eBook Book 2: Unholy Alliance: A Global Deception






Unholy Alliance


A Global Deception


Bonnie Meyer


With contributions by:

Russell C. Brodtke

Sandy Hanson

Kathy Baier

Diana L. Shurburn

Sue Rothlisberg

Diann Fieldhack



Copyright © 2007 by Bonnie Meyer



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author or publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.











Chapter 1     Reflections of a Contactee


Chapter 2     About the Authors

My Interest in Science Fiction

How I Started Believing in the Paranormal and UFOs


How I Got Involved in the UFO Phenomenon

How I Got Into UFO Research

My Awakening

How I Became Involved in UFOs

How I Became Interested in UFOs and Aliens


Chapter 3     The Puppet Masters, Who’s in Control?

Secret government: underground reptile & gray, bio-experiments 1990-2005

MJ12 at Cheyenne Mt w/ reptilian & gray   

Politicians sell their souls


Satellites see into underground tunnels

Wisconsin tunnel entrances

In Lake Winnebago:  

In Lake Butte des Morts:

In Door County:

Underground tunnels and their construction

Underwater base south of New Orleans

Hitler’s search for tunnel entrances

Law enforcement on high alert and terrorist groups

China has largest army and secret weapons

Chinese well trained – Russia has deadliest weapons

Russian and Chinese troops on our borders  


China attempts to tunnel to reptilians

Russian internal politics

USA and Russia cooperate on Mars colony

Russian plane crashes and loss of liberties

Waco, Texas

Assassinations close to home

Behold a Pale Horse 

Government giving atomic power to third world countries: Iran, India and Pakistan



Hubble Telescope

Internment camp

Secret societies and the Ark of the Covenant


Debunking the Bible/miracles


Chapter 4     Negative Alien Agenda

Lower life form         

Three groups of reptilians

More than one Adam and Eve

Nine-year-old abductee recalls hybrid children

Aliens wouldn’t mind taking over this planet

Grays and hybrid army

Shape-shifting alien

Hopi legend and the ancient red reptilian symbol    

Genetically modified beings

Cheyenne Mountain base

Aliens have all their bases covered

Grays consider Earth theirs

Mass landing scenario – open contact protocol established

Increased alien activity October of 2003


Chapter 5     Science Gone Mad


Soul transference


DNA manipulation



Philadelphia Experiment

Montauk books 



New person-specific tonal imbalance wave


Confusion gas



Earthquake machines

Discrediting holistic health


Chapter 6     Cataclysms, Things are Heating Up

Shoemaker-Levy comet
Earth wobbling
James McCanney
Planet X
2004 Tsunami
Yellowstone and fissure on ocean floor
Mt St. Helens, Aleutian Chain and Yellowstone


Chapter 7     Under Electronic Siege and More

Implied reincarnation and knowing the challenges to be faced       

Implant, Fox River Mall 

Increased government activity makes Eric and team busier
Clean air act
Crematoriums, boxcars and stickers on street signs
Secret government keeping track of citizens
Cameras on street corners
Lightworkers, tagged and bagged
Disappearing toothbrush
Basketball satellite
Russia and China have monitored many study groups
Super computer monitors brainwave impulses
Remote viewing
Gulf Breeze surveillance
Philadelphia UFO Conference and tracking Russ
UFO Daze 2005
Government interference with Alien Contact: The messages they bring
New person monitored
Surveillance from a car at Lawrence University
Earth companies implanting employees


Chapter 8     Who’s Watching Us?

Surveillance of Sue

            The phone


            JVL Con weekend

Government interference of Diana

            Eerie phone surveillance

            Gulf Breeze conference

My poor friend

Interference with our computers, phones, website and emails

Surveillance of Kathy

            Mysterious phone calls

            Black helicopters

            Presidential whistle stop

            Sci-fi conference

Surveillance of Sandy

            A Maxwell Smart incident

            Bugs in the house

            Just when you think you’re safe

            Look out your window

            9/11 surveillance

            Bush’s whistle stop

            Tagged and bagged

            The hairs on the back of our necks stand up

Who’s watching Russ?

            Public health nurse



            He’s right here

            Hole in one

            Cucumbers, Rose’s, and grocery stores

            Missing notes



            Strange Universe


            I Spy JVL Con

            Hot chips

            Driver’s Ed

            Heard but not seen



            Unmanned aerial vehicle

            Gorby visits

            Plugged drain

            Trail camera



            Fish fry

            Poor man’s concrete

            Mr. Clean

            Dick Tracy

            Dead lines and telephone strangeness

            Strange car

            What did he want?

            The future

Bonnie’s Surveillance

            Who is this man?

            Telephone surveillance

            I need help

            Who’s doing this?

            Time to back off

            Now, who is this?

            I am not imagining this

            Why me?

            Who are these people?


Chapter 9        Controlled by Religious Deception
Control Scenario
          Original Bible
          Ultimate deceiver
          Yasser Arafat and Pope John Paul II
          Crossing the line to the dark side
          Mary Magdalene and The Da Vinci Lie
          Jesus’ post resurrection travels
          Mother Mary
          Mary visions


Chapter 10   Miscellaneous and Updates

          Space station

New type of craft used by the government   

Hive mind

Poltergeist, send them on their way

Keeping track of the lightworkers

UFO footage from Mexico


Different levels of inner Earth

Center of the Earth


Chapter 11   Spiritual Aliens Offer Messages of Hope

Using your light for protection

Battle of Armageddon

Antichrist fears those who share the light

Though adjusters

Soul computer and you vibrational level
Kolbrin bible
Staying on the path



Competition ships and blockade

Mock government invasion  

Very few friendly bases
Monn’s assurance
Did Jesus die on the cross?
Garden of Eden
New type of alien ships
Jesus After His resurrection
Sara, another alien we got to talk to 

Nazi space ship
Soul shearing according to Sara
Invisible governments by Sara
Tapping into extraterrestrial data banks

Military Industrial Complex

Suicide/ Guardian angels

Time differential
AIDS virus

Dreams or memories?
Always question, question


Chapter 12   Short Messages from All of Us at the Lightside

A Little Bit More

People Make a Difference

Hopeful Thoughts

Message of Hope

I Believe!

Future Possibilities

What Does the Future Hold for Humans and the Planet?


Suggested Reading


About the Author









I would like to thank all those who worked so hard on this book, they are actually co-authors. Without them the book would have not gotten done so soon. These people gave up their evening and weekends and worked so hard. It takes a lot of dedication to give up so much to get these words out. I believe that having to work as closely together has made all of us closer and respectful of our individual assets. The following people are listed in the order that they came into the group.

Russell C. Brodtke

Sandy Hanson

Kathy Baier

Diana L. Shurburn

Sue Rothlisberg

Diann Fieldhack

In the Creators Light,

Bonnie Meyer


We wish to thank all of our families for not griping too much for the time we could not give to them. We hope this book will get people to work together for the future of the planet.


We would like to thank James Andrew for the updates to our web site and for his contribution to the book. His infectious enthusiasm has been a source of inspiration to us.


We would like to say a special thanks to Kevin Ricard for the photo on the back cover. It is a still from his video taken at the 2004 UFO Daze.








Bonnie spent several intense and exhausting years writing her first book, Alien Contact: The messages they bring. The material for her book was drawn from the culmination of twenty-five years of study, research, and channeled material. This material has been documented and recorded from the beginning of her journey. At the completion of her book Bonnie just wanted to rest and resume her normal life as a wife, mother, grandmother and UFO researcher. Her normal life, however, was very short lived. A few months later her alien contacts began encouraging her to write a second book. This time the suggested topic her alien friends proposed was on alien and government agendas, their actions, and involvement with earth and its people. Once again Bonnie began shifting through files and files of documented material and twenty-five years of recorded channeled material from her alien contacts. This was the beginning of the process that led to the birth of this book.


Bonnie’s journey has not always been a lonely one; she belongs to a study group that has been meeting on a weekly basis for twenty-plus years. Our study group is a collection of simple people from all walks of life and varied heritages and religious affiliations. We are from numerous cities in what is called the Fox Cities in what is called the Valley (Milwaukee to Green Bay, Wisconsin) in our area. Sometimes the group has been large in numbers and at other times small to medium as people come and go. However, the core group has been together many years.


As we look back at how we came together to study, we realize that meeting one another was no small accident. Some of us unknowingly went out of our way to make this happen. We have come into this awareness through remembrance and confirmation by our alien contacts. We were not chosen for contact. We know that we volunteered to come to earth this lifetime to work together as we have in past lifetimes.


We like to think of ourselves and our mission as a small piece of the puzzle and that all souls on earth are also a piece of this huge puzzle. Each of our puzzle pieces (mission we choose) may be different, but perhaps it takes everyone on earth bringing their piece of the puzzle together, fulfilling their responsibilities, to make earth life healthy, happy, and spiritual as the Creator intended it to be.


The initial interest that drew those of our study group together and bonds us together to this day is our passionate interest in UFOs and aliens and our concern for the well-being of earth and all souls. Our journey of knowledge and experiences has led us to areas we never dreamed of going to nor expected.


Bonnie is the channeler in our study group. We respect her channeling as she is the purest channeler we have witnessed, and we have witnessed many over the years. We also love and respect our alien friends that Bonnie channels.


Our main contact is a female named Monn. Both Bonnie and Monn were born on the planet Surak. This made the bond between them closer, which made the channeling easier. Monn is about five feet four inches tall; she has blonde hair and blue eyes and can easily pass for human. Monn looks to be about twenty-three years old although she is older than that. Her species lives to about three hundred years in our time. Monn serves in what we would call the military for the Confederacy of Planets in space. She had to master our language to communicate with us. Monn has a wonderful sense of humor, she laughs as hard as we do when she makes a mistake with our words. From the beginning of her first contact, Monn lovingly guided, suggested and encouraged us to make wise choices and to accomplish our mission. Our love and respect for this spiritual servant of God knows no limits.


Another contact we love, and respect is the captain of the large ship in space, constantly circling our planet, that we have nicknamed ‘The Peace Ship’. This ship is roughly the size of Chicago and because of its size must remain outside of our atmosphere. The Peace Ship is a meeting place and safe haven for all benevolent aliens who are here to assist earth and its people through its transition.


As the forty-eighth captain of the Peace Ship, Eric is tremendously respected. He carries himself with great dignity and has an air of self-assurance.


Eric is over seven feet tall and is over seven hundred seventy-six years old. His species has a very long-life span and Eric is still considered young. He has soft, downy-like feathers that are the softest shade of blue you can imagine. He has a beak instead of a mouth, which gives his head an eagle like appearance. He has an extra-long neck for his body and no indentation for a waist. His arms are also extra-long and hands have five appendages that look like talons. His legs are short with no discernable shape except for a bump in the knee area. He has round circles for feet.


Eric’s species do not wear clothing on their planet because they prefer not to be separated from nature. He does wear coverings during space travel because of contamination. He does not eat flesh, preferring fruits, vegetables, and root plants.


Eric comes from the Dog Star System from a planet not yet visible from earth. Besides the enormous responsibility of piloting and running the ship, Eric is responsible for greeting dignitaries and making sure they have everything they need.


Eric is a loving, compassionate and spiritual gentle giant. He is one of our most cherished alien friends and we love him dearly.


Lea is about five feet tall and has shiny black hair which is all one length but cut short. Her ears are more elongated, much like Spock on Star Trek. Her skin is olive which gives her the appearance of being of Greek heritage. Her eyes are the color of her hair but do not have round pupils as earth people do, instead they are yellow, elongated slits that go straight up and down.


Lea is of average weight for her height and has a narrow nose and full lips, slightly larger than by earth standards. Her figure is straight up and down, not curvy like Monn’s. She has four fingers on each hand, each being a different length, with one finger that is a little offset like our thumb; however, none of them have fingernails.


Lea likes to wear a brown robe with a sash at the waist and sandals on her feet. She looks to be about thirty-five years old although she is probably much older. She has a life span of three hundred years. She was born on board a ship in space, therefore has no birth planet.


Lea is not from the system of Love and Light as are Eric and Monn. She belongs to another system called the Christ Command. Lea is liaison to us for this mission because several members of our study group are also from that system.


Lea is ranked between the officers and the personnel, so she deals with problems from both sides. Her main job would be like our psychiatrist or psychologist. She blends with a patient’s mind and soul, so she knows exactly what the person’s problem is. With blending nothing can be hidden.


Lea has her own ship which is one hundred twenty feet across and three stories high. She has a crew of seven. Lea and her ship are based on the larger ship that belongs to the Christ Command. This ship is twenty-four earth miles wide and thirteen stories high. These dimensions do not include the docking and boarding area or the command center. This ship houses the chief command of all the seven systems that are here at this time.


Lea has a wonderful sense of humor and exudes great love and compassion as well as empathy. She is also spiritual beyond Earth’s standards.


Sarah, another alien we have spoken with, looks to be in her mid-twenties although she probably is much older. She is petite, has fair skin and long black hair. She could easily pass as an American human. Her home planet is within the Pleiades system.


Sarah was the alien that first introduced Victor, a contactee, to the Jesus and God connection with UFOs and the benevolent aliens. Victor taught us that connection. This is a connection we never dreamed existed. It was the very last direction we ever thought UFOs and aliens would lead us in. Now we cannot separate the two, due to our benevolent alien contacts.


We got to speak to Sarah on numerous occasions through Victor’s channeling. Sarah recommended a list of books for us to read including the Bible. These books gave us a clearer picture of the past, present, and future for mankind and the planet.


Sarah volunteered to come to earth. She came to study the makeup of the planet and what is happening to it. Her job is like our geologists. She has a love and concern for all beings on earth. This was obviously shown through the wisdom, compassion, and spirituality she shared with Victor and us. For this we will love these two forever and are eternally grateful. For more on these aliens refer to the book Alien Contact: The messages they bring.


Our alien friends are not the abducting kind. Instead, they choose to follow the Creator’s Laws. Our contacts will not break the law of non-interference because they know it takes away our free will choices which would not allow us to advance and grow spiritually. They have often told us that we must reach, stretch, and search for our own answers as we won’t grow spiritually or earn points for answers that are handed to us. They encourage us to test them because negative aliens could try to come through pretending to be of the light.


Their vibrational level is higher and faster than those of earthlings. This makes it a bit difficult for them when they come to Earth for a specific mission. Even though some could pass for human, they must lower their vibrations to those of humans. They generally don’t stay on the planet for long because of the difference in vibration, only long enough to carry out their mission.


All of us in our study group have memories of being on board the Peace Ship. Some remember the shuttle craft that picks us up and brings us back. We remember many things such as, the park, the docking bay, the command center, the holodeck, classrooms, meeting halls, eating food, and much more. Everyone has different memory pieces that we bring together at our weekly meetings. In this manner we are able to piece together a clearer and more complete picture of the Peace Ship and our mission. We know we have done this mission before on other planets. When our mission is complete on Earth and if we manage to remain on the path of the Light, we will continue on to other planets in need of assistance.


We think of ourselves as front-line foot soldiers who have volunteered for this mission. Some volunteer to remain on board ship to act as guides. This is a joint effort of serving the Creator through service to mankind.


Alien Contact: The messages they bring and Unholy Alliance: A Global Deception are the sharing of some of our experiences. We hold them to be our truths but don’t expect them to be yours. We only ask that you read this material with an open mind and hopefully find our journey as interesting as we have thus far.





