference included Preston Nichols from The Montauk Project, a woman who shared how her husband had been involved with assassins used by the our military, a Native American and Jordan Maxwell speaking on Astro-theology.

It was late at night when we arrived in Philadelphia and I needed to take a limousine to get to the hotel about forty miles away. The driver was very friendly and a pleasure to talk with. When we get to the hotel I take my bag, go inside and see a Jewish man wearing a yarmulke skullcap, a black suit coat and slacks with a younger woman beside him talking to the hotel clerk. I thought the woman was unusual as the weekend went on because I noticed she had a similar speech pattern and mannerisms which a young woman had that came into the laundromat back in Appleton, Wisconsin where I did laundry on Saturday mornings. She reminded me of the aliens in the movie, The Arrival, who used a human body image to cloak their true appearance, with one body image being used multiple times by aliens in different locations. I never saw the Jewish gentleman again. However the young woman was the subject of an email I received from a woman who had also attended the conference and stayed at the same hotel in which she said, and I paraphrase here, “about ten minutes after you left this strange young lady came and asked if Russ, the guy from Wisconsin was still here.” She concluded by saying, “We all dummied up real fast.”

Sometimes I wonder how the three naval service men questioning me at O’Hara airport while going to Philadelphia, the young lady asking about me at the conference and the pen slider who hit the back of my shoe with a pen containing a tracking device were able to recognize me. Maybe the photographer at UFO Daze actually was hired to take a current photograph of me and put it on line so anyone could recognize me.

Massive UFOs on the Milky Way
This scene was graphically imprinted into my memory because four times in a three month period I woke up recalling the craft I was on would come up to the edge of a large circular craft, rotate 180 degrees and backup until it came to a latching bump and stop. It was at that time I was able to see these seven-story tall, two mile diameter ships with a yellowish glow against the black background of space.  I cannot recall if there was a significance to each ship having its own lights and color scheme. Near these large craft smaller circular and triangular shuttle craft were seen moving about. The light blue shaded areas are bright bands of millions of stars from our Milky Way Galaxy, which looked as delicate as clouds. The larger dark blue stars are brilliant and reminded me of diamonds refracting sunlight. 

I’m trying to remember if it was in 1993 or later that a film crew showed up at Benson’s for UFO Daze. I noticed they were interviewing people, so I made it a point to avoid them all day. In the evening Joyce Murphy spoke and showed some slides about what she discovered at Stonehenge the previous year. During her presentation the film crew was intrusive because they butted in with their camera and bright lights to film her and the crowd. A few weeks later the owner of the laundromat says, “Hey, I saw you on Strange Universe last night,” and Bonnie’s daughter also told her the same thing. So I wonder who or what exactly where they there to film?

Docking Bay Memory
After docking I was allowed to go up onto a catwalk and view the large interior hanger area. In this memory from 1996 I am standing above and looking downtoward the five levels of an interior hanger. The smallest craft were near the top and bottom with the largest craft docking areas in the middle tier. It was dimly lit with yellow light shining down on craft which were actively being worked on or boarding passengers. This area was way over 300 feet high, 500 feet wide and about a mile long. There were various sizes and shapes of UFO’s, with many craft coming and leaving. Approximately fifty craft were visible before fading into darkness. I saw two people motion for me to come down.

For many years we have rented a cabin for a three day weekend of concentrated discussions about UFO’s, government cover-ups, religious collusion, intellectual break throughs, industrial discoveries being kept from the public, Smithsonian-gate and forbidden archaeology. Oh yeah, it was great.

On August 4, 1995 I went shopping to get some supplies for just such a weekend and decided to go to Woodman’s Markets grocery store on the other side of town.  Once in the store I grab a cart and go past the fruit because I’m looking for chips and snacks. As I round the far end of the first aisle I see three young men about 75 feet away. One, wearing a fedora hat turns his back toward me and whispers to the other two. “That’s him.” That’s weird; I heard it in my head not with my ears. I guess someone wanted me to hear that. They check out before I do but stand by their car, one door open, watching me as I load up and drive off. I could have driven over to them and written down their license number but, nah, they were just college kids. At the cabin we asked in the first channeling session about the guy I call Hat seen by me at Woodman’s the day before. Eric, captain of the Peace Ship, told us we were being monitored by two men out on the main road in a beer truck and that Russ saw one at the grocery store.

Arizona Sky Window
April 2000, while visiting with my nephew in Arizona, we happened to be near Second Mesa and were told the Katsina dancers were performing at Shipaulovi. Following other cars to the location, we joined onlookers atop the buildings surrounding the central plaza. A local man told us this was the first time Zuni dancer were performing that dance at this location.

While listening to the drums for several hours I became aware of a window in the sky slightly to my left. I stared directly at the two figures, which caused the one on the right to appear surprised. This one moved his left arm as if to adjust something. They then disappeared after being visible to me about three seconds.

