
Bonnie Meyer

“The aliens have taken their time in making contact with me. They have suggested things for me to do, things that would make me a better person. I have listened and sometimes even follow through, but there are times when it just seems easier to go with the flow of the people on the planet.”

From the book Unholy Alliance page 31:
My name is Bonnie. I was first introduced to UFOs in my early 30's. A friend of mine got into UFOs so heavy that I began to wonder if she was losing her mind. Wanting to find out what they were feeding my friend, I went to every lecture and meeting in the area on the subject trying my hardest to figure out if UFOs were real or not. Little did I realize, that UFO's would be become a lifelong passion for me.

While in my back yard one evening I saw three lights about the size of a quarter fly across the sky, reverse direction, exchanged places and flew three abreast, finally zigzagging out of sight. Trying to figure this out, books became my friend. I began to read books on New Age and the paranormal subject. Trying to find the truth for myself was not always easy. I never have been willing to settle for one persons' opinion on any topic. I always searched the material I found, looking for a correlation in the material so I could find the truth. It was about this point in time that I saw what we refer to as high flyers. These bright lights in the sky would move erratically, change directions make no noise and could not be explained away as either airplane or satellite.

Red Lights Sighted

These red balls danced in the sky about 130 feet in the air. I was headed North towards Appleton, WI around 6:45 pm. The crafts were about the size of a nickel held at arm’s length. Several people coming from the East also saw the same thing. It was after seeing these lights that I became a night person sometimes staying out until 4:00 am. I often chased bright lights in the sky by car. Many, many times I was disappointed, when the lights turned out to be radio or TV towers.      

My First Contact

On the July 4th weekend of 1976, after attending a meeting where UFO’s were
discussed I was driving back to a camp-ground to be with my family and friends
when a shiny silver, mushroom shaped craft came down over the road. I stopped
the car and stood behind the open car door for protection with the car lights on
and the engine running.  A stairway came out of the center of the bottom of the
craft and a “being” came down the steps. This alien made a motion for my friend and me to join him but I shook my head no. He made a “forget-it” hand motion, turned and started up the steps. I thought, ‘why not’ it would prove to me they exist. I don’t know why, but I extended my hand toward him, palm up. All of a sudden I was inside the craft.

Alien Inside Craft
The first thing I noticed was how big it was on the inside. It looked so much smaller from the outside. The inside was a seamless white color and had a nice clean smell to it. Three of the four beings had broad shoulders but one had small breasts and a smaller waist. As you can see, the arms were very long, almost coming to mid leg. The being was about 5'4" tall with a black helmet, which covered its facial features. 
One of the four beings came and stood just to my left and a little behind me while telepathically communicating.            

Control Panel Chair
I felt as if he were giving me permission to sit on the chair that was in front of the center panel from which they could fly the craft.  This chair had no sides or back and seemed to be fastened to the bottom of the control panel. As I sat in the chair I looked at the panels.  

Control Panel Symbols Inside Craft

As I sat in the chair I looked at the panels. Some had what looked like clear round plastic buttons with different symbols on them. I knew that these symbols were written in an interplanetary sign language
that could be understood by different beings, much like the signs that are on the bathroom doors with a drawing of a man or woman on them. I sat in the driver’s chair briefly and then looked at the 
symbols on the wall. I seemed to know what they stood for but didn’t understand how I knew. They alien who was in charge started talking to me using telepathy. These were not words but pictures in my head. He told me what various symbols stood for. I was allowed to pilot the ship but did not do a good job. I had it going straight up and I could see the stars, then it was going down toward earth and I could see trees and roads.

After this encounter I realized approximately two and a half hours of time could not be accounted for. I had read a book which talked of missing time, and they used hypnosis as a tool for retrieving what happened during this period of time. I began to wonder if something could have happened to me. Having little money, and wanting an answer, I checked to see if there were any hypnotists in the area who would be willing to do it for free. Sadly I have to say there were none.  

One woman, who came to our meetings, said she knew of a psychologist in Milwaukee, Wisconsin who might be interested in doing the hypnosis although he was not into UFOs. He is a licensed psychotherapist who uses hypnosis to treat his patients. He agreed to do the hypnosis for free. The only problem being his practice was in Milwaukee and it was an hour and half drive one way, twice a month the drive was made, in a search for answers. During hypnosis sessions it came out that indeed an encounter had taken place, not once, but several times.