God has a very special place

in His heart for Earth.

It is one of the most beautiful planets.

You can destroy yourselves

and many things on this planet,

 but, it will never ever be completely destroyed.



Captain of the Peace Ship




Reflections of a Contactee


During my first book, Alien Contact: The messages they bring, I told my story about how I got involved with the UFO and alien topic. I explained how talking to the aliens started and what was discussed during these sessions. Much of it was of a spiritual nature. They told us how to become one with nature and how to be a more compassionate person. They explained that addictions and the ego were two of the most important things that we had to overcome to become spiritual people. If you have an addiction that takes over your life and pushes away spirituality, then you are in trouble. It takes a lot of work to stay spiritual and become one with the Universe. It was explained how addiction to alcohol and illegal drugs open up something in your brain that allows negativity to enter. Have you ever watched someone drink while not doing drinking yourself and wondered what is going on inside their head? Often times they do things that they would never do sober. What releases these inhibitions, what is taking over?  What about someone doing illegal drugs; how many people say they are going to quit, only to continue doing them again and again? The aliens also explained how love or the search for love can become addictive. Some people feel they had to have love and seem to search continually; even settling for someone who definitely was not right for them


One of the important things the aliens talked to us about was balance. If you don’t have balance you have nothing. To be balanced you cannot use drugs or alcohol nor be addicted to anything that puts you in an unsavory situation. This is really hard on Earth because the advertising industry tells you that you can have it all, you can have everything you want because you deserve it. This sure sounds like the devil is talking to you in your ear from where I stand.


While working on the first book and through discussions with our alien contacts, we got the distinct impression that we should not publish, at that time, information about the government and how they are working to keep track of their own citizens. We made a conscious decision not to include what we had learned about governments and negative aliens working together, about the pacts they have with each other, and what these pacts consist of. Only a few things about the government were included in the first book. We decided to speak of the spiritual messages the aliens had given us. Now is the time to bring forward some of the things our alien contacts shared with us about the government, the secret government, the Illuminati, and how they keep track of citizens. By the way, this is not only taking place in the United States but all over the world.


Over the years many topics have been discussed. I believe the most important message is that we are spiritual beings, that we were created by a being the aliens call the Creator of all and that He is interested in all planets whether they have life forms on them or not. I call this being God, but it does not matter what name you use as long as you believe in Him and you realize that you are on a journey back to Him.


Then our contacts started to speak of a being that God sends to help planets on their spiritual journey. This being is very special to God and stands at His right hand. He sends Him anyplace that is in trouble to help out and that being is near Earth right now waiting for the order from God to come to the surface and take the planet back from the evil entities that have control of Earth at this time. This being has been called Jesus on this planet but has a different name on every planet that He visits.


After we got used to this idea, we finally asked who the leader is for the aliens we have contact with and who they are working for or with. It took a while for them to disclose who that is, not because they wouldn’t tell us but because we didn’t know how to ask the question which would provide the correct answer.


Through the years I have heard many stories of abductions and how terrible they were. How people were snatched out of their beds in their homes, the one place everyone thinks they are safe. I believe their stories fully and believe they are telling the truth about their abduction experiences.


Abductions often start with physical probing with an anal probe type of thing. Then it turns into the taking of human eggs and semen. Many women feel that they have been implanted with sperm and are pregnant with a half-human and half-alien fetus. Sometimes women go to the doctor because they are not feeling well only to be told they are pregnant even though they have not had relations with the opposite sex. Then just as mysteriously as the pregnancy happened the fetus vanishes. Often, they know that the aliens have extracted the fetus, which often leaves them feeling empty. Many times, after this happens the aliens come and abduct them to show them a strange-looking child who they instinctively know is theirs. Often they are put off by the appearance of the child but still feel as if they should interact with it.


I believe this is happening all over the world, and I often ask abductees why this is being done to them. They often say that what has happened to them was not bad or answer with something like: it started with a negative experience but then it became spiritual. Many explained to me that the aliens said they had made a previous commitment to let them do these things to them or, if they allow the aliens to do these experiments on them, they will then receive special information. I think these answers are to make the abductees comfortable with what is happening to them. You see, the aliens that I have been working with do not abduct anyone. It is up to you if you want to go. When I tell people that I have not been taken against my will, I am told that I am fooling myself and that it is the only way that I can feel at ease with what is happening to me. Why is it so hard for humans to realize that there could be visitors from space that are not here to harm us in anyway? I can believe their experiences and they cannot believe mine, are they lying to themselves, who is lying to whom?


This has made me aware that there are two types of aliens here at this time. One has their own agenda, which is not necessarily good for humans. After all, if your neighbor abducted you and did all these things to you that hurt you physically and emotionally would you think it was good? Do you think that your neighbor could talk you into believing that what was happening to you was good for you and that if you allowed it to continue they would give you something very special? What about some abductees saying that there is nothing they can do about it? Would you be willing to allow a human to convince you that you are special and they will give you some knowledge that no one else has? Would you be willing to allow this to happen just to get a cookie? No, you would fight to get them arrested. I say it is time for all of those who are being abducted to stand up to their abductors and say no!  I know it is not that simple, but there are ways to accomplish it.


The not-so-good aliens keep abducting people for their own agendas, one of which seems to be to produce hybrids. Have you ever wondered why they do that?  I have questioned this often and have come up with some conclusions. If they could, they would just come down here and take what they want. After all, if they can get here, I must assume that they are more technologically advanced than we are. They are not doing that so I assume that something is holding them back. Is it because the aliens cannot survive on the planet? If that is the case, why don’t they just leave and find another planet more to their liking and usability?


I think this planet is very much to their liking, but I think they cannot just come and take it over. Why they can’t I still don’t know but I am working on it. Why are they creating hybrids, is it for an army to take over the planet?  Now that thought scares me!  While looking at the animals on this planet, I realized that animals belonging to the same family can interbreed but some cannot, and when they crossbreed the offspring are usually sterile. Does that mean that God did not want this crossbreeding to occur outside of like species?  Could this be the problem with hybrids?   


So why are they the negative aliens producing the hybrids? This has been going on for years and I guess they still don’t have it right because they are still doing it. Do they need human DNA to survive on the surface of the planet? Wouldn’t it be easier to find a planet they could survive on? Could this army of hybrids take over the planet for them? Or maybe they as a species have gotten to the point that they cannot reproduce or produce viable offspring. This is a good possibility.


We wondered who or what gave the negative aliens permission to abduct humans and start a hybridization program on Earth. We asked our alien contacts and were informed about a pact between the negative aliens and the secret government or humans who believe they are in control of this planet. This pact, signed in 1572, was an unholy alliance with the negative side of the force. Humans at the time did not understand the potential long-term ramifications of such an alliance. It is my belief that most of our problems with the negative aliens came about because of this unholy alliance and keeping this alliance from the common person is unconscionable. It is the selling out of the human race without allowing us to have a say in the process. Over four hundred years of interference and manipulation of humans by the negative aliens is an injustice to humanity.


In 1946 another unholy alliance was signed between the negative aliens and the United States for advanced alien technology in exchange for the right to abduct humans. These alliances have altered the course of human history and have given those who believe they are in power the illusion that they are in control, and this bothers me. How this has been kept secret is amazing to me. But more and more people in the UFO community have been coming forward with the conjecture that there is an alliance with the greys.


When we asked the aliens we are in contact with if they had offered an alliance with the people of Earth, they said yes, but they would not share their technology with us because they were afraid we would find negative uses for it or turn their technology into weapons. We were informed that technology without a balance of spirituality usually means the destruction of that race.


If negative aliens are trading technology with world governments for permission to abduct humans, how much do you think they are willing to trade for the abductions?  Do you think the aliens would give people on Earth enough technology to cause the aliens problems? No!  Do you see where this is leading us? How can governments or any compassionate being do this; is it only for their benefit and not everyone on the planet? How can anyone live with himself or herself after allowing their own people to be victimized by the negative aliens?   


After reading many books written by people who have been abducted and even raped by the aliens, I had many questions. I have written to some of the authors asking when the abduction experience changed into a spiritual experience. A few of them sent replies and said they were happy I had read the book, but not one of them attempted to answer the question I had asked. Most of these abductions start horror filled and then at some point are described as becoming almost spiritual. Many describe being told that they agreed to allow this to happen. Now I ask you, who in their right mind would agree to being abused?  Is that just what the aliens tell people so that they will agree to let it continue?  Is it a ruse to get people to go along with what is happening?


What these aliens are not telling people is that they don’t have to agree to continue with what is happening to them if they don’t want to, as that would end the abductions. Another thing I hear a lot is that the aliens are willing to give them something in return to allow them to continue their mistreatment. This is like giving a child a cookie after giving them a spanking. It is just an appeasement so the aliens can continue with their agenda.


The aliens that we talk to have said that you don’t have to continue with mistreatment as they have no power over you if you believe 100% that they don’t have any power. My first book, Alien Contact: The messages they bring, describes how you can become balanced, which is an important way of preventing abductions.


Don’t get me wrong; there have been attempts of abduction on others and me in the Lightside group. You see, it is not possible for the aliens to abduct you if you are balanced both in body and soul, but if you aren’t, you can be abducted. Another important thing to understand is that governments are also abducting humans and that is a little harder to stop. The governments have agreements with some aliens that allow them to abduct humans in exchange for technology. Many times the government and aliens work together in the abductions. Some people remember seeing military personnel present during their abductions. I wish to say here that it is my belief that governments are beginning to realize that the agreement they made with the aliens was not a good idea as the aliens are abducting many more humans than originally agreed upon.


There is a second type of alien that is watching us to see what we are going to do to the planet and ourselves. Everyone has their fate in their own hands, be it good or bad. It is up to each individual to decide which way the planet will go. This second group of aliens abides by the Universal Law of Non-interference. This law they have defined for us as, “God’s law prohibiting any being  from interfering in another being’s freewill choice and their natural course of evolution.” These aliens respect life in every way. They are here and many of them have had contact with humans, but not in a negative way. If they are received with fear, they back away and try again later with the hope humans will come to understand that they wish them no harm. They do not implant people to keep track of or to control them, as they don’t need to. Once they have had contact with someone they have the vibration of the soul which is entered into the soul computer, and that is how they know where you are at all times. But they will not use this to try to control you, as that is not a spiritual action.


These spiritual aliens, yes, some are very spiritual, believe in the Creator of all and live by His laws. They are much more spiritual than we humans are and talk to Him all the time. These aliens meditate and pray every day and God often talks to them while they are meditating.


I wonder if God talks to me. Yes, I think so because sometimes while meditating I get someone talking in my head. Some people say it could be my higher self, but I know for a fact that what comes through is not my higher self because these are very spiritual thoughts.


At first, I thought it was just an accident having contact with this type of aliens. What is happening with us is so different than most people. We have never been experimented on by our alien contacts. We have always been able to tell the aliens to go away when not feeling well or just do not want to be bothered. Then I thought maybe it was because of my past lives or my experiences, and that is partly true.


Let me explain that thought. By talking to my contacts I realized that I have had many lifetimes and not all of them on planet Earth. I have also gone through past life regressions, which has helped me to understand a lot. With this realization I had to ask the aliens if it was true that I lived on other planets throughout the universes. Asking the aliens about myself, I was told my soul’s birth took place on the planet Surak, which if you look at the night sky you can find it in the Big Dipper. If you think of the dipper part as a clock you can find it in about the ten o’clock position.


I also have had a few lifetimes on planet Earth. One lifetime was when the smaller pyramids were being built in Egypt. I carried water to the workers and tried to make them comfortable. Another lifetime was during the life of Jesus the Christ. I was one of the multitudes that gathered around Him. I can remember Him talking to groups of people who were interested in what He was saying. It is like a miracle that He can make everyone understand Him. Oh, how I wonder what will happen when He decides to come back soon. I can tell you that the aliens I have had contact with said He is coming back and it may be very soon. Do all these births on other planets make me an alien to Earth? I don’t know because I am so connected to Earth at this time, and while I am here I will work for planet Earth.


I think we can all agree that we are polluting the planet with our wasteful ways. We are taking the oil out of the planet, which acts as a lubricant on the tectonic plates. Now, what do you suppose happens when the oil is removed?  Yes, earthquakes will happen and have been happening. If you just check with your scientists, you will see how much more often and stronger the earthquakes have become over the last hundred years.


Because of this shifting, the volcanoes are erupting more often. The volcanoes are not all on the surface of the planet, many are under the ocean. The ones in the ocean are affecting the temperature of the water. This is turn affects the currents and cause more hurricanes and typhoons. If the plates shift under the ocean, there can also be a tsunami that can cause huge waves to crash onto the shorelines.


The planet has natural cycles which have taken place for eons. These are natural cycles because the planet is like a ball bouncing in the water. It wobbles and shifts, the poles shift back and forth, and this can change the weather patterns. What is important now is that the negativity of the population is also influencing the planet.


Isn’t it time for all of us to take our heads out of the sand?  We have become passive, letting everyone else make our decisions for us. Isn’t it about time for all of us to take responsibility for our actions?


Over these many years we have always asked ourselves what can we do to get the message out that there is a group of aliens here to help the planet and not hinder the planet or the occupants? One time we decided we should put together a skit about the birth of Christ from the alien’s point of view. It was a lot of fun with a lot of bad acting.


We were so excited when we heard that Peter Jennings was doing a special program on UFOs, and we all watched it hoping that some of the truth would come out. Much to our surprise there was nothing new, and as with most UFO shows it ended with the skeptics having the last word. Always the negative spin at the end; because of this we decided to do a DVD about UFOs. It is called Reel or Knot; we used flying fish in place of UFOs and proceeded to make fun of the topic. Our twist was at the end when we introduced real footage of UFOs taken in Dundee, Wisconsin over the past couple of years. We then took it to the 15th Annual International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival in Laughlin, Nevada and showed it there.


After the first book was finished, I was relieved and wanted to get back to cleaning my house and cooking good meals again. One day I got the following information in my head: “Now it is time to get the messages out about the secret government, the aliens and what they are up to.” It was my alien friend Monn talking to me, and she said that they wanted the book out by the end of 2006; this surprised me as it took four years of hard and intense work to get the first one out.


This new book shows the other side of the coin presented in Alien Contact: The messages they bring. This book brings to light the negative things that the government is doing with and without the aliens and how both are keeping track of lightworkers. Decades of reading did not prepare me for the following statement by our benevolent alien contacts that, “You of the Lightside UFO Study group were known by some heads of state.” They gave us no clue as to who these people were or why they were interested in us. We did not understand how this could be possible. Years later it was explained by our contacts that lightworkers emanate a light which can be seen by the negative aliens. I came to the realization that the negative aliens were giving technology to humans and that maybe they were giving technology to keep track of certain individuals, particularly lightworkers. I asked for confirmation from our contacts if this was true and they confirmed my intuition.


I do consider myself a lightworker and that is a hard admission to make. With this admission comes the responsibility of trying to make sure I am on my best behavior, trying to be one with the planet, the Universe, and God. I try, and always welcome the opportunity to do better, but have not always succeeded.