September 11, 2001 I will always remember being at work and every radio station carrying news of the events unfolding in New York and Washington. After work I went straight home to see the footage for myself. After seeing most of the footage numerous times on different channels I decide to go comparison shopping for a laptop at three different electronics stores to compare features and prices. In the first store I sense someone in a blue sweater watching me. In the second store the guy in the sweater gets a little bolder and comes in close to hear what I’m saying. In the third store he runs in about two minutes behind me and is right beside me as I look at various laptops. It is at this point that I quickly spin around and exit the store but he follows me out so I return home and question, what was that all about? The next time we spoke to our alien friends we were told the government thought it was going to trigger an alien invasion to get contactees off the planet.

I think it was the weekend of Halloween 2001 that we went to JVL Con to give a presentation on UFO’s. Because the organizer had a lot going on; moving store to a new facility and some family health issues, there was very little promotion of the event. Heidi gave her presentation early and left for obligations in Milwaukee, leaving us to do the programs the following day. Beside the vendors and the six of us there were maybe four other people who showed up. The last event of the conference was going to be a local talent doing his skit and song routine which was going to be recorded by a three man film crew from Texas. They begged us to stay so there would be people in the audience for the crew to film so we lingered.
While driving home we discussed what that was all about. Eventually I was able to ask who was doing the filming and why. We were told it was the Mossad who did the filming because a former Israeli military member had a child who attended a few of the meetings we had been at and they wanted to know who we were. This is getting to weird.

During 2002 I was one of a group of UFO contactees who piled into my van and drove down to Eureka Springs, Arkansas for the Ozark UFO Conference. Now I knew there was a government agent around but I could not pick out who it was, so as I went to bed one night I asked God to reveal to me who the agent was. The next day after the speakers and dinner we were just sitting around talking when I decided to find some real toasty, spicy hot chips because I and several people at work were into eating hot spicy food, with a motto of; mo’-hotter- mo’-better.   

Not being familiar with the area I asked the person at the hotels front desk where I could find some “hot chips” and she gave me directions to a local convenience store. I go out the door, take a right turn, go up and down some hills, around a few turns before deciding this is not right and turn around. I was in better shape back then and could move at a decent pace. As I came around a corner I was surprised to see one of the speakers walking with someone wearing a long black trench coat and rugged hiking boots, whom I had never seen at any of the lectures. They both looked surprised to see me. As I approached them I was intently scanning their faces for unique identification markers.

I stopped and I told them I was looking for some hot chips but there weren’t any in this direction and thought I’d walk down the road to the Subway to get some chips. I pass them, go up to the main road and walk along the narrow, winding, dimly light road for a mile. I get some plain old potato chips and have them almost eaten before they come in. Once they get their sandwiches and sit down to eat I leave and walk back. I get back to the hotel; notice a car leave and a short time later it returns with the speaker. Thank you God, now I know who to watch for.

Now I’ll fast forward a few years and relate an interesting antidote. Since I don’t listen to the talking heads on the network news channels nor subscribe to the local paper I didn’t know why all those small flags where lining the main North/South thoroughfare into Appleton. As I’d finished a few tasks, I tell my cats I’m going to check out what all the flags are along the street three blocks away. As I step out my front door I see a squad car slowly crossing the intersection two blocks away. I turn around and tell my cats I’ll go later. It is only after I walk over to the nearest gas station later in the evening that I find out President Bush, was in town and passed almost the same time that I planned to check out the flags. The next day I buy The Post Crescent and see George W. with the same government agent I saw on the street in Eureka Springs. Now that’s interesting, but I would still be interested in having a very candid conversation with the agent and hopefully share information.
Musical Sounds ♪♫♫♪ Above House Roof
I can’t recall the year but one weekend I was doing some  work outside around the house when I became aware of a strange sound which seemed to be coming from a spot in the sky about ten feet directly over the center of my house. I walked completely around the house and the sound never moved nor did the tone vary in frequency or modulation. When I mentioned it to Bonnie later she said her husband
also heard something similar over their house on the same day, came inside and had her come outside to listen to it.

Having a desire to advance at work I took college classes on weekends and graduated with a nonspecific degree, which failed to provide me with the answers I was seeking. I still have more questions than answers. Because I had shared some of my beliefs with co-workers I became known as "really weird". Several who shared their stories privately with me said they would deny it if I ever mentioned their name and this subject.
Stopping a Fall
During a three year period many times I woke up in the morning with recollections of being someplace during my sleep time. Some of the events recalled contained touch, movement, and other physical sensations. While coming up a flight of stairs, I turned to talk to someone behind me, misjudged the top step and started to fall forward. My left hand instinctively went up against a padded post and sunk in about a quarter inch. Because my job entailed building fixtures to handle material and repairing and maintaining equipment almost everything I recalled seemed to be about sizes and shapes of mechanical things.