The telephone rang one day and to my surprise it was my hypnotist. He asked, "Would you like to do a fire walk?" My answer was "no" and we talked for a while and hung up. As I walked away from the phone I thought, "Why did I say no?" I often saw fire walking on TV and wondered if I could accomplish it. I immediately called him back and said, "Yes, I want to do it!" I did five fire walks in all; four of those were as an assistant. My job was catching the people at the end of their walk or hosing down their feet so they would not burn. Through these experiences, I learned to believe in myself, that I could call on God and myself to do all that is necessary to protect both body and soul in times of need. My future is in my hands and I am the only one who is totally responsible for my thoughts and actions. No more blaming anyone else for my actions or mistakes.

It seems that not only did I encounter ships but interacted with the extraterrestrials on board the crafts. This seemed to open the door for me because after the hypnosis sessions started, I was able to remember more and more of the encounters. It seems that I was often taken on board a craft and taught lessons. It was frustrating to remember some of the encounters but not everything that happened in great detail.

The aliens had taken their time in making contact with me. After finally making contact they suggested things for me to do, things that would make me a better person never saying I had to do something. I listened and sometimes even followed through, but there are times when it just seems easier to go with the flow of the people on the planet.

A young woman who lived in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin was channeling an entity that called himself, Anon. My curiosity was piqued and I had to see what was happening. The entity Anon came through the young woman and told me that I would become a channeler. I laughed and said "No way!"   There was no way I wanted to be a channeler. The only channelers I had seen or heard of were not what I believed to be true channelers. Messages from the ET's then began to be given to me in my head. The only way I can explain it is: it was like a ticker tape was being played across my forehead from the inside and I could read it. Over time they revealed to me how they were here to help planet Earth during the troubled times coming and I would remember what I needed to at that time.

Monn has had a few different crafts over the years. One time her craft was shot down and she received only minor injuries. After recuperation Monn was given a larger triangular craft which contained a faster computer and the latest upgrades to all systems. The lights on this craft can be changed to whatever they want so they can fool anyone who observes them into thinking they are just seeing an airplane. One night I saw this craft over my garage and decided to follow it. As it approached two radio towers I thought, ‘My God, it won’t make it between them.” It stopped tipped on edge, went between the towers, leveled off and was gone from view in three seconds.

Light Being in my room

One evening I stepped out the back door and stood on the porch to look at the stars when the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up. It was as if someone was watching me. I turned quickly and went back into the house. I grabbed a yellow fuzzy thermal blanket, glanced at the clock, it was 11:47pm as I lay down on the couch. Suddenly there was a brilliant bright light in the room. Even with my eyes tightly closed I could see three beings in my living room. They came toward me, levitated me between them and we went through the front door. I thought it was strange that no cars stopped on Highway 41 nor my street as we went into a UFO parked in a field across the street. Once we were in the UFO the light beings did not glow and were human in appearance.

The craft then went into space where it entered a very large city in the sky.  Once the craft was docked we went toward a checkpoint area were they waved us through. They took me down several hallways and stopped in front of a door. They told me there was someone who wished to meet me inside. I hesitated because I knew that would change my life forever.  Entering the room I saw a seven foot tall being with a long neck, talons at the end of his fingers all covered in light blue down like feathers. He had the calm presence of love emanating from him because he loves everybody. He held his arms toward me and I walked into a hug that felt like coming home.  Later I learned he was the captain of this large ship which is owned by no one but used by everyone as a safe meeting place to resolve differences. One thing that surprised about this city in the sky was the subdued lighting coming from the ceiling and walls without visible light fixtures.

Apparently this was a social gathering where they were being introduced to me and allowed me to become familiar with the idea of many different races of extraterrestrials. I was given an unusual glass which contained a blue colored liquid similar in consistence to Jell-O just before it sets up. It had
no taste and I wondered if it was their water. It was not alcoholic but they said they do have a wine made with natural processing.  

 A few examples of physical injuries from battles with negative being will explain my unwillingness to be near them. In February 1996 there were red spots on my neck as a result of a partially physical and partially psychic battle. The negative forces were hot on our tail and I stepped up and met them face to face, ending with a draw.
During February 1997 there was an ugly looking scar on my neck which lasted about a month. This was a laser burn inflicted by the Grays from under the earth’s shell who tried to intercept me as I was physically going to the Peace Ship for a meeting.

Grey Alien

This alien was seen on board the Peace Ship. I started into a lift and was surprised to see him. He was about 4'6" tall and had only three fingers on his hands. His uniform was blue and had a band around his chest which was made of a different material. The emblem on his shoulder signified his rank and the command he belonged to. I knew instinctively that he was in a high command position.  I had been warned about negative Reptilians and Greys who want to make us fail at doing our jobs, all they need to know are our weaknesses and put those stumbling blocks in our path and we will defeat ourselves. Knowing the Grey’s believe the Earth is their planet and they want to take it over, I stepped back and allowed him full use of the elevator.