I try to look at adversity as a chance to overcome the stones that have been put in my path to stumble on. While writing this book everything has been thrown at us. It all started with my father, who is ninety-four years of age. As he became older, I saw what was in store for me, and it has made me more aware of how precious the time is we have on Earth. We have only a certain amount of time here to accomplish what we set out to do, and even if you don’t know what it is, you still should live a spiritual life so that when you die you can become one with the Creator. When I was younger, I felt as if I had nothing that had to be accomplished except to raise my family and give them everything they needed. But in doing that I realized I was denying them the pleasure of my time with them. Financially, how much money does a family need to be happy? Focusing on money and material things puts spiritual concerns on the back burner. That is the basic question everyone should be asking themselves.


My mother had to have knee surgery, and with her age and my father’s age I tried to help as much as I could, but they are very independent and want to do as much as they can for themselves. Many times I have talked to them only to learn they had a problems physically and did not want to bother me. Little do they realize this only makes me worry more about them, because I feel they could get into trouble and not even tell me about it.


Besides having two total knee replacements, over the last few years I have had a medical problem that no one has been able to correct. I have gone to specialist after specialist with no results. As a matter of fact, I ‘maxed out’ my insurance two years in a row. I then quit going to the doctors and suffered in silence. We also knew my husband had a birth defect in his heart that one day would have to be fixed. Wouldn’t you know just as this book was starting to come together, he went into heart failure and had to have the aortic valve in his heart replaced. In the middle of this our health insurance was changed and we don’t know who will pay what. By the way, he is doing very well, thanks to all the prayers that have been said for him. While this was going on I had a problem that flared up again, and I was supposed to go in and be checked but have put it on hold.


With all that has been going on in my life I turned over putting the book together to the rest of the people in the Lightside group. They are dealing with family health issues, also. One of the members’ mother had to be put in a nursing home and another is taking care of her parents while working full time. The father of another person in the group had a stroke and is in the hospital.


As you can see, many obstacles have been put in our paths, but we will continue doing the job that the aliens asked us to do and get this book out. I am not telling you this to make you feel sorry for us. Because of all these setbacks, we are more determined than ever to get the book out as soon as we can. A little adversity never hurt anyone, and we all feel we can smile because at least we are doing something that hopefully will help other people to not feel alone. All of us in this field need to work together, we need to put our differences aside, let our egos go, and stop fighting among ourselves. We have to stand with a united front. We are not alone, and we all need to help the planet and the people of Earth through the turbulent years ahead.


Chapters three through eleven of this book came about because of the conversations we have had with our alien contacts. They allow us to ask questions which they will usually answer, but there are times when they may not answer. Sometimes they prefer us to do our own research on the topic first. A lot of times they give only a one-sentence answer, so we ask the question again at a later date and receive more information. These topics have been gleaned out of thirty years of communication with them. What we have done is divide the conversations into topics and put them together, usually with the earliest answer first. We have taken out the ahhs … and pauses in their speaking while they searched for the correct words to use. This was done to make the material easier to read and comprehend. We have tried to keep this section in their own words so you can get a feel of what they are like.


I have been given, through conversations with our contacts, a lot of information about them, such as where they come from, what their home planets are like, and what they look like. The reason for writing my first book Alien Contact: The messages they bring and this book Unholy Alliance: A Global Deception is to share this information with more people.


Most researchers and abductees do not believe that nonabducting aliens exist. As a matter of fact, many researchers don’t want to listen to what I have to say about my experience with benevolent beings. They even go so far as to admit that if what I say does not fit into their parameters, they will not listen to me. I say these people are not getting the whole story and are not being good researchers. There is a positive side to alien contact that is being overlooked by the mainstream UFO community. I am here to bear witness and testimony to say that positive alien contact does exist.


In the Love and Light of the Creator,




















About the Authors


My Interest in Science Fiction

My interest in science fiction started in the seventh grade, and I read everything in the small library near school (it was a long time ago). Many years later, while working in a hospital, a friend said she was going to take a meditation class, so I joined her. Five years and many new friends later, my interests had turned to the psychic. Another teacher and more classes later, this path turned spiritual. Another teacher talked about UFOs, where I met Heidi and heard about her group UFO2U. There I met the Lightside group and awhile later, to my delight, found out I was one of them. This very long, roundabout path was necessary for growth, and we’re all still growing and learning, but it doesn’t stop here. I am back to the science, but it isn’t fiction anymore.

Diann Fieldhack


How I Started Believing in the Paranormal and UFOs

Though I now remember being involved with paranormal events for a very long time, I guess I started becoming consciously aware of these things, thanks to the TV show The X-Files. For much of my life things that happened to me as a child were just put on the back burner after I "grew up" and entered the working world. But when I began watching The X-Files, cracks started to appear in the wall I had put up and my intrinsic interest in all things paranormal started to resurface.


About this same time I acquired access to the internet and naturally gravitated toward stories of UFOs and aliens. I also met Bob, a friend at work who was very interested in paranormal topics. When I ventured onto the internet, I thought I might find more information about UFO stories in far-off places like Roswell, New Mexico, Nevada, or Australia. I was surprised to find a few actual UFO sightings in my home state of Wisconsin. To my mind that was preposterous but I kept looking anyway, eventually finding that a LOT of strange happenings had been reported here in Wisconsin. These paranormal accounts ranged from UFOs to alien encounters to Bigfoot and any other paranormal topic you can think of, not in far-off places but right in my own backyard.


Bob seemed surprised that I went into the whole experiment expecting to find nothing in Wisconsin. In one of our discussions I mentioned how great it would be if there were a single web site out there that just collected stories from my home state. He encouraged me to make one. I finally did it. As a tribute to my favorite TV show, The X-Files, I dubbed my little Wisconsin paranormal site The W-Files. As people found the site, the response surprised me, and they started writing me with accounts that weren't documented anywhere yet.


Soon things began to snowball and the site quickly grew. I had to meet these (crazy, I thought) people in person. To my surprise, I found most of them were just normal people who had seen extraordinary things that they couldn't explain. They were all very sincere and I, of course, like any rational person, had many doubts. When I expressed these doubts to the UFO experiencers, most of them could actually easily empathized with my lack of experience.


This all changed on July 15, 2000 when I was invited to Dundee, Wisconsin for a sky watch. I had been there before and heard many stories about UFOs in Dundee, but the whole phenomenon didn't quite seem really possible to me. That night a small group of people was outside sharing UFO stories when a diamond-shaped object appeared over the lake. As if it were posing for us, it hovered over the lake for about fifteen minutes in plain sight. It stayed there so long and so close that I began to wonder if it would stay there all night or even approach us and land. After a while it started tumbling off to our right and eventually disappeared behind the treetops.


The UFO experiencers I was with were happy, but it seemed like just another sighting to most of them. After more discussion they all went to bed. I tried to sleep but couldn't. The next morning I was sitting at the campfire and one of the early risers commented that I was sure awake early. I felt awake all right, in more ways than one, and I wasn't sure I liked it. That previous afternoon I had been happily convinced that UFOs really didn't exist and that my reality could fit in a comfy little box. Now that I had just seen a UFO myself, I was poking my head out of the top of this box and looking at a much larger world.


Monday morning I re-entered the ‘real’ world. While this was all fresh in my mind I felt I had to tell everyone. So here I was, the former UFO skeptic who had just seen a UFO, now being met with the same skepticism I had once had. I even mentioned it to friends at church. I was told that what I had seen, if I had seen anything, was the work of the devil and something to be avoided at all costs. That was an explanation that I couldn't accept. It was at this time that I met John. He was a no-doubt-about-it Christian. He based his entire life on the belief that this Jesus guy really existed and that God was guiding and protecting him at all times. Logically, this seemed to me as somewhat delusional, but if it worked for him to have an imaginary friend that gave him comfort, that was fine. I'm sure John saw my doubt but accepted it. He simply invited me to a Bible study that he was running. I figured I knew what this was all about, didn't want to be preached at, and declined time and time again. One day I decided to go with the intent of showing him how he was wrong about the Bible. After all, I had grown up in a religious family and thought I had found numerous ways that the Bible contradicted itself and contained information that was simply out of date.


Somehow he started to convince me otherwise. John had no doubt about his belief in Jesus and in God. Finally he told me that baptism was essential if I were to ever understand where he was coming from. Even though I had been baptized as a baby, he insisted that being baptized as an adult was very important. So I did it. The experience I had with baptism is almost impossible to put into words. First of all, when I came out of the water, I tried to talk and all that came out sounded like babble. I knew what I was trying to say, and the thoughts given to me specifically at this time were amazing, but I couldn't talk about them in the English language. Later John told me that what I had experienced was the ‘Spirit of God.’


My recent spiritual experience and my new belief in UFOs didn't seem to mesh at all. If UFOs were real, how come the people who knew God was real didn't know that? God would surely tell them about something as important as extraterrestrial beings, wouldn't He? It simply didn't make any sense. I spent months trying to figure it all out. I talked to UFO people. I even started reading the Bible again with a more open mind. All this just added to my confusion. One day I was fed up. It wasn't worth all the hassle, so I got mad at God and told Him I didn't care anymore. He could take His whole religion thing back, and I cursed Him for ever giving me a UFO sighting in the first place. I wanted to return to the comfortable box I had lived in before all these new experiences. Feeling at peace, I quickly drifted off. All the confusion I had been experiencing went away. Then I found myself in a room with a bunch of people just kind of milling around and chatting. It wasn't quite like a dream, it was like I was actually there and the sights and sounds were as vivid as the room you are in as you read this. I walked up to one of the men, who turned to face me. I immediately recognized Him. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that this was Jesus Christ, live and in person. He simply smiled in a comforting way and calmly stated, "So, I hear you have some questions for me." I asked and became aware that He was there to introduce me to a higher type of reality and help alleviate the fear that I had of going there


Immediately after this encounter it was as if my eyes were open to a lot of things I wasn't able to accept before. I started to find correlations between biblical text and UFO accounts. I was amazed. I began to become aware of the fact that I was being very actively guided and protected in my everyday waking life by the same Jesus I had just met. As with my first UFO sighting, I couldn't help blabbing everything. Almost no one accepted it as even possible. People at church assured me that Jesus would certainly have nothing to do with UFOs. I started to document what I was being shown on the W-Files site. I created an entirely new section of the site and called this addition EARS: Evidence of Alien contact Revealed in Scripture.


At the time I started EARS I was contacted by members of a group in Wisconsin called The Lightside UFO Study Group. I had met them all before and heard many stories from them, but usually the things they had told me went way beyond what I could accept as being possible. They claimed to actually talk to aliens via channeling. This time they told me that one of the aliens, Lea, had a message for me. She said that what I was doing was part of my mission here on earth and she was very happy that I had persisted and chosen to do what I was doing. So some alien that I didn't even know existed was saying that I came to Earth with the intent of starting the EARS Project, but then when I got here I forgot all about it?


Recalling my profound experience with Jesus, I felt I could trust Him with these questions, but I didn't think I could trust some alien. After all, people at church warned me about things like this, saying that the devil himself might act like an alien if he could take my focus off God. So I asked this alien person if she knew about Jesus. Lea said that of course she did. Oh yeah, then what did Jesus think of all this? I asked and was told, in a matter of fact kind of way, "Why don't you just ask him?" You mean they were encouraging me to put God before them? This didn't seem like what the devil might say. So I did pray and started to remember. Thanks to more contact with Jesus, I was given even more information about paranormal topics as described in the Bible. I kept documenting things in the EARS section of the W-Files site.


After a while I actually became so passionately fascinated by the new EARS section that I gave away the rest of the site and made EARS a whole new entity. Many people who visited the new site persistently asked me when I was going to publish the EARS book. For this reason I published all the observations I had already shared on the EARS web site, entitling the book the same as the web site: EARS: Evidence of Alien contact Revealed in Scripture. I thought this book was simply a different form of the web site for those who preferred to read it on paper.


I also agreed to post any observations Lea might have on the site and let the readers believe what they wanted. People really liked what Lea had to offer. After she had been doing this for a while, readers started hinting at the fact that maybe what Lea was saying needed to be put on paper, too. I started EARS book two with the intent of naming it Alien Contact. My mother read the first book and said something like, "Okay, so you're completely crazy, but at least you're reading your Bible! And at least you're writing again. You always wrote so much when you were a little kid." When she said this, I began to remember something that I had chosen to forget. As a child, I filled a number of notebooks with stories of spacecraft, aliens, greys and reptilians, and battles between forces of good and evil alien entities. Where was I getting all this information from at such a young age? Then I read about children vividly remembering past lives when they are very young. Could that be what was happening?


I wondered if I could still write like this and made an attempt at it. Through a lot of prayer, meditation, and asking God's help (things that my newly rediscovered alien friends encouraged me to do instead of just asking them) I did start to remember. Soon I was writing what I believe to be past life memories just like when I was very young. At first they were fascinating, but soon they started to freak me out. Then the inevitable dawned on me. If I were here on some kind of mission that was unfolding, and I was actually starting to believe this, that means if the EARS series had more books, these memories would be part of them. As soon as I looked at the prospect of documenting this type of very personal information for the world to see, I didn't want anything to do with this stuff anymore. It was just getting too weird.


Eventually, after this conflict just wouldn't go away, I figured the only way out was to die. I would leave this life, and all this confusion and pain would be over. Then God would stop nagging me to finish the EARS Project, right? On Friday morning, November 19, 2004 I awoke with a strange clarity and realization that I would die later that day. I can't explain where it came from, but I had no doubt about it. I even told my neighbor, who had become a good friend, as soon as I saw him that I was going to die that day. He, of course, thought I was just talking foolishly and suggested that we go to downtown Cedarburg, Wisconsin and shoot a few games of pool. I accepted, and even when we were playing pool I had a strange sense of relief knowing that it was over. This would be my last day on earth. I no longer had to proceed with the difficult mission I was supposed to accomplish. Or so I thought.


On our way home I experienced a very bad seizure and was taken away in an ambulance. My neighbor assumed I was dead as the paramedics told him that there was probably no way I was going to even make it to the hospital. I later learned that I had flat lined three times in the hospital, and one of the doctors told me that they were sure I wasn't going to pull through. But then I suddenly and unexplainably awakened in bed, much to the surprise of the hospital staff. Here's what I remember...


I knew I was dead. I was in spirit form and free of my body and very happy about it. I was extremely relieved and completely at peace. I remember flying about a foot above a beautiful forest, then down over a river, and back up over the forest on the other side of the river. I came to a park-like clearing, veered down close to the ground, moving very fast, and came around a corner. In front of me was a huge red truck, about twice as big as any I'd seen on earth. I flew up to the passenger's side and grabbed the handle, feeling the cold steel as I opened the door. Sitting in the driver's seat of the truck was Jesus, who smiled, welcoming me, and motioned for me to get in. I got into the truck and we backed up a bit then started moving forward. I remember thinking that this huge truck could probably drive through anything! I just sat there enjoying the ride, the peace, and the comfort. Then we came around a bend and encountered a large brick wall. The truck stopped. I turned to look at Jesus and thought (the whole conversation was in the form of thoughts, not spoken words), "Why did we stop?" He looked at me, motioned toward the wall, and thought back, "Do you think we can get through that thing?" I enthusiastically replied, "Yeah, let's do it!" Whoosh! I was suddenly back in my body and awakening in the hospital.


It was Sunday, November 21, 2004. "Oh great, Jesus had tricked me into coming back to Earth!" was my initial thought. But I still had the peace and comfort knowing now without a doubt that I had the guidance and protection of this very same Jesus. I was beginning to fully accept God and Jesus as real. I'm not talking about just knowing they are real, I mean accepting they are real as in really believing that they were involved in my life.


