Questions and Answers

August 8, 2021

Question: In 2010, it seemed as if the country was going into an economic collapse was there a reason why it did not happen.

Answer:  We asked the same question of Monn and she said, it was because the time was not quite right. They have taken you down further than you realize. (Meaning the people behind the governments.) Oil spills are doing a lot of damage, your sea may look red. This could be part of the prophecies in the Bible. The prophecies in the Bible are not necessarily God made, but they could come about by man’s doings, we’ll just have to say wait and see.

Comments: So, here we are in the middle of a pandemic, people have lost or are losing their jobs. Where does it all end. The government is handing out money like it is growing on trees. I know people are hurting and it is needed but when will we have to pay it back and how. I have heard no one discuss that.

Man has produced GMS foods, which deprive us with the proper nutrients. Another thing is saying there is a lack of certain food products but in the same token often times food is thrown out instead of giving to the poor. Years ago oil companies said there was a gas shortage and prices sky rocked. Now, I think everyone is wondering why gas is so high priced again. How about the viruses going around could these be man produced, which are leading to a lot of deaths? If we cannot afford food or a roof over our heads this could cause an economic collapse and bring us down to a third world status. I believe this is what some factions want, as it is a way to control masses and has been planned for a long time.

Years ago, the aliens said the was a group of people who control almost every thing on the planet wanted to turn the United States into a third world country.  As we would be easier to control.  I look at the world and I wonder what is going to happen. But I know there is HOPE, there are good people on the planet and spiritual who are willing to help us but we have to help ourselves.  Don’t dwell on the negative although I believe it will get worse. Remember that God and Jesus Christ will take this planet back and turn it into what it was meant to be, a Garden of Edin. There is hope if you believe.


July 10,2021

Question: Is there a war coming with aliens?

Answer: According to the aliens we work with, there is a war going on in the heavens with the negative aliens and Anti-Christ’s minions. Right now, the war is for the souls on Earth. It seems they want the planet for nefarious reasons. One they want to capture souls and turn them to the negative side of the force; two they would like us to be slaves and it depends which aliens you are talking about even humans to be used as food.

The positive aliens are here to help us in these troubling times. They want us to remember we are strong spiritual beings many of whom have come at this time to help with the mission, to give people hope. Spiritual beings (Light workers) to remind earth humans that they have received the Gift of protection from God and by having 100% faith our soul will survive. He also sent Jesus Christ to save us from ourselves. The gift He has given us the gift of a light, which we can use for protection

These positive aliens work with God (The Creator of all as they call Him.) and have served Him on many planets in the universes. Remember, there is always hope that the planet and humans will survive and return to the way God meant to be.

In the love and light of the Creator,

Email questions to

June 6, 2021

Question: Are there people on Earth that don’t know they are alien?

Answer:  God is the Creator of all souls. When one is created it is then decided where It will go and receive a body, which is also called the covering for the soul. A soul is not distinguished when the body dies, after a time of reviewing their actions while in a body it goes into another body or is asked to volunteer to do a specific job for the Creator, such as being here at this time.  This is what the aliens and we call reincarnation. By the way only God can distinguish a soul which does not happen very often.

Some souls are here at this time have had Earth as the place where the soul first received a covering for their soul. So, the answer to the question is almost everyone on the planet has had their original birth and lived other places in the universes. Having lived lifetimes someplace else, most of us are aliens to planet Earth. That is probably why a lot of us feel we don’t belong here and we want to go home.

According to the aliens we speak to Earth is one of the most beautiful planets that God has created and they don’t want to see it destroyed.

In the love and light of the Creator,

Email questions to

May 30, 2021

You Get to Ask Questions of us about us or the Aliens and have not yet discussed the topic specifically, then this is for you? 

Do you have questions or have specific things you would like to learn more about? Please email me at: Having received a few questions, I will answer them on a post as quickly as possible. I may have to go thru the sessions to find the answers. The aliens have mostly answered the questions we asked them although at times they just gave us information or refused to answer our questions for our own protection.

Question: Are there good and bad aliens in space and/or on Earth?

Answer: There are good and bad humans as there are good and bad aliens. God created us all and He gave us free will hoping we would make the right decisions. Out in our many Universes there are civilizations older than us, we are quite young but were never told were we fit in age wise.

We were told that many planets are older than the Earth. Some more spiritual and some more technically advanced. The balance between the two is very important; without the balance you are more self centered and war like.

With more technology you can travel the Universes but without the spiritually they are not compassionate, understanding or loving. Sometimes they want to take over planets to be their own or enslave the population.

But the spiritual aliens also explore the Universes doing it quietly never interfering with what they find. They follow the law of noninterference. The negative aliens are here and doing horrendous things to humans and animals.

I can tell you that right now there is a group of aliens here holding the negative aliens back and we as spiritual (Light workers) beings need to learn how to hold these negative beings back. When we come here, we don’t remember why we came. Are you one of the people who are searching for something and don’t know what it is? Guess what, it is your/our job to figure out what that is.

The aliens that we have worked with have been here to help us recognize that there is evil in our world, they are here to do no good.

But there is always hope, that is a God-given gift. Over the years the aliens have given us many ways to protect ourselves and fight evil and most have been posted on our site.

There is evil and good in almost everything but it is up to each of us to recognize that and make the choice of where we want to stand. I choose to stand in the light; as it says in Star Wars may the force (The Creator) be with you.

In the Love and Light of the Creator,


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