In 2004 while at the International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival in Laughlin, NV another attendee agreed to come up to my room and share his experiences with several of us. When he is in my room the casino maintenance man opens the door to our room with his key and walks in. He has a surprised look on his face and says he needs to come in to unplug the drain. He came in and puttered around a few minutes, then left and came back to finish up. I thought it humorous that he even carried a pail partially filled with long black hair floating in water to prove the drain was blocked because the drain had worked perfectly earlier in the morning when I showered. It seems like somebody wanted to know what was being said in the room. The man who came my room was on his cell phone most of the time. From the questions he asked the person on the other end it seemed like he needed coaching on what he really (?) saw so his story made sense. He claimed the man on the phone was a speaker and would later share some of his experiences while working on a specific project for the government which he witnessed.

During the fall of 2005 continuing to the present I have noticed various people in the grocery store with a few items in their grocery cart when I first see them. Many times this same individual steps into line directly behind me as I check out. These men and women have been so blatantly in-your-face that I can only assume they want me to know they know my every move. They used people as diverse as a young man wearing a black leather biker’s jacket, middle-aged women and old men all have been very obvious in what they were doing.
Personnel Mover Memory
During this time period members of the group would wake up recalling meetings aboard a huge ship we named the Peace Ship. We called it that because it was
owned by no one and everyone could come aboard to resolve differences. This type of personnel mover was waiting to take several of us back to the shuttle craft
after we finished talking with our teachers and friends. This craft had no wheels or visible propulsion. The driver had two touch pad screens which seemed to
control all movement. When the craft was stopped a  person wishing to board it could touch a sensor on top of the door for it to open. Each of us would remember a snippet of our time aboard and by sharing we reconstructed where we were and what we did. 

During the winter of 2005-06 we didn’t have very much snow. I believe it snowed while I was working some overtime on Saturday to help pay for the next Laughlin Conference. When I got home I quickly shoveled my sidewalk and steps before getting in my van to go shopping. While I was shoveling I noticed a car parked at an odd angle on the street in the neighborhood park. As I started to back out my driveway I noticed an over eager ‘tail’ in that car starts to roll forward up to the stop sign while I’m backing cautiously out my driveway. Well maybe I’m being a little paranoid so I think I’ll just go back and forth until he drives off. After about twenty trips back and forth he finally drives off and almost all the snow in my driveway is now packed down so I could use the snow blower without throwing stones onto the lawn. Boy I sure do like that poor man’s concrete; don’t have to pay taxes on it. After grocery shopping I shovel the snow off my deck and patio. Since the next door neighbor is gone I decide to shovel their walk as well. Shortly the same car that was in the park earlier drives past real slow checking out where I am and what I’m doing. Funny how I noticed the license applied for cardboard over the real license plate. 
You Know-I know
I Know-You Know
For three weeks a light in the park would go out whenever I entered or exited the rear door of my house. This light in  the park is only 35 feet from a streetlight. After about four times it dawns on me that this is happening. I need to do a little test; so I decide to go out the front door, walk around the house, pass the rear door and the light in the park would stay on. Okay, next I’ll walk up to rear door
and watch the light. As soon as I start to turn the doorknob the light goes out. This pattern of the light going out whenever I used the back door continued until I asked in a  channeling session what that was all about and Monn said  it was a case of “you know-I know, I know-you know.” We all laughed.

In January 2006 Bonnie Meyer sent in the manuscript of the book, Alien Contact –the messages they bring, her and I had been working on. She received a box of books the day before we had to leave for the UFO Conference in Laughlin. I believe it is necessary to share here what I believe contributed to the events which follow. When I looked at the acknowledgements page and my name being misspelled my ego flared up and I was extremely hurt because for two years I had set my life aside pushing to get her book into print. We had previously discussed how my name should appear. Since this is not the way it was I went into a dark corner with my emotions, feelings and thoughts. Throughout the Laughlin and Eureka Springs conferences my emotions were broiling and my attitude went from bad to worse.

During the night of May 2, 2006 a military abduction occurred to me whose events I could not recall. Someone wanted me to be more aware of what was happening at night, to think about what was happening after going to bed. Was I taken by humans to a MiLab (Military Lab) without recollection? Over several months very brief flashes of images alerted me to the danger I was in. Making changes to my meditation to include what had been dropped as being too time consuming was halfhearted. Later I was once again reminded of a need to schedule time for prayer and meditation because over committing to various activities and over filling my calendar needed to stop.