What was to become of the EARS books now? I was encouraged to proceed with book three without fear. I would be ridiculed, but I no longer worried about that. I learned that one of The Lightside group, Bonnie Meyer, was also working on a book. She was the person who actually channeled Lea, and it was through Bonnie that I received all the messages from Lea that were displayed on the EARS web site. One day I casually asked Bonnie about her upcoming book and asked her what it was called. She responded, "Alien Contact." I smiled and asked her why she chose that name and she answered, "That's what they (her alien contacts) wanted to call it." Whether the whole path was set out the way it happened on purpose or whether it developed that way because of my decisions, I no longer doubt that God is very real, very active, and working in my life.


I did publish the third EARS book. It is about the adventures of the apostle Andrew after the ascension of Jesus Christ. I called it Crux Decussata based on the Latin name for the X shaped cross on which Andrew was crucified. The crux decussata is generally associated with Andrew as a kind of icon representing his life and to this day it is still often referred to as ‘St. Andrew's Cross’.


I've learned that God is Love. I've also learned that the opposite of love is not hate. It has now become obvious that the opposite of love is really fear. Through my experiences I've learned to accept God's Love, and that has taught me that I have no reason for fear. There is a very real loving God who places very real spiritual guides in our lives to help us and protect us every step of the way. Even if you find it hard to believe everything else in my story, at least believe that. Persist in your own journey. Be safe. Be happy. Most of all, don't let anyone or anything ever make you afraid.

God is love. Perfect love has no fear.

James Andrew



I guess I’ve always believed in UFOs. As I grew up I heard many stories of people having encounters with aliens and missing time that they couldn’t account for. I never thought that they were crazy or that they were imagining what was going on. Who would want to go through something like that? They needed help not ridicule. I guess we’ve all been programmed by the media to react in a certain way so that no one can comfortably talk about what is going on. Just bring up the subject and see what kind of a reaction you get.


I grew up the oldest of four in a loving family. I attended church with my family, even taught Sunday school. After I married, my husbands’ job took us around the United States, which I enjoyed. We met a lot of great people. We had three children and now one grandchild. My children and I moved back to Wisconsin after my divorce. This is home, where I need to be.


I’ve been back to school twice and have taken a lot of classes in different subjects in the last twelve years, following a pathway I could not see at the time that led me to where I am today. How often do we meet someone that introduces us to someone or something and then leaves our lives and we find ourselves going in a somewhat different direction? I went to school, earned a degree in the printing field, and got a job with a printing company in the area. One of my friends at work and I started talking about the different places we lived and types of food that we liked from each area. We found that we both had lived in Texas and loved Mexican food. My pathway was about to take a curve in the road.


She said she would get together with some friends and go out to lunch to a Mexican restaurant once in a while and would I like to go along sometime. What do you think my answer was? Yes! Guess who I met there! One of the ladies that she had lunch with was Bonnie Meyer. The topics at lunch were varied but never on the UFO topic. I had seen Bonnie and one of her friends on a PBS channel talking about UFOs and what they had been seeing in the area. This was during one of our moves and I was at my Mom’s for one night. This was a light on my path that I never forgot.


So here I am, and, as we say, nothing happens by accident. I got to meet the rest of the group on weekend at a UFO Open Forum that they put on in a hotel in Appleton. It was interesting to listen to them talk about non-threatening aliens and their experiences. They talked about God and Jesus, that there are positive aliens as well that do not abduct and hurt people. This was an eye opener, after all the bad stuff that was usually talked about on television or stories written in books about the greys and abductions. I started to get together with them for lunch and at meetings both here and in Milwaukee.


It was still several years before I found out what my part was in all of this. I decided to go to someone that I trusted to have a hypnosis session. She thought that we were going to have a past life regression. Boy, was she surprised by what she heard that day. I guess for me it was a confirmation of what I knew deep down. Bonnie went with me that day and recorded what was said. Thank you, Bonnie.


Look back on your pathway. Where have you come from? Can you see the changes in your path, because here you are today, still on your path, maybe looking for some answers to those questions that you couldn’t talk to anyone else about and maybe they’re in this book?


For myself, I’ve always believed in UFOs even without seeing one. Have I seen one? Oh, yes! It was an amazing, life-changing confirmation that we are not alone. Am I involved in this? Yes, without a doubt. My memories are pretty vivid. There are many of us here to help at this time and maybe you are, too.

Stay in the light.



How I Got Involved in the UFO Phenomenon

It seems to me that I was involved in the UFO phenomenon from birth but I just did not remember it. I have always felt that I had a purpose for being on this planet at this time. The subject of UFOs and aliens popped up periodically throughout my early years like a little reminder as to why I was here. As a child growing up in Oklahoma, the first notion of aliens, although I never thought of them as aliens just other people like me, came when I would lie on the grass and look up into the beautiful, star-filled sky. It seemed very logical to me that if there was life on Earth, that there would be life on other planets too. Were there other children looking down at me while I was looking up at them? I would think as I scanned the starry sky.


The next time the UFO/alien subject came to my attention was when I was in junior high school. I overheard my father talking to a friend about “chariots of the gods” and Ezekiel’s “wheel within a wheel”. That moment solidified in me that it was okay to believe in life “out there.” If my dad talked about it and believed in it, that’s all I needed to know to feel secure in my beliefs.


When I was in my early twenties, out of nowhere I asked my friend if she believed in UFOs and aliens. She said she did not believe in them but if there were aliens out there, they would all be demonic. That was the only time I talked to this person about aliens and UFOs. Looking back, I find it very unusual that I even brought the subject up. That was something that we just never talked about. My interest had been in the secret government and in the corruption in the governments of the world, especially our own.


To fulfill a childhood dream of bicycling across the United States, in May of 1993 I set out from Lawton, Oklahoma to Santa Fe, New Mexico but ended up in Appleton, Wisconsin. I knew that if I found my life’s purpose, I would not be returning to Oklahoma to live. I think that was my way of saying, “I am ready to do your will, Heavenly Father.” The trip was pretty uneventful, except for the “walking man” incident.


I first spotted the walking man seven days into the trip on Route 66 in West Texas. I had stopped at a roadside picnic table and was eating a Fig Newton. He was about the length of a football field away from me. He was headed toward me walking eastward, and the direction of my travel was west to New Mexico. He was wearing a dark gray trench coat, dark slacks, and a dark hat. His clothing did not strike me as odd at the time but looking back gives me goose bumps. It was June 10th in western Texas and the temperature had to have been between 80º and 90º F. The first thought I had concerning him was I wonder if he is hungry? The walking man steadily approached my direction. All of a sudden an overwhelming sense of fear came over me. The thought entered my mind Do not be here when he gets here. He was about half the length of a football field away from me at the time.


I loaded up the rest of my Fig Newtons and proceeded to ride my bicycle towards him!  I cannot explain how I mustered the courage to approach this being. My legs felt like they were powered by locomotive engines. It seemed like one pedal rotation was like the speed and distance of ten normal pedal rotations. Riding in the center of the road, I passed him on my right. Somehow I knew not to look him in the eyes and kept my gaze focused forward.


After a few hours of riding, I stopped at a little restaurant on Route 66. I sat by a large picture window and ate a grilled cheese sandwich and a piece of cake that the people at the next table celebrating a birthday gave me. Then I saw him again. Same steady walk. Same dark clothes. Now he was walking westward in the direction I was heading! When I finished dinner and stepped outside, all I could think of was I have got two hours of riding ahead of me before I make camp. So determined was I to ride until just before sunset that I paid no mind to the walking man I had seen a short time before. Nothing was going to stop me, I thought. Without warning it started to rain the biggest raindrops I have ever seen. I could still go a little further. Then dark clouds rolled in and lightning flashed. Oh great, where was I going to stay? I turned to look behind me and there was a motel. Funny, I had not noticed it earlier.


Thinking back now, if it had not rained, I would have probably encountered the walking man about thirty minutes down the road and who knows when he would have come upon my tent during the night. There is no doubt in my mind that there was divine intervention that day. Who was that walking man? Was he even of this world? I feel that he was there to try to stop me from reaching my destination. Santa Fe, New Mexico was not what I expected, so I phoned a college friend, who happened to live in Appleton, Wisconsin, and decided to visit her for the summer. Little did I know that I would find the purpose for my life at the end of the bicycle trip and that the subject of UFOs and aliens would come up again.


Shortly after arriving in Appleton, Wisconsin (by Greyhound bus with my bicycle safely stowed in the luggage compartment of the bus) I realized that I had brought the wrong “survival book” with me on the bike trip. Saving ounces is important when you are cycling so I opted to take Bradford Angier’s Survival in Style instead of the Holy Bible. One day while at a local park, a man in a white van gave me a Bible. Inside the front cover of the Bible is a picture of the sun setting over the ocean. It is a very comforting picture.


In February of 1994 I was invited to attend a Lightside UFO study group meeting. I realized these people had something going on and I wanted to be a part it, whatever ‘it’ was. There was one person in the group that I felt very strongly I knew. We spent the next several minutes trying to figure out where we had met each other. Turns out that we had worked together in a past life; it was a soul recognition that we were sensing.


The UFO phenomenon has taken me to places, both in my thinking process and physically, that I never guessed I would go. I have learned or, more correctly stated, I have remembered that there are spiritual aliens out in the universes and on Earth, too. It has been an interesting ‘ride’ so far.

Love and Light,



How I Got Into UFO Research

Looking back over the years I realize that UFOs have been a part of my life for most of it

and that they were to be a part of my future. In the beginning I tried denying their existence.


I remember wondering as a child things like “What is life all about and what am I doing here?” The answer to those questions did not come right away but they came eventually. In grade school during the 1960s I was required to do a report proving whether UFOs existed or not. Is that somewhat of an odd subject for a grade school paper when during that time frame UFOs were not discussed? Was something opening me up to the idea of their existence?  I concluded in my report that they were not real. I was not yet ready for what was to come. I searched for my report many times, as I have wanted to know how it was that I came to my conclusions. I have been unsuccessful in finding my report where I know it was put for safekeeping.


In the privacy of our conversations a high school friend spoke to me of other worldly beings and their vehicles. Gail told me about a book that she had read titled Interrupted Journey by John G. Fuller. She told me of how Betty and Barney Hill had been taken aboard a space ship and of the map Betty Hill drew depicting where the space beings were from. I listened to Gail but with not much interest. I did not learn until later that Gail and another friend of ours had a UFO sighting walking home one night. Gail did not mention the sighting until years later because at the time of her sighting, UFOs were not talked about openly and she was afraid of ridicule. Gail introduced me to another book The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey. Again, I listened, paged through the first few pages of the book, set it aside, and did not look at it again until many years later.


Sandy, another friend, came into my life during my young adult years. The very first time I met her I liked her immediately. She had a big bright smile on her face as she walked around the corner of the beauty salon where I was applying for a job. I knew we had made an instant connection of friendship. Just prior to 1991 Sandy, Gail, and I met at a park. Sandy began to tell Gail and me that she was a walk-in. She explained that she was not the same person that was born into her body; her soul was a different one. I remember thinking at the time, “A what?” I did not understand the concept of a walk-in and thought if Sandy did not remember me I was going to be upset with her. Because Sandy talked about walk-ins, I read Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery, which is about walk-ins and other ET souls from distant worlds living on this planet. 


Sandy began to tell Gail and me about UFOs and aliens and underground installations. We had books along at the park that depicted different types of alien beings and told about the underground installations. At first, the thought of aliens and underground installations frightened me. This was getting too real. But I knew something was beginning to change inside of me. In the beginning I was a nonbeliever trying to deny the existence of UFOs, but now I was starting to believe.


By 1991 I came to fully believe in UFOs. I felt in my soul that they were real; I could no longer deny their existence. I decided it was time to look into UFOs further. Before I began my research whole-heartedly, I did very much soul searching because I knew of the possible future ridicule and implications of looking into something so controversial. I also knew others needed to know about the UFOs and that there are good ETs out in space just as there are bad ETs. These feelings inside of me were stronger than my worry about possible future ridicule, which enabled me to begin my research into the UFO field. I also knew what my heart was telling me: UFOs are real. I also instinctively knew that there was a positive side to the UFOs and that was the part I wanted to be connected with.


I attended a conference sponsored by the Lightside titled The Fox Valley Spirituality and UFO Conference. The conference was an attempt to do something different in the UFO community: connect UFOs with spirituality. One speaker, G. Cope Schellhorn, was promoting his book entitled Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophecy. I was intrigued by the title of the book and wanted to know more, so I purchased it. In the book the author states that words in scripture such as ‘clouds, wind, eagles, wheel within a wheel and chariots of fire’ could have been primitive terms used to describe UFO phenomena as during that time there were no other terms to describe them. Reference was also made in the book to verses in scripture about the Son of Man will return on a ‘cloud.’ I wondered if it would really be a cloud that He would return on or could it be something else. This got my full attention!


After the first day of the conference Gail and I headed for home. We were on the west frontage road of a major highway in our part of the state. As Gail was driving, I had the opportunity to gaze out of the car window and began searching the night sky. I spotted a bright light approaching our vehicle. The light was coming out of the south heading north directly towards us. I said to Gail, “Look at that bright airplane light.” Together she and I began to study it. When what I thought was a bright airplane light was directly east of our vehicle, I could see it was a saucer-shaped craft with five lights on the bottom. It bounced up and down slightly as it hovered. I was never frightened or alarmed of this craft in any way. Before leaving it paused briefly as if to say hello. I said to Gail, “I don’t think that is an airplane.” 


The next day when we returned to the conference, Mr. Schellhorn asked if anyone else had seen the craft the night before. Gail enthusiastically raised her hand and let everyone know we had seen it. After talking to others at the conference we discovered more people had seen it. From that point on I knew my life would never be the same. I was hooked with a passion to the UFO phenomenon. It has taken me to places I never imagined I would go.


My Awakening

Reflecting back on my life I realized that I always believed in UFOs, aliens, and life on other planets. From as far back as I can remember this was a natural thought process for me. It never occurred to me that others did not believe as I did. When I started to get opposition to my viewpoints of UFOs, aliens, and life on other planets from my parents, friends, and the church, I was stunned. I was still a child but I never wavered from my beliefs, choosing simply to keep my viewpoints to myself. I did this for many years.


From the first time I could hold a pencil or piece of chalk I drew stars on any and all available surfaces. I always felt an intense desire to be up among the stars…even when I was of preschool age. I can recall from my early childhood on gazing up at the stars in the nighttime skies, longing to go home… feeling like I didn’t belong here. I also have preschool through adult memories of feeling like I was inside a box or container looking out and that what I looked like in a mirror wasn’t what I really looked like. As a child I often wondered if I was adopted, although I knew that wasn’t true.


While living at my parents’ home, I would bring home books and then hid them under my bed so my family did not think I was weird. I always choose books on UFOs, aliens and all things paranormal. My parents always told me that out of six kids I was the different one.


As a teenager I used to position my bed alongside the window in my bedroom. The window was taller than it was wide in our old home so I was able to rest my arms on the windowsill and gaze up at the stars at night. I remember thinking that there were others in the universe that loved me and understood me more than anyone could on earth.