One night after a meeting I had twenty minutes of missing time between the car and my house. Monn explained, “It was Reptilians who were testing her (Bonnie) just like all the rest of you are going to be tested, they want everyone’s soul. The only problem is you won’t even know if you have sold out to the negative side, and that’s the sad part. They tried to take her (Bonnie) but because she was balanced and had her light shining they could not. They tried to stop her and did for a while, but the light was stronger than the negativity so it won out.”

The ET's also talked about their God, who it seems, is also our God. They talked of Jesus being a great teacher and how some planets have beings that come to help during periods of trouble. There was no way I wanted to get involved in religion, no way! Not being raised in a church, I did not want to become involved in any religion at this point in my life. The ET's were very patient with me and explained that a spiritual person is one who tries at all times to love his fellow man and live the laws of both God and man.

I have been misquoted many times in newspapers, TV programs, and books and sometimes even by friends. This caused me to become a more private person. I used this time to become stronger in my faith and figure out which direction I wanted to proceed with the knowledge that seemed to be accumulating. During this time I made the decision that I wanted God to be a big part of everything I did.

Rotating and Tumbling Craft

It was a clear night; we were at Benson's Hide Away in Dundee, Wisconsin. We were sitting by Long Lake watching for UFO's. All of a sudden there was a craft that was mostly blue in color, although at times it looked many different colors.
It was in the center of the lake. It was triangular in shape and it looked almost flat. It then started to rotate and tumble. It was at this point that we realized that it was not flat but looked just like the pyramids in Egypt. They looked like one was on top of the other with the flat bottoms together so that there was a point at the top and the bottom (like a diamond shape).  

The ship then started to move off to the West, rotation and tumbling at the same time. I followed it up to the tavern and across the road then I turned back to share what I had seen with the others who were present. Above is a drawing of what I saw, I am not a good artist go please forgive the artwork. I have tried to draw it about the size that I perceived it.

Through the years there have been different groups and people with whom I have studied. Some of the people did not walk their talk of spirituality or truthfulness. So again and again I had to search for people who believed as I did. I often cried at losing these friends, and felt a giant void was left in my soul. So again and again I searched for like-minded people. I never gave up, always searching for what was right for me. I can honestly say I came into this field kicking and screaming. The things that I said I would never believe in, UFOs and Aliens are now the things that I believe in the most. Many times I have changed my beliefs as I learned more about UFO's and Aliens.

Because of what I have seen, experienced and been told by my positive spiritual alien friends it is hard for me to understand people who claim abduction is a good thing. It is not; never has been and never will be.

In August of 2005, I woke up with a black and blue mark on the outside of my left leg. It was a large bruise about three inches wide and about four and one half inches from the top of the knee to the bottom. This took about a week and a half to heal.

I knew something was different, something had changed. I knew that I was not being abducted and felt no fear with it. I knew I had been doing something that was important. These types of things continue to happen, and when I asked Monn about it she said, “No, you were not abducted. You see, you have entered another phase of why you are here. There is a war going on in the heavens, one that is very important to the survival of the planet. The negative aliens were planning on reinforcing their allies here on earth but the positive aliens have put up a blockade to prevent this. You have heard from some people that all the aliens in the underground have been removed from the planet and this is not true. It seems that those who are here already are staying, and it is up to the human race to either get them to come into the light and raise their vibration or to send them on their way, out of your space.”

Even with all of these things going on in my life, I have great faith in the human race. I believe, if we work together with the love and compassion that we should have for each other, we can become much better humans. We were made in God’s image and have the power to become as He intended us to be. We don’t have to allow the aliens, the secret government, and the military-industrial-pharmaceutical-financial-surveillance complex to enslave us or use us as their experiments. We don’t have to allow them to use us to bring a new species into the Universe. We have the power to take our lives into our hands and carve our own future.

Many times my home has been entered and material has been gone through. The only one I would like to tell you about that really bothered me was the time I returned home and found a bouquet of dead flowers on my back porch. I believe it was to give me as a message to back off about speaking out about UFO’s and aliens, so for a time I did. I then decided I would not let whoever sent the message stop me so I again began stepping forward. I will let other members of the group share their experiences, which happened when we were all together.  This is only part of my experiences.

My only desire is to give the human race the knowledge and hope that we can survive these desperate times. We can survive if we remember that we have the strength and knowledge of the Creator, but we must have 100% faith or we will fail. We must all accept personal responsibility for maintaining emotional balance and surrounding ourselves and others in God’s protective light. I plan on being here during the great tribulation to help other’s turn to God and the Creator and seeing the victory of spirituality on planet Earth.

Click here for more details shared during my talk at the West Bend book signing after publication of my first book, Alien Contact the messages they bring.
In the Love and Light of the Creator,

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