In June 2006 I asked Monn how it was possible that they could get to me. She replied, “I think you already know. Remember to meditate. I think everybody is falling down on that one a little bit. What you need is to set a specific time during the day, even at work, go lock yourself in the bathroom and use the toilet for something else than what it was intended, but don’t spend too long or you’ll get a circle. But really, without meditation, without the turning in and listening, without the speaking to God, you become unbalanced and then these little devils…(I shouldn’t use that word, should I?)…the negative aliens, you give them the opportunity to come around you and wait for you to just be a little off balance and they will cause you to do many negative things. So please be good light workers.”
Up Close Shooting Ball of Light
Coming home from a meeting one summer evening, Bonnie and I saw a plane that appeared to be motionless. When we first saw the plane it was going the same
direction we were. Then we turned a corner and drove toward the plane, which remained off to our right. Suddenly a bright blue ball of light with multi-colored
sparklers streaming from it shot past the right side of the car. This was visible for several seconds before it disappeared over the horizon. Then the "airplane"
crossed over the road toward an airport fifteen miles away. It was so low you could easily see all four engines. However, all I heard was highway traffic from the freeway over the hill; no airplane engine noise.
In September 11, 2006 I called a friend to verify getting together with others for a Friday fish dinner. Her phone rang twice and then I heard nothing on the line so I dialed again but then her line was busy. After waiting five minutes I dialed her number for the last attempt, this she answered during the second ring and said she had a call a few minutes earlier however the line was completely dead. Gee whiz they must be using us for a Telephone Surveillance 101 class at the local I Spy Academy.

Sky Cycle Memory
This illustration shows human like beings driving sky cycles. These craft handled much like a jet sky or a motorcycle. I recalled this view of the building and stream on five occasions while riding the sky cycles aboard the largest of the ships. Just before this scene I leaned to the left and then the right while going through an “S” curve and descending two levels. Once I watched a large piece of equipment being maneuvered into a large blue opening in the building on the left. The The stream leads to a park. The buildings were different colors and quite long. The ceiling was painted a light blue color making it look like a clear sky, I was told about operating them at a slower speed because of several close calls and once my passenger did fall off.  What was really strange about this image was how vivid it appeared each time. This memory had an association of a street I traveled while in high school.
Now years later the old habits are still a challenge. I felt it was necessary to share this and expose what is happening. Bad things happen when good people do nothing. I have been taught to treat my enemies with love; however this violation of my body was felt as a calculated move meant to isolate me from others, but I guess I’ll just have to pray for him and leave it up to the Creator to judge him

Plunging Moon Memory
Very early one morning I heard the sound my extra-terrestrial friends made when arriving and glanced at the clock. Half an hour later the same sound is repeated as I wake up with a very vivid recollection of being shown a possible scenario of the moon's movement during a shifting of the earth's poles. The moon jerked to the left, then plunged below he horizon while moving to the right. This was the last earth change scene I can recall. Since that time most of the images I recall appear more political in nature showing widespread turmoil.
During 2013 I continued to have unusual things happen, for example during an evening walk a car pulls into a driveway half a block ahead of me, the driver gets out of the car, watches me approach and pass behind her car then gets into the car, back out the driveway and return in the direction she came from. Ideas for book report articles come from strange places or when I’m not expecting them and UFO sightings occur.

I have seen extremely brief glimpses of a future where walking will be the only way to travel due to massive geological events and extreme electrical storms disrupting
all electrical powered equipment, machines and vehicles. There will be no electrical power or broadcasts of any kind. Survival will depend upon the Creators gifts of instinct and intuition which will warn you of treachery and betrayal. There will also be an increase of compassion, empathy and love to help combat the negativity of those who only see the physical side while trusting in intellect alone.
Through all the experiences it was the close sightings which have left the deepest impression. My reaction, “Oh God!” was more than an exclamation; it was a prayer for answers. During our weekly meeting I have noticed a change within me. I was no longer as interested in the craft as I was about our extra-terrestrial friends’ messages and its spiritual implications. I acknowledge that my failures outnumber my successes but I must press on. An extraterrestrial friend of mine told me, “Ask for the Creators help but don’t ask Him to do things for you, and listen to your heart.”

I am convinced there will be more intense scrutiny of those who work for the forces of the Creator and prepare people for the return of Jesus. Those individuals will be viewed by the allies of darkness as enemies, because they are trying to expose corruption and deceptions within the illusion which have all been taught as real and reveal to people the god given power they each possess. I feel angst for the all patriotic citizens who are taken in by the perfidy of the governments. Umbrage I reserve for those who know the truth and still persist in the cover-up. I personally would not want to be in an intelligence agency involved in watching any group which is given knowledge by the Creator of whom they are or where they will be before they even know. I am convinced that the forces of light will prevail regardless of what happens to me. I am persuaded that nothing can separate anyone from our loving Creator. We all make mistakes but there is no such thing as an unforgiveable sin because the Maker of All is still waiting for Lucifer to humble himself and repent of all the suffering he has caused. Keep looking up and God bless

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