As a young wife and mother I would find the time to sit under our big old tree and meditate. I would think to myself over and over again, “Why am I here? I know there is more to my life than just being a wife and mother and having a work career. I know there is something I came here to do…something important.” My answers were not long in coming, but in the meantime I read every book I could get my hands on about UFOs and aliens. Many years ago I was walking through the book department in a Shopko store when a book fell off the top shelf, hit me on the head, and fell to the floor, so I picked it up. I glanced at the title and was shocked to read Aliens Among Us by Ruth Montgomery. As I don’t believe in accidents and do believe that everything happens for a purpose, I bought the book and read it. This was the first source I had come across on the theory of walk-ins and has remained a valuable source for my life’s research.


While living at my parents’ home as a child and young adult, I would bring home books and then hide them under my bed so my family did not think I was weird. I always chose books on UFOs, aliens and all things paranormal. My parents always told me that out of six kids I was the different one.


One day in 1987 I stopped to visit a friend. Her mother, whom I had known as long as my friend, was also visiting. Her mother asked me if I still read on UFOs and aliens. When I replied affirmatively she invited me to a meeting at her home the following Sunday. She informed me that this study group read and discussed UFOs and aliens as well as all things paranormal. When I went the meeting that Sunday, my soul instantly knew I belonged with these people. One person in particular stunned me because I felt that we were good friends that went way back in time and that we had finally reconnected. I knew every facet of her, her personality, her mannerisms, and her soul. I had the strong urge to throw my arms around her and hug warmly. I wanted to ask her where she had been for so long as I had missed her. I didn’t express my thoughts and feelings that night because I knew I had never met this woman before, in this lifetime. As it turns out this woman is the purest channeler I have ever heard, and I am positive we have worked together in previous lifetimes.


The first meeting I attended back in 1987 changed the whole course of my life, as I instinctively knew it would. Bonnie channeled at that first meeting and I was introduced or I should say reintroduced, to our alien contacts. I was completely at ease with her channeling. My gut feeling told me this was real. There was not an ounce of doubt in my very skeptical mind. It was so real for me that I did not go back to the meeting for three weeks. I knew that if I went back I would be making a very serious commitment that would affect and change the rest of my life. By the fourth week, after much thought, I could no longer stay away. I made my commitment then and have never regretted it.

In the Love and Light of the Creator of All,



How I Became Involved in UFOs

I grew up on the family homestead and spent hours looking at the stars, awed by the vastness of creation, just knowing there were others out there. My parents provided me with a parochial education and an example of weekly church attendance. Thus I grew up with a belief in a loving heavenly Father and a conviction that home was among the stars because that was where God lived. One summer night when I was ten my dad, my brother, and I saw a white light dance in the sky. At first we thought it was a plane because the light was so large: however, hearing no engine noise and observing the geometric shapes it made in the night sky convinced us it was no plane.


As a child attending a parochial grade school I was bewildered by the apparent conflict between the religious instruction of a stern judging God and the love I felt from the Maker of All. The progression of the seasons equaled death and rebirth, while the grubs, insects, birds, and animals appeared to live harmoniously within their own unique niche. Observing ants and bees working together in their distinct societies filled me with awe.


Because my family could not afford a television in the early fifties, I spent many summer evenings lying with my back on the grass looking at the stars. I had seen many small lights quickly crossing the night sky, sometimes changing speed and/or direction, before hearing about satellites like Sputnik and the Echo balloon. The stories of UFOs over Washington, DC in 1952 and fleets of them over Lubbock, Texas were convincing enough to me that we were not alone in the Universe. There just had to be more places with life like this, and some young boy was probably looking up in the night sky on another world thinking the same thing.


We lived in the country, so a long bus ride was necessary to get us to school. During high school the bus driver listened to the radio program, Stranger Than Science which was about all types of unexplainable events and people with various psychic abilities. Healing, ESP, precognition dowsing, telepathy, UFOs, and other topics were reported. I would talk with my grandfather about some of the programs I had heard and he would share a similar local event. This prompted me to read all I could find on these subjects.


After questioning relatives it quickly became apparent they didn’t share my enthusiasm. Some would admit to seeing something, however, none would share any strange events like Betty and Barney HillsInterrupted Journey. One, now deceased, told of leaving work after second shift one night and being followed home with a bright light shining down on the car. After parking the car as close to the house as possible because she was frightened by the lack of sound, she ran to the house. She hurried inside and then looked out the dining room window into the woods but seeing no shadows, neither on the ground nor adjacent trees. Because the light from the object was so bright, it convinced my relative the light was not made by man. Another told of driving home after visiting family and seeing a craft in broad daylight only one hundred feet in the air and two hundred feet to the right of the pavement. This sighting immediately necessitated a quick rendition of the Lord’s Prayer by the driver but the passenger has an unyielding denial of seeing anything unusual.


Knowing these people and their integrity convinced me that UFOs did, in fact, exist and I would from then on continue to search for the evidence since I already knew the truth–they are real and they are here.


Returning from Vietnam physically unscathed I moved to the Fox Valley, bought a home, and found stable employment. Now I was able to seriously search for answers. I attended public lectures where I first met Bonnie Meyer and other like-minded people, but it was the close sightings which left the deepest impression. My reaction of ‘Oh God!’ was more than an exclamation; it was a prayer for answers. Even today I am seeking answers, however, today my questions still outnumber any answers I have received.

In the Creator’s love,



How I Became Interested in UFOs and Aliens

Coming into contact with aliens was the farthest thing from my mind. I was a normal wife with two children to raise and a husband who traveled a lot with his job. We decided that I should be a stay-at-home mom so the children would have one parent there for them at all times. I just wanted to be a good housewife and mother and let the rest of the world go on its way.


In 1974 while on the road with my husband I met Edna, a divorced woman with five children who happened to live only five blocks from our home in Menasha, Wisconsin. She became my best friend. When she became interested in UFOs, I thought she was involved with a cult until she invited me to a meeting and they seemed fairly normal. I went to more meetings and did not agree with a lot of what they had to say but started to understand their commitment to the topic.


For the next two years Edna and I went out almost nightly looking for UFOs, seeing what we call high flyers that did erratic movements in the sky. Many people have seen these lights and call them satellites. You can call anything a satellite, but satellites move in a straight line across the sky, they do not do zigzag patterns across the sky and they certainly don’t change directions.


Over the 4th of July weekend in 1976 Edna and I decided to go camping. We went with another woman, my husband, and all of our combined children. Edna and I decided to go to a UFO meeting on Saturday night and left the children in the care of our friend Sue and my husband. That night on our way home from the meeting we had an encounter with aliens. No one can convince me that this did not occur or that I did not see what I saw. I have described this encounter in my first book Alien Contact: The messages they bring in great detail on pages 13-15.


No one seemed to believe what was happening to us, not even those who hosted the UFO meetings we attended regularly. Because of this I made up my mind that I would always try to believe anyone’s story, no matter how unusual it seemed.


It was about ten years later when I went to hear a person channel. The alien that was being channeled told me that I was to channel in the future. I got very upset because I did not want to do that, I did not want to let someone take over my body and say all kinds of crazy things through me. I absolutely refused, but as time went on one alien in particular, Monn, started talking in my head. It seemed as if a ticker tape was going across my forehead which I could see and read. This occurred while I was cleaning anything when my mind was free of thoughts. One day the channeling started when I was visiting Edna and has continued ever since.


Being a very inquisitive person, the questions I always asked the aliens was why me, why was I chosen to have contact, and why was I chosen to channel? It took years before they finally answered and I found the reason was that they did not pick me, “You volunteered for this job. You did that because you felt you could accomplish your mission.” That was not the answer I expected because I had no idea what the mission was; after all, how was I to know what it was, if they did not tell me? 


Years later it was explained to me that I had come from the planet Surak. Surak is the place where my soul first took on a form. Surak is also the planet where Monn, our alien contact, is from. The aliens felt it would be easier for me to do the channeling because of the connection between Monn and me. My question at the time still was what is my job, so I asked again. Their answer was for me to help get out the message that there is more than one type of aliens visiting the planet at this time. Some are not so nice and have their own agenda as to what they want to happen on Earth. It is important to let people know there is another group of aliens who is watching, trying to make sure that humans don’t annihilate the planet even if they insist on exterminating themselves.


After a short period of time the aliens started talking about Jesus and God. Now that shook me up, wasn’t it bad enough getting into UFOs and aliens? Whenever I bring up either topic, someone gives a quizzical look. So now I had to contend with both topics and try to explain they are interconnected. The aliens that I work with have explained how Jesus came to help the planet and how a lot of religions changed his message just enough to give them more power over the common person. So here I am, I have two strikes against me. Just try to bring up these topics at any gathering and you can get into some heated debates.


The aliens have taken their time in making contact with me. They have suggested things for me to do, things that would make me a better person. I have listened and sometimes even follow through, but there are times when it just seems easier to go with the flow of the people on the planet.

Bonnie Meyer   






The Puppet Masters, Who’s in Control?


Secret government: underground reptilian and grey, bio-experiments 1990-2005  

From December of 1990 to 2006 we asked our alien friends who really controls global events from behind the scenes. We will refer to these individuals throughout this book as the secret government/Illuminati. The following information is what our alien contacts have shared with us over the years:


While talking with Eric in September of 2006, we asked when the unholy alliance was signed between the secret government and the greys. Eric replied, “For the United States it was back in 1946 with the government you think holds office. But the secret world government has had a pact since 1572. Let’s just say it was signed in Europe and they knew who they were dealing with. There’s your government and there’s a secret government and the underground reptilians and greys, and there is a group that communicates between the two.”


MJ12 at Cheyenne Mountain with reptilians and greys    

Because we hadn’t heard anything about MJ12 in a long time, we asked Monn if MJ12 was in full operation. “MJ12 (Majestic 12 is a secret force that made a pact with the negative aliens) is out in the forefront now, but there is part of MJ12 that is under a layer of secrecy and is at full force, in contact with the greys and the reptilians. They are operating out of Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado.”


Eric said, “I can tell you the greys and the governments are making deals for technology. The USAF is making secret deals with the greys for their technology in exchange for human genetic material. It has been going on for years. What more can I say except the government is being misled.”


Politicians sell their souls

While listening to the politicians in 1996, we felt as if they were talking in code but couldn’t figure out what it was, so we asked Monn if she could tell us if they were, in fact, talking in a code and to whom they were speaking. “From what we can calculate they are telling those in the secret government that they will do their bidding. You see, some of the politicians are elected because the secret government backed them and that is the only way they can win. They have done this during their acceptance speeches with code words; I suggest you pay attention to the speeches your elected officials are making.



To our surprise in July of 2000 Monn said, “This election of yours, how would you say, is like a play, with everyone having scripts they must follow. So it’s kind of fun watching. Well, the candidates don’t necessarily know who will win yet, it depends on how they play ball.


“Things are in a holding pattern. Don’t get me wrong, things are happening, but the final pawns are not in place yet. Let’s just say that the leaders for the other side are not quite into position yet because one pawn must leave office first.


“Many of your powerful government keep thinking they do not have to pay for their actions. They lie to the judges, which is perjury, and don’t think it is wrong. What amazes me is the number of people who say leave these people alone because they are doing a wonderful job. Most of these people would sell their soul for a moment’s pleasure. What amazes me is how the polls say they are as popular as ever. But then who is taking those polls? They can be very selective in the people that are polled, and this can be very deceptive. If these wrong doings go on long enough, there is usually no conviction or impeachment.”


Monn went on to say, “Many of your government officials have a way of putting themselves in a position that is not good for a person in authority. The media seem to talk and talk about these situations, especially about infidelity, instead of what is going on in the world, and that is very sad. It is very, very sad that the media only go for the sensational news instead of the true news of the world. Most people only want to hear sensational news, but it's also what the secret government wants. The news media are more or less controlled by the secret government. They want to keep you dumb. Please keep your eyes and ears open because sometimes the news is played like a shell game. It is not what you see but what you don’t see.”


Satellites see into underground tunnels

Eric said to keep watch on the geological changes on the ocean floor as these changes can predict what is going to happen. “You see, with the satellites they can see into the underground tunnels, and they all have doorways that open and close.”


While discussing underground bases and tunnels with Monn in August of 1996, she had this to say. “Your government pretty much knows the points of entry in your country and a few other countries around the world, but they do not know all of them. We're not even sure we know them all. These are always changing. The strategy is to always keep the enemy guessing, and they are doing a good job of it.”


In August of 1997 we asked about underground bases again, and Monn had this to say, “The government knows just about all the underground and underwater bases. As far as I know, there are two new underwater bases. There is a third new one and I don’t know if the government knows about that one. The new Hubble telescope that they put up is going to help them see underground installations better.”


Wisconsin tunnel entrances in Lake Winnebago:   We asked if there were any tunnel entrances in Wisconsin. Monn answered, “There are tunnel entrances near you in Wisconsin but not on land, they are in the water; one is located in Lake Winnebago. Lake Winnebago is actually a very shallow lake, but there are openings into the tunnels at this location. The ones who use these locations are mostly greys.”


Wisconsin tunnel entrances in Lake Butte des Morts: “You think there is one in the area between Highway 41 and Winneconne, west of Oshkosh, but that is not an entrance into a tunnel. West of Oshkosh they go into the very shallow water and bury themselves in the silt, I believe silt is what you call it. They meet under the water and exchange information. These beings you would classify as reptilian type. It’s a predetermined meeting point where they meet quite often. The bottom of the lake in this area is very conducive to this type of meeting.”


Wisconsin tunnel entrances in Door County: A guest at a meeting told us of a childhood experience he had of observing military trucks going past his house. One day he followed the tire tracks down the road and into the woods where the tracks abruptly ended. He wondered if our alien contacts would tell us about what was going on and what type of installation is at that location. Monn answered, “It is basically an underground base which has now been sealed up at that point. They are still using it with an entrance someplace else. It is a combination government and alien underground base, though mostly government because it's a good central location for them in the tunnel networks. These are massive tunnels that go across country and out of the country. They also have submarine entrances to that facility.” (Someone looked up the location on a map and the place is in Wisconsin at approximately 45 degrees north latitude from the equator, 87 degrees longitude.)


Underground tunnels and their construction

In 2005 Eric had this to say about underground tunnels. “With the Earth’s core heating up and the shifting of the plates, there has been a problem with a few underground tunnels. There are tunnels under the oceans, and they have big machinery that bores through, but this can cause problems. The tunnels under the ocean are very deep in places, and they choose the pathway it takes very carefully. Humans and aliens operate this machinery. Remember, the cars or trains which humans and aliens ride on take them to the places that are under construction in a short period of time. It takes only an hour to get across the United States in the tunnels.”


Underwater base south of New Orleans

In June of 2006 someone had checked the earthquake reports on the United States Geological Survey (USGS) web site and saw that an earthquake was reported off the coast of New Orleans. She noticed how strange this was because there were no fault lines in that area underwater. Monn then shared there was an underwater base there, so we asked if she could share more with us. “There is an opening a little south and east of New Orleans. It is approximately 162 miles from New Orleans, and there is a tunnel underneath it that runs to Area 51. There isn’t a fault line down there that could cause an earthquake. It was an explosion at an underwater alien base, and it did cause loss of life. The explosion was in the heating and ventilation system. This problem caused an explosion that seismographs registered as a quake.”


Hitler’s search for tunnel entrances

Some people have speculated that Hitler had a large army that he wanted to march from Egypt to India in one of the underground tunnels. Is that true? In 2005 Eric said, “According to our records he thought there was an entrance to a tunnel in Egypt but never succeeded in finding it. Remember, Hitler felt there was an entrance to a tunnel in Egypt and tried and tried to find it. Some even claimed he found a tunnel and marched to another country that way. All I can say is that it’s not in any records we have here.”


Law enforcement on high alert and terrorist groups

Because of the collapse of the World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001, our government has been put on alert many times. In October of 2001 the network news was reporting how all law enforcement had been placed on high alert. Because of this, we were wondering if Monn knew what the government was specifically fearful of happening that weekend which put law enforcement on high alert. Monn said, “You should be on high alert and your country should have been on high alert long before it was. What I am telling you is that your government knew beforehand and did not want to alarm you. For what reasons only they can say, but many, many terrorists are in place all over the world and not all of them are working for the same terrorist groups. They are just waiting for the correct orders. This whole thing is what John was referring to in Revelation Chapter 18 specifically.” [Revelation 18 is the predicted destruction of the fall of an evil kingdom.]


China has largest army and secret weapons

In 1991 we asked about Russia and China. Monn had this to say, “Red China has so many people they can fight almost forever, and they have weapons that your government does not even have knowledge of. So, keep your eyes on them very closely. There are a few underground alien bases in China, also. The underground bases being alien and/or government are all over this planet and of course they are all connected.” We found an article in The New York Times (page A7), January 20, 2007, entitled, A new Player at Star Wars: China Shows Assertiveness. Could the laser-like antisatellite weapon, which the Chinese successfully tested, be what the aliens were referring to?


Chinese well trained – Russia has deadliest weapons

In 1995 Eric said the Chinese military are very well trained and are all prepared for combat. All equipment is in A-1 shape. I would say they are tied for second place in technology with the United States, and that puts Russia in first place. Russia has perfected a weapon that can cause earthquakes on the planet, and they even have worse weapons than that.”


Russian and Chinese troops on our borders

In 2003 we asked for confirmation about Russian and/or Chinese troops being located at our borders during March of this year because there was talk on James McCanney’s internet radio show about troops being on our borders. We asked Monn, and she confirmed, “There are some troops, but they come and go for training. They are doing this with the knowledge of the secret government. They have their hands on this action. There can be anywhere from 1,400 to, I think the most was 23,000 at one time. They weren’t all on your soil, but they were on the Mexican and Canadian borders. Some were also on ships, which would be in the water within twenty miles of your border.” 


China attempts to tunnel to reptilians

In the fall of 2006 Monn mentioned, “It has been reported that China has had accidents at their coal mines. You know, all of these cave-ins that they’re talking about, although many people have been killed, they’re not mining for coal. Before the cave-ins they were 27.2 miles down and now they are at 24.3. It would have probably taken them another 20 miles to get to where they wanted to go; you see they were looking for the aliens. They feel the aliens could help them with better technology. The government knows where some of the underground tunnels are, but they want to know where the tunnels are that lead to the reptilians.” 


Russian internal politics

In January of 1991 we talked with Monn about what the government is doing to break the monetary system. “The government wants to break the monetary system. So, then you would get a card and probably a chip to be planted in your body. The one-world government and the one-world police force would then come into effect. You see, right now Gorbachev seems to be having some problems with the Baltic States. This is a farce to get the world’s attention off what they’re really doing. They realize that they are going to have to enter into the world marketplace to survive. Their form of capitalism didn't work, and they need to trade with other countries because they need food. Therefore, the one-world government is what they need for their people to survive. Their heads of government know this. Gorbachev is fighting for control of his government out of the view of the public. He knows that his country has to join the rest of the world in one unit in order to survive, but many of the old order do not want that to happen.”


Eight months later she gave an update. “The changing of the political government in Russia will give the people what they believe will be more freedoms, but it will cost them more in the long run. Just as you feel you’re free and you have the freedoms of a democracy, so they will also. I think you better look at your own government. It’s not the democracy you think it is. The changing of the government has been an upset, although we had assumed, we knew where it’s going. It’s always hard to predict how humans are going to react in any given situation.” 


In July of 1993 they made this brief comment, “Russia is not backing the Arab Confederacy, and it is hard to predict if they are heading in that direction: there are too many variables that could be played out.”


During a 1995 update, they shared, “As soon as Russia’s internal problems are solved, they could get ready to strike Israel. There are three factions in Russia vying for power right now and that is scary. The current second in command has a 67% probability of taking over because quite a few of the military men are behind him. These are the old military hard-liners.” We are still waiting to see if this will occur.


USA and Russia cooperate on Mars colony

While talking to Lea during March of 1994, the subject came up about the government having bases off the planet. She said, “The government is technically advanced far enough to have a base on the Moon and also have a base on Mars. The Mars trip was accomplished with an alien craft as they have not created a craft on their own that can accomplish the feat yet.”


Eric shared, “Both United States and Russia had been working together on a Mars colony, but by February of 1995 their work had kind of gone the way of the back burner. Control of your planet has replaced the importance of the Mars colony.”


In September of 1997 we asked Monn about the Mars rover that we had been hearing so much about on the news. “The government is trying to get the people more accepting of what is real. It wasn't too long ago your government wanted you to think there couldn't possibly have been any life on Mars, but they already knew there was, so this is a way of easing people into the knowledge that they already have. They didn’t send the rover there to name some rocks. You see, currently there is a large number of Martian beings on the planet, but most are living underground. At one time Mars had a cataclysm or a shift that was very hard on the planet which caused them to move underground.


“There is a colony of researchers, scientists, and a small limited group on Mars from Earth. The greys also have a base on Mars. At this point the original civilization of Mars remains underground and does not relate to most of the people visiting and researching there. The greys are well aware of the underground civilization, but they don’t share this information with anyone else.”


Russian plane crashes and loss of liberties

When two Russian planes went down in Russia about the same time during the summer of 2004, we asked if it was caused by terrorist activity. Monn answered, “I would not call it terrorist activity. Terrorist activity is someone who comes into your country or destroys something of yours, but this was done by fellow countrymen who do not have the same agenda the government does. There is a faction that is very displeased with the government. But may I say I would not be surprised if the government was going to link this to Al Qaeda because they would not want to admit that their own countrymen did it. And they have a face to show to the world. There is a 20% possibility of a revolution, but I don’t think it will go in that direction as it is much easier to control people with food and money. Most people don’t want to think for themselves, they want to believe what the government says. It’s so much easier to just give your control away until it’s too late. Until you realize, oh, how you put it, lobster in the pot. They don’t know they are in trouble until it’s too late.”  


Waco, Texas

Because of the Waco, Texas incident in 1993, we asked Monn if she would share more information with us. She responded with, “David Koresh was set up from day one by two separate groups within the government, although the men in the field did not know what was going on. It was done by the higher factions in those groups.


“There is a theory going around that a team slipped into the compound and killed the people and then set charges as they pulled out. This is a very probable theory, and we will leave it at that for your protection. I suggest that you look at the video tapes that are going around for your answers.”


A friend wanted to know more about the Waco incident and September 11, 2001. He specifically wanted to know how our alien friends felt about these happenings. Monn shared the same things that Eric did about Waco, Texas and Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, and the World Trade Towers. Monn also said, “As far as we’re concerned this was an abomination against your own kind and that’s all I’ll say about that. Now as far as Bin Laden is concerned, I’m not saying that he has not had a hand in terrorism, but I’m just wondering whose hand was also in it. Hint, hint.”


Assassinations close to home

Having heard from different sources that many of the people around ex-president Clinton were dying, we asked about those stories. The aliens said, “A lot of Clinton guards are turning up dead because they learned a lot of information and weren’t willing to keep their eyes closed and mouth shut. Some of Clinton’s bodyguards were transferred to Waco because they threatened to talk and this was a way to dispose of them and a great way to show others to never speak.”


In 2001 Eric shared the following message with us, “Many people are beginning to realize similarities among the Kennedy assassination, the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge incidents. All of these had a very similar game plan. These were very important test grounds for the government to see how far they could push citizens. Each act of terrorism produces more laws to restrict freedoms; in these moments of terrorist acts people are fearful so they embrace more restricting laws for their safety.”


Behold a Pale Horse 

Monn said, “The book Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper has been brought to my attention. I don’t know the whole book, but I can look on the computer and tell you that about 76% is accurate especially about the government working against its citizens. The rest is his opinion and how he perceives the incidents that happened, every author does that. That is their right as an author. They are telling the story as they perceive it. This is a scary story, but there of lots of other things that are equally scary that the government has on the drawing board, and these things may happen.”


Government giving atomic power to third world countries: Iran, India and Pakistan

At the end of 1990 we were told, “Iran is politically very hot and very volatile right now, and your government is not being honest and straightforward with you. Iran has complete nuclear weapons in their hands at this time. They got them from your government quite a while ago; they went through the back door to give them the weapon. They felt this would help to control the world, but as always it did not work out for them the way they wanted, or maybe it did because the aliens can see a war with them in the future.” 

In August of 1998 the news media were talking about India and Pakistan having atomic weapons. We asked how they got them. Monn explained, “You gave it to them, the government gave them the nuclear uranium for power plants and it's only two steps beyond that to the bomb. Your secret government has done that with many, many, many countries, knowing full well that they are eventually going to make a weapon out of it. These plans are so interwoven that no one really knows whose fault it is for giving them the uranium. We as a group see this as another example as to how complex and well executed the plan is to eliminate millions of people. It seems whatever starts out looking like good intentions almost always have disastrous results.”

In June of 2006 we asked Monn if the US government gave the Shah of Iran atomic power and weapons. Monn replied, “Yes, your own government did. If you went looking over there, you would probably find ‘Made in the USA’ stamped on it. The government does not want this to be found. They had it and your government conveniently didn’t find it. But eventually this whole thing is going to go up in smoke. What are you going to do? The situation with Iran is going to get much worse, and probably the draft will be reinstated. There is talk going on, and Russia is kind of siding with Iran, not necessarily with the atomic weapons but that they should have nuclear power plants, which then is not far from the atomic weapon. But, as far as that goes, guess what? They already have a bomb.”



In December 1989 when asked about the Illuminati, Eric said, “The Illuminati are very prejudiced people; they are very much against the Blacks and Jews and Catholics. The homosexuals are also a targeted part of society. All this must come to pass, and this generation (our generation) shall not pass until the coming of the Messiah and then there shall be order and, finally, peace and harmony.”


Years later Eric updated us on the Illuminati. “The Illuminati are a group of beings that believe they are illuminated. In other words, they have the power in them, but the only problem is the power in them is from the dark/evil side of the force and their object is to control everything for self-gratification. They want to run this planet and control it. Let’s put it this way, they aren’t very nice people.


“You could say they are just humans, but they are also descendants of aliens that were cross-bred thousands of years ago. As a matter of fact, a lot of them are royalty and try to keep the blood line pure. That is where the term ‘blue blood’ comes from. Most of the people in power are descendants from this breeding that took place many, many, many years ago.


“There is much infighting among them and each faction is vying for power. It depends on what day you are looking at as to who is more powerful. They are very close to getting full power, but before that can happen they are going to have to exterminate more people. The fewer people, the more easily they can be controlled.


“This is where lightworkers come in; this is part of their job, to help keep these people, who work for the dark/evil side of the force, out of power.”   



In the fall of 1988, a member of the group remembered being followed by helicopters when going up to an alien ship at night. Eric explained, “Of course, they could not follow the ships very far because the shuttle craft could outpace them in speed and height, although they keep trying. The government is unwilling to admit that we are more advanced than they are, and they don't want anyone to know that they cannot protect their people.”


During July of 1993 Monn explained, “There are many jets over your area in Wisconsin that carry machines that can change the weather. As far as black helicopters, they are in training partly for the New World Order. I will not discuss this topic any more at this time. I know some of you have seen black helicopters come over your place of employment or your homes. Many times they have turned towards you and then turned back onto their original course. Why don’t you just wave to them? You see, these are practice runs, they also are taking photos, but they are basically on a practice run. They seem to come up out of nowhere, but most of them in your area are out of Fort McCoy.” We are still seeing the black helicopters to this day.


Because the husband of one of our members had delivered something to a military base that was supposed to be closed, we knew not all of the bases slated for closure were actually closed. During the delivery process, he was escorted by armed men in military vehicles. While the truck was being unloaded, he was escorted out of the area. Once it was empty, he was returned and escorted off the base. Monn stated, “To the public some bases will be closed, but some of them are going to be holding equipment so that it’s well spaced out.”


Hubble Telescope

Early 1993 news articles claimed the Hubble telescope did not have the right lens, therefore, the government was sending up another space shuttle mission to replace the defective lens. When we asked what the real mission was, Eric stated, “It will not function as the government wishes you to believe and the reason is not available for discussion. However, some of the secret satellites the space shuttle has been putting up for the government are to control weather patterns. It cannot control all the weather patterns. It only takes nature and increases it. The money mongers are trying to benefit from this.” 


Internment camp

Because in the winter of 1998 we had talked about an internment camp masquerading as a game farm in our area and the fact that it had been moved, we wanted to know where it had been moved to. The last time we asked Monn she could not tell us where it was because she did not have a map that gave the coordinates of where the new one was located, so we asked again. She explained, “I don't think it's to your good health that you know where it is because you will just get in the car, go for a ride and see if you can find it. I know the last time you went to check out what I had said. You can't do much without us knowing about it and that goes for your government as well.”


In October of 2000 Monn said, “All lightworkers are at risk of getting caught by the military and being abducted. They could outright grab one of you, but so far they have released all the lightworkers after the abduction, even when they did not learn anything of importance from them. The military likes to keep track of you in case anything does come down because they feel like maybe you can help save them. But you see, as a lightworker you knew of the risks before you came here. Personally, I think that would be a big problem if they would round up the lightworkers and keep them locked up in a confined area. They don’t know what they are getting into. This is an error in their thoughts because if they put all these lights together in one spot, boy, is there going to be power. It will be an awesome beacon. It is likely that you will be rounded up and then separated, but I wouldn’t worry about it.”


Secret societies and the Ark of the Covenant

In 2000 we asked Monn about the Ark of the Covenant and she explained, “The Ark is being held by the secret government, which is actually headed by the antichrist’s followers. When the Ark goes to Israel and into the New Temple, they can put in their man to claim himself as Jesus. This is part of his job to fool the people, and of course he will be well loved for restoring the Ark to its proper place. He will be able to approach the Ark by using magic as that is the only way for him to prove who he is, but the common people won’t be able to approach the Ark. We cannot give you a time as to when this will take place. Only God knows exactly when everything will be in place, and He ain’t talking to me about it.”


On September 9, 2006 Lea added, “You see, the secret societies have been in control of the Ark of the Covenant for a long time. The Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, and the Masons are a few of the secret societies. They consider themselves all powerful as long as they are in control. They have been in power for thousands of years.”



We then asked about NESARA (National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act) which would forgive all loans and debts and change banking practices. Monn said, “I think it is a big distraction for a lot of people. I don’t see the Illuminati or the secret government ever allowing it to come about because they would be the ones that would be hurt the most by it. And I don’t believe they will ever allow anything that would take money away from them, because if this happens, they would lose control of the people. I see this whole thing as a distraction from what is really going on. This NESARA is giving people false hope, and when it does not come to pass that hope will be gone.” 


Debunking miracles in the Bible

In 2004 the History Channel on television had many programs explaining how the miracles in the Bible could be explained as natural events. This was on my mind. Monn must have realized that I was questioning this and in August of 2004 she was very talkative on the topic. “There is a big push to explain all the wonders in the Bible. They are now explaining away how God sent the plagues when Moses was trying to free his people. They are explaining how each plague was normal, how the Red Sea parting was actually a natural phenomenon and how the plagues happened. E. coli killed fish in the water, and animals drank the water, so they got sick, and because there was no fish to eat the frogs, they became predominant. No, this is not true; there is a big push to debunk the Bible. Many people doing archaeological digs are finding items that agree with the Bible, so now the debunkers have to counteract these findings. So don’t be surprised if you hear more and more of these types of stories. It is something that I think is going to be tried. The people that don’t have faith can be swayed because they think these things are proven scientifically. In this computer age, they can make anything look like what they want. There are a few more TV shows in the works. One is done and ready to be shown and one is still in the works. They will be coming out, so keep your eyes and ears open.”  






Negative Alien Agenda


Lower life form

In January of 1989 I (Bonnie) was walking down the hallway in my house and something hit the back of my leg. At first I thought it was my cat, but it wasn’t. We asked Monn what it was that hit the back of Bonnie’s leg, “That was, shall we say, a lower life form that tried to invade her territory and space. They just seem to like to sit around and wait for you to drop that light. These lower life forms are able to touch you when you’re thinking negatively or when your guard is down. This is what attracts them. If at the time your health is compromised, they couldn’t do any real damage, as that is not their object. If your light is not strong, they can reach you and you become frightened. Then they can reach you more and you become more frightened, and then they can get to you. Do not become frightened. Just remember with whom you are joined, with whom you are one, and have no fear.”


Three groups of reptilians

In December of 1998 because we were hearing so much about the reptilians, we asked if Monn could explain more about them. “There are actually three types of reptilians that are here at this time:


Group 1, right now is watching to see how things are going. They are just monitoring you for the time being. They don’t seem to be very interested in having contact with us, either. I think they are interested in your planet because it is such an interesting place. These reptilians certainly aren't interfering at this point. They are just observing, studying. You see, once anyone is born on your planet you don’t remember your past lives and you think it's a perfectly normal place.


“Group 2, seems to be interested in figuring out the technology that you have. Why? I don't understand it. They also are very elusive, but as long as they are not involving themselves into the planet’s travel, we won't get in their face. So they are keeping an eye on us and we're keeping an eye on them. They're keeping an eye on the greys, and we are keeping an eye on all of them.


“Group 3, is the reptilians who are here, they are the ones who are overseeing the greys; the greys are working for them. We have tried three times to meet with the reptilians that are over the greys, at their convenience, and they have not been too interested in doing it as of yet. To our knowledge they are not meeting with any other species, but they are very involved with your government.”


Eric clarified the relationship between the reptilians and the greys. “The reptilians are not that great of a force on your planet. They don't have to be because they have had the greys doing their dirty work. There is a contract between them that was signed on the grey’s planet about 2,700 years ago, in your time span. The greys came to your planet approximately 176 years ago for the first time, under the influence of the reptilians. Now, the reptilians have been on your planet many times; it looks like 110,000 years ago, your time, was the first contact with earth. Then they left, and it looks like they came back probably about 27,000 years ago, your time, and left again because the planet had nothing they could use. About 10,000 years ago, they became very interested again with your planet and did stay for a while. It was the change in earth’s life forms that piqued their interest and they thought that their genes in your gene pool might make a difference, so they stayed for a while and left again.”


“This planet was changed by others, not by God. Your planet was to evolve but these reptilians made it happen faster. They became gods by creating life forms that were not meant to be. I believe you call it cross-breeding.”


“All this time the reptilians had contact with the negative grey beings from the Orion System, so they gave them some of their technology, and the greys then agreed to do some work for the reptilians.”


More than one Adam and Eve

In the mid 1990’s we asked if there was more than one Adam and Eve. Monn answered, “You might say so because there was more than one experiment. Just as Lilith, Adam’s first wife is one of those old stories. All I was going to say anyhow was that Adam and Eve didn’t come from this planet; so what difference does it make? Actually they didn’t come from another planet either. Zechariah Sitchin, the author of The 12th Planet, claims they were created here. Aliens genetically changed the DNA of a distant cousin to the ape on this planet. The distant ape was very human like in form so there was a small adjustment in the DNA. The sons of God, reptilians, came down here and found the daughters fair and mated with them, but these beings were very close in DNA to some higher animals on the planet. They were very close to what human DNA is today. By doing this genetic altering the animal became extinct. You might say there was more than one Adam and Eve because there was more than one experiment on planet Earth.”


Nine-year-old abductee recalls hybrid children

In 1990 a member of the group talked with a nine-year-old boy who believed he was being abducted by the greys. He also remembered talking to hybrid children. He made us drawings of what the aliens looked like.




     He also drew this picture of hybrid children.


Over the years Monn answered our questions about hybrid children and occasionally updated it. In December of 1990 she was asked about the boy and responded by saying, “Yes he has been abducted by the greys. They have been abducting young children. At this time we don’t know for what purpose they are being taken; we don’t have any physical evidence at this time. Most of them have not been implanted. They have had no type of surgery, but their minds are so confused that it would do them more harm to try to find why they’re being taken. We don’t want to destroy the children.


“Most hybrid children need love from humans, which the aliens don’t seem to be able to give them. It is possible this is the reason human children are being abducted, but when we contact these human children, the only thing we get back is a confused state of mind. We are actually afraid to delve into their minds further because it may cause them more problems. So, we are going to stand by and try to calculate this without having to bother them.


“Many times these hybrid children are curious about human children and ask questions about Earth children. But I want you to remember that about 65% of the children that are here now have come from other civilizations which are much more advanced than Earth. So, they do have a soul pattern memory and maybe aren’t as school wise as other children, but when interacting with people they do much better.”


Aliens wouldn’t mind taking over this planet

In February 1995 Monn shared, “Because this planet is so beautiful, there are a few factions of aliens, as you call them, who wouldn’t mind taking over this planet. They would like to control the planet, have a place where they have workers to do the work for them, and have plenty to eat as they can use humans for food.”


Greys and hybrid army

In August of 1995 Monn told us that all the greys are from the same solar system. “Most of the greys that are on your planet now have destroyed their own planet by mismanagement. They are very technologically advanced with little spirituality. They have grown some hybrids into adults, yes, but they are not perfect. These beings could not pass for humans. They want an army so they can have complete control over humans. You see, with these hybrids they have the strength and physical stamina that the aliens lack; to fight, make war upon and take over Earth, so their race can survive.”


During February of 1998 we asked about the underground alien nation, and Monn let us know, “They are abducting women and impregnating them. They are trying to make a hybrid race by taking the embryos and raising these half-alien, half-human fetuses. They have been doing this for quite some time. They have not produced any hybrids that look close enough to what you look like to not be recognized. Yes, there are species in the universe that look a lot like you. These visit, but to my knowledge none are here on your planet presently. Many earthlings call these the Nordic-looking species; this is your name for them, not ours. They generally have blond hair and blue eyes.”   


Shape-shifting alien

On September 2, 2006 I (Bonnie) was driving home from a meeting when I saw what I thought was a large dog. Then I realized that it was a fox because it was red, with a big bushy tail and a long nose. It ran across the road, then turned around, sat down, and looked at me in the car. The thing I noticed was that the eyes did not shine or reflect in the headlights. Because this was unusual, we asked what it was in a September 8, 2006 channeling session. Monn answered, “No, it was not a fox, and he was as interested in Bonnie as she was in him. They can take on other forms. He is a shape-shifter, not a reptilian but something along that line. He was checking things out, looking at the hotbed of lightworker activity in the Fox Valley located in east-central Wisconsin. There was no reflection in the eye because, how do you say, his soul is more negative. They are trying to investigate and see if they can also get a foothold on Earth. These beings broke through the blockade that we have around the planet at this time. Three ships got through. We are trying to contain them, but you can help by spreading your light. Bonnie did not know they are aliens, but she knew something was not right.” 


On September 9, 2006 we asked Lea about this new type of alien Monn had told us about and she said, “There were three ships, one came to your area. One went to the China-Russian border, and one went to South America near Chile because of the actions going on in those areas. They went to China we think because of HAARP; we believe, to find out how it is affecting the people on the planet. Chile is having a small revolution at this time--there are two factions that are warring near the border there. These being have never been here before. Let’s say their true form is bipedal, rather short in stature, very dark skinned, and almost all-white eyes.”


Eric added more information on the new type of aliens that shape shift. “They are working on their own agenda type of thing. They are not with the greys or reptilians, they are on their own. The planet they are from does not have anything in your language that I can translate. The name of their planet is the symbols of a half moon, a star, and what looks like your letter J. They only had three ships; they aren’t really armed. What they did was wait until there was a skirmish in another area and then snuck through. I believe they will be on their way out of earth’s atmosphere shortly. They will be escorted out. They seemed to be checking everything over, but hopefully we will find out their agenda before they leave. If they have collected anything we will know when we show all of them the way out.” 


The next day we asked Monn if the fox-like aliens had been escorted out yet. “Yes, they have been and are on the other side of the barricade. As far as I know, they didn’t take anything with them. And I have not received any information yet on why they were here. That type of information has to go through channels before I get it.”


Hopi legend and the ancient red reptilian symbol  

During the same session while speaking to Eric, we asked about a Hopi legend that states that there is going to be a race coming down to earth with a red symbol on their ship, they are going to be merciless and will cover the earth like red ants. Who are those people? He answered with, “I believe they are speaking about the greys and reptilians. I’m not well versed in that topic, so maybe I shouldn’t even say anything. I will turn you over to Monn; maybe she can answer it better.” 


“Monn here, I think I have the general drift of your question. The ships with the red symbol on it, this is a symbol the reptilians do use on their ships; it is red and looks like the opposite of the Nazi symbol, but it’s going in the opposite direction. Christ will not allow them to take over the planet. None of us are privy as to exactly how this will be done. A lot of the so-called religious people believe that they are going to be long gone before any of this happens. So there are just so many things that are thought to be going to happen, and, to tell you the truth, we are not up high enough on the scale to be privy to the set plans of all things that are going to happen. But if I hear any scuttlebutt going around, I’ll let you know, because I think it’s important that you realize what’s going to happen so you can be prepared. This is an ancient reptilian symbol which the Nazis borrowed. This symbol came from a race that is much older than your planet. I don’t know everything as my computer isn’t big enough to have the history of the whole Universe in it.”


Genetically modified beings

Early in 2006 several of us read a book about genetically modified beings. The aliens and the governments are working together to make a cross between aliens and humans. So, we asked if this was true and if they were getting better at camouflaging themselves so these beings could walk among humans. Monn replied, “They are getting better at camouflaging themselves. They’re not bad for beginners. We have not kept track of this government/ alien program. We don’t have time to read all the government files.”   


Cheyenne Mountain base

In 2006 we heard that the government was supposedly shutting down the Cheyenne Mountain base and relocating personnel, so we asked Monn about it. “They may be moving the people out, but they aren’t shutting it down. More of the aliens are taking over the underground parts. I say the government thinks they are letting the aliens have underground control, but in reality, they can’t control the aliens. But we, as a group, wonder if the aliens are using mind control on the military.”    


Aliens have all their bases covered

Later we asked if the Russians or the Chinese were working with the bad/evil aliens. “To some extent, the aliens have all their bases covered. This is how China has come up so fast. The negative alien’s main objectives are chaos, disorder, wars, and destruction in any way, shape, or form.  This is what their planets were like that they came from. You see, these aliens have the technology but not the spirituality that is needed to go along with it to be balanced.”

[Is this part of a demonic/evil alien/secret government/Illuminati etc. plan that is unfolding at this time?]

Greys consider Earth theirs

“You see, as far as the greys are concerned this is their planet and about 90% of extraterrestrials stay out of their way, not because the greys are respected but because of the power and the technology they have.”


Mass landing scenario – open contact protocol established

In September 1997 we asked for more information about the aliens that live underground. Monn answered, “It is very close to a mass landing with them wanting to speak with the heads of state, making pacts with the governments, which most of them have already done. This will be done strictly for show. They will talk about how they will help you with your problems. It would be in major areas first and then in smaller countries, the less affluent countries a little bit later. A little like ‘Independence Day’ but not quite that graphic. Well, of course you have to hit the large countries first. Who worries about little third world countries that have no weapons of mass destruction and have nothing to offer the aliens as much as the aliens have to offer them? So, yes, they would pick the most advanced countries first, wouldn't you? That's good tactical procedures.”


Increased alien activity in October of 2003

In October of 2003 Monn shared, “Between September 7th and the 27th there was a lot of activity by the negative aliens. They seemed to have stepped up their actions somewhat, a little bit more than your government expected.”




Science Gone Mad



While talking to Monn we asked if the deadly wound the antichrist is supposed to receive to the head that is described in the Bible could possibly be rejuvenation of the body to make him well again. “Yes, they could do that, but on Earth rejuvenation is not 100% achievable yet. They can rejuvenate a body to make it look and feel younger, but it reverts back to their original age very quickly. It's not that they can live for another forty or fifty years. The aging process is very quick after rejuvenation, much faster than normal. You see, it depends upon the individual and the age he was before they started. But at this time it's only like ten years that they can accomplish and in those ten years they age like five to one.”


Soul transference 

From 1997 to 2006 we asked Monn about soul transference because so many people were discussing it and wondered if soul transference was being done on this planet. “Yes, there are some cases of soul transference being done specifically by the elite. They gained this technology from the bad/evil aliens. The aliens cannot transfer their soul into a human body because genetically they cannot go from their form into a human form. The crossover puts too much of a strain on the soul. This is not perfected as yet, and they cannot keep the soul safe in the new body, so it is not 100% perfected. This is not the quite the same as rejuvenation but fairly close.”


“The government has accomplished soul transference, but it has always been done at near death. What they want to do is to be able to snatch souls that are negative, when they have not yet reached training in-between lifetimes. If they have been negative in their last lifetime, they do not get the retraining needed to bring up the vibration level of their soul. So, it is possible to have an army of very negative beings. Therefore, most souls who have had soul transference are of the negative type because they are easily captured near death or at death and then transferred into a waiting body.”


“Souls are at different levels and it's very, very hard to comprehend. All souls are at different levels of vibrations when they die. If you are a very evil person, you have to go to a very different place where there is retraining. There you get to view the mistakes and errors you have made in your life so you can try to accomplish more in the next lifetime without falling back into your old patterns.” 



Monn continued, “As far as cloning of humans by the government, it is about 72% perfected. They are close, very, very close. Once they have it perfected, they will have crossed the line that God has established about Him being the only Creator. This is why Atlantis and Lemuria were destroyed. The body is just a housing and needs a soul for it to function completely. If someone is cloned, a soul must enter that body or it cannot be a living, breathing thing. It cannot move and it's almost like the person is in a coma. In order for the clone to function properly, it has to have a soul. Sometimes in coma patients the body doesn't get a chance to shut down enough for a soul to exit, and the soul is actually trapped inside, which is very hard on it. Sometimes a soul cannot leave until someone around them learns something from this, whether it be a doctor, parent, or child.” 


DNA manipulation

While talking to Monn in July of 1993, we asked if they were experimenting with the DNA codes of insects and other life forms. She asked, “Who are you referring to; those on the planet, scientists, the government, or aliens, who are you speaking about?”  We answered, “All of the above.”  Monn replied, “Bingo, all of the above!”



In 1990 we had read about centers that the government has for prisoners. It made us wonder if maybe they would be used in conjunction with the greys. Monn answered, “This is strictly the government and they are doing experiments on the inmates. They are using implants to control. They want to control people’s minds and be able to trigger them off at any given time, but that is not going to be accomplished any time soon.”


During July of 1993 at a private residence we asked Monn if the government had ever tried to implant us. “Both the government and the bad aliens have tried to implant you and even some of your family members, but the ones who were successfully implanted have left the group. They were not balanced, nor did they meditate, as they should have to keep themselves in balance. This is why they could be implanted by the negative beings, and because of the implanting their thinking process has changed. Also, even if they did succeed to implant you and if you became balanced again, you can burn the implants up with your light, or you could expel them from your body. Your faith in God can fry the implants; faith is that strong, it is your protection against evil. It is very important to use your light on a daily basis. Some of you still aren't doing that, please, it is your protection given by the Creator. If you do not use it, you give permission for the aliens and government to invade your space.


“You give negative aliens or the secret government your permission by not being balanced or meditating or using your light on a daily basis, they both are able to implant you and keep track of you. Because of this permission, about 47% of the people are now implanted by both the government and the negative aliens but many don’t know it. You could say they are walking time bombs as some of these people could snap and become serial killers. Some of these people hear voices in their heads telling them what to do. I would like to say that these are real voices, not their imagination, and this is accomplished through the implants. The government and aliens are using them to have an army that does not question.”


In 1994 Monn said, “There are many different reasons people are hearing voices in their heads. It could be government, it could be a mental illness, and sometimes it’s just an excuse, but it is probably the government experimenting or it could be aliens.”


In December of 1995 William, a member of our group at the time, felt he had an implant on the outside of his right leg, so he asked Monn who replied, “I believe it’s highly improbable that it is an implant. But if you have been in a state of imbalance, they can come and take you. If you do not keep your balance, they will keep after you. They couldn't do anything to you if you are balanced, but if you get unbalanced enough, they can do something to you and even implant you. They implant you to get you on the wrong path, to get into your head to put bad thoughts there. They haven't implanted those who are here in this room. They haven't been able to penetrate in that capacity, yet, but some of you have been taken because of your imbalance.”


By 1997 we were wondering if babies were being implanted with a chip through inoculation at birth in the hospitals. Monn answered, “There have been some implantations, yes. This is mostly done on an experimental level to see how traceable they are, how long they function, and to see how easily they can be found and handled. This experiment is being done without the parents’ knowledge.”


“One of the reasons why some people are becoming more uncontrollable is because their souls cannot go into the next density; they're not ready yet. They can't stand the next vibrational level, and become very disoriented, confused, and angry. Part of the problem is that a lot of these people have chips and have been implanted, also. See, the government and alien nation do know the level people are at, and they're attaching to these people because they know they can be distorted. Both the government and the alien nation are doing the implanting. The government got the technology from the alien nation to learn what level people are at.” 


While speaking to Lea on September 9, 2006 we asked if she was aware of a man we had talked with who seemed to have a lot of strange stuff going on in his life. Lea replied, “He is human and is being taken and taught many things at night. He is being taken by the reptilians to an underground installation. These aliens are working with the government. He does have an implant in his head; it sees whatever he is seeing. Those that are very close to him do not have the same connection with the reptilians; you see it’s like they are being indoctrinated through him.”



In Bonnie’s first book, Alien Contact: The messages they bring (p.213), we were told, “The measles inoculation is going to be mandatory for everyone very soon. Many who are entering certain levels of school have already been inoculated. It is an evil plan to ensure that everyone has an implant, a computer chip, in them. This is one way that they are ensuring people get implanted through vaccines.”


In September of 2006 we were given an update on the current flu shots in which  Monn informed us, “Well, you see, your government has been mass producing flu shots, but I recommend that you don’t get them. There could be a bit of flu virus in them and a little bit of a tracking device. As far as the manmade bird flu, there is a 72% chance that they will release it this fall. The bird flu has been altered to do more damage and be transferred to humans easier.”


Philadelphia Experiment

In October 1988 Eric was being channeled when a question came up about our government being able to go into another dimension either partially or mechanically. He replied, “Your government has been trying for years. They have done it a few times accidentally. But no, they cannot do it as a controlled thing and come back in one piece."   


In 1991 we asked about the Philadelphia Experiment, and it was explained that it had been done and can be done with feasibility. “The long-term effect of this can be death. It depends upon the general shape of your bodily form. If you are in tip-top shape, it shortens it only a few years, but if your body has any problems, it can shorten your life by about half.”


In October 2000 the aliens again discussed the Philadelphia Experiment. They explained, “It was not the only experiment as there have been others. There is a whole lot that the government hasn’t told its people.”


Montauk books 

In December of 1998, after reading a series of seven books about the Montauk Project, which was experiments in time travel, we were very upset. (For a list of the book titles look in the suggested reading section.) “The Montauk books talk about losing a lot of people when they were sent through this vortex in space. When they went forward in time or backward in time, they lost a lot of people because of power outages or whatever. I believe somewhere in your Bible it talks about the souls that are lost in damnation and they go to the pit; these are the souls. If they are not on the right path at that time, then they will be lost. I know some of them are children who are tortured and brainwashed and then sent out into timelines and lost. It would depend upon the age of the children but most of these children are over the age of eight, which is usually the age of reason and consent. The souls of those who were righteous were recaptured by the light and have a chance to come back and be born again. These souls are being traumatized by this action, and this is another reason Earth is in trouble.” 


We had a hard time reading the books because they mixed in just enough of the truth and then twisted it so far off that if you were not thinking on your toes, had a strong belief, or used your instincts, then it's a viable theory. Monn had the following to say, “Now, I know you really enjoyed the Montauk books, but I think you better read them again and remember that the people involved in them were not spiritual people, so their views are just a little bit twisted. It is how they see it; this was how it was presented to them. Look at who was involved, people like Aleister Crowley, and your warning bells have got to go off. So, you’re going to have to really remember that what happened was not a spiritual quest. This has a sexual overture to it, which is negative. They try to say that a separation occurred here, but I don’t really know how to say this, any reality that you are in is your reality. So, which is the alternate one?”


“Time reality, to us, is the reality of believing in God, believing in the Creator, believing in Jesus. And almost everyone on Earth at some time is not on that path. It is not a shift in time. We do not consider it a shift in time. It is just a way that you chose to proceed in your life. And when you come back to God, come back to Jesus, we don't consider that a timeline. Time to us is irrelevant; time is your conception of things. Our time is different than your time.”


We had been seeing cell phone towers with triangular array of antennas on top of them. We wanted to know if that was the only thing they are being used for. Eric said, “At this point, yes, but they can be altered quite easily or should I say connected with a different instrument and a different plan is in the works. This can be used for mind alteration like the Montauk kids. What else it could be used for at this point we don’t know.”



Because there was a lot of pneumonia going around in 1990, we asked Monn if this virus was planted by our government, “Well, it was planted by what we call the underground government. They have decided to try some experiments with viruses, and pneumonia happens to be one of them. They are also trying biological experimentation on the general population. You see, there’s your government, there’s a secret government, and there’s an underground. Then there are the reptilians/greys and there is a group that communicates between the two. It happens to be one of these groups doing the experimenting. But remember what I have told you hundreds of times, using your light on a steady basis and staying positive helps fight these viruses off. You can protect yourselves and you can protect your family from these types of things by using your light on your family. But ultimately it is their choice, just as every once in a while people choose to get sick so they can take a rest.”


“In a society such as yours, it’s not cool to take a day off to take care of yourself, but that’s what has to be done. You have to take some time for yourself to revitalize your inner being. Most people on Earth do that by partying and blowing off steam instead of looking for the peace and harmony.” 



While talking to Eric in 1995, we asked if we were correct in thinking that the government was creating AIDS or the Ebola virus and introducing it on the planet. Eric replied, “The aliens gave the technology to produce AIDS and Ebola, but the governments are introducing it into the human population.”


New person-specific tonal imbalance wave

In 1996 we decided to ask if there was anything new that the government was using on people, and Monn replied, “There is a tonal imbalance wave being used on people. It was not the ELF (extremely low frequency waves) or HARRP wave (high-frequency active aurora research project). This is a new one that you did not have prior knowledge of, although we knew about it. It can be sent out through your phone lines, it can be sent out through your TV, it can be directed to the point that they wish it to go. It works much easier if it has a system, such as an electrical form, to travel on. It does not dissipate to unwanted individuals; it is person specific. This targets a specific person.”



Because many people were talking about chemtrails, we asked what they contained. Monn said, “Jet contrails contain chemicals and viruses which can cause asthma and breathing problems, but they don’t really have it perfected yet. There are even some chemicals for diarrhea. They can also do it with ELF and HAARP waves, but they are not usually used to cause a virus. ELF waves and HAARP waves are mostly used to affect the mental capacity. But you take a virus and add it to change a mental outlook, and you have depression; you have people becoming violent, shooting people, that type of thing. As of this date they cannot use viruses or waves to alter the mind, the brain pattern, but they can alter brain wave patterns through the TV, just like in the canned music we have discussed. A person who watches a lot of television, or even rents a lot of movies for that matter, their brain waves can be altered, especially with the newer types of TV shows. This can be edited and put right on the film, although I don’t think the common people are aware of this yet. The new fiber optics that are being installed almost everywhere are good conductors for this type of thing, as are your telephones.


“There is nothing to worry about if you keep yourself balanced and in the light, no problem. Do you realize that there are very few people who really know how to meditate? Meditation can alter your perceptions, but if you are listening to music while trying to meditate, remember I said that messages can be put in music. You may be listening to the wrong message.”


Confusion gas

At the annual UFO Daze gathering on the third weekend in Dundee, Wisconsin in July of 2003, we noticed there was a different feeling in the evening; it was too quiet, so we asked what was different. Monn replied, “Gas was dispersed over the area, something like confusion gas. This was done by the military as they had planes flying over earlier in the day. This gets people confused and keeps people quiet. This was done to cause a different atmosphere; a different feeling among the people that were there, and you might say it worked quite well. No one really connected their feelings to what was going on, although a few people realized that something wasn’t right. The people were not in a receptive mood to see the aliens.”


“Now this was a type of gas that would not affect a lot of people negatively, but if you are not very spiritual, it could make you aggravated. Just think if they did this over a large city with negative-feeling gas. I would watch your sporting events the rest of the year to see if anything is unusual.”


“Another type of gas was used at a basketball game and at a football game a number of years ago. There are a lot of different types of gas they have or could use now as an experiment. I’m not saying they are going to do this because everyone has their own free will, including the government, or so they think.”



In 1993 we talked to Eric, the captain of the Peace Ship, about Hurricane Andrew (Cat. 4, August 16-28, 1992). It was the most destructive United States hurricane of record. We assumed that it was not one hundred percent natural. Eric confirmed that assumption and our suspicion that storm systems can be artificially controlled in their direction and intensity. We wondered from what locations they were being controlled. Was it from Earth…the Moon…from (space) ships? Eric replied, “Satellites. Some satellites are used to control some patterns of weather. It cannot control weather patterns; it only takes nature and increases it.”


Years later we heard about a cover-up of the actual death toll and destruction of Hurricane Andrew that struck South Dade County, Florida on August 23, 1992 and the central coast of Louisiana as a Category 3 hurricane on August 26, 1992. (K T Frankovich wrote a book about her experience called Where Heavens Meet.) On September 4, 2004 Monn was asked how many people actually died in Hurricane Andrew. She told us, “Seventeen thousand three hundred thirty-two (17,332). Most of those who died were illegal immigrants to the United States who were considered non-existing.” We were told that because of their illegal immigrant status, these people were not counted in the official death count. We asked Monn how much of the storm was controlled or manipulated. “Not much. Not much. The government only bumped it a little bit. When they bumped it, that is when it turned and the purpose for bumping the hurricane was to see if they could make it turn and to what degree.”


Later when we were talking with Monn about Hurricane Frances (Cat. 4, August 25–September 10, 2004) which was a Category 2 hurricane while passing over the northwestern Bahamas. We were wondering if they were affecting this hurricane and what had caused it to slow down. Monn responded, “They have tried to stall it and now they’re not sure what it’s going to do, and to tell you the truth, we’re not sure either. We can only give percentages of what it might do. Only one person knows and that’s God.” Monn also explained to us that the sun flares are affecting the hurricane, and if they keep up enhancing/manipulating the hurricanes, there will be many more hurricanes during the 2004 season.


On October 29, 2005 we were able to talk to Lea about the two major hurricanes, Hurricane Katrina (Cat. 5, August 23-31, 2005) and Hurricane Rita (Cat. 5, September 18-26, 2005) that devastated the United StatesGulf Coast. Hurricane Katrina made initial landfall near the Miami-Dade/Broward County line during the evening of August 25. It intensified to a Category 5 hurricane and made a second landfall near Buras, Louisiana on August 29th. Continuing northward the hurricane made its final landfall near the Louisiana, Mississippi border as a Category 3 hurricane. Click here for our interview of a Hurricane Katrina survivor.


We asked if the two above-mentioned hurricanes were tampered with. Lea replied, “They were enhanced, and they were bumped, yes. Actually, they were tampered with by what many of you call the secret government. They want to break the middle class so that there is only the rich and the poor.”  Lea confirmed our suspicions that Hurricane Katrina was directed to a location where it would cause the most damage. She also explained to us, “The levees in New Orleans were blown up by your government to cause major flooding and population thinning. The levees were blown to cause destruction, to cause death, and to cause everyone to move out of the area because the government has other plans for it.” 


Shocked, we asked Lea what plans they had for the area. “Well, I’m not exactly sure, but it seems that there are many factions that have different ideas. Some want to get the poor out of the area, some want to just break the backs of the local government, and actually there is an underground base under the ocean in that area. With less population, it can be used more readily, so the aliens also had a hand in all this. The negative aliens actually conjured it up in the first place.” She explained, “The aliens started the storm about halfway between Africa and South America by causing the water to warm up. They were above the water and created a fluctuation in the temperature of the water and, naturally, that caused a hurricane to start, and then it took its normal path. Then it was enhanced by scientists who are working for the secret government, and then it was bumped by the military of the US government. All three factions had not planned to work together; they just saw an opportunity and used it.”


Lea informed us she had heard, “FEMA was told not to respond too quickly, but I do not know for what reason they were told that. The quickest to respond were the people of the surrounding states that got into the storm-ravaged areas to help their fellow citizens. They helped until they were stopped by FEMA.”

 It was asked during the same session if the many prayers that were said helped to lessen the severity of the hurricanes. Eric replied, “I would have to say that they may have helped. But when something is nudged and enhanced, there is not much that can be done about it. Prayer lessens it a little bit. What you need is a prayer before it happens, and you need a prayer afterward to help the people that are survivors.”

 Dr. James McCanney is the one who developed the technology to bump or move a hurricane. His intention for developing this technology was to divert storms away from populated areas but the government got their hands on his material and is using it for the opposite reason it was created. (For more information on hurricane manipulation please visit www.jmccanneyscience.com.)

Monn commented about Dr. James McCanney: “I wish to say that James McCanney has a very special place in our hearts. He is willing to step forward with the truth, and I just hope that he does not become too bitter with the way the scientific community is treating him. Bitterness can take you off the path that you have chosen for yourself very quickly. I hope he remembers that it is important to get the message out to everyday citizens.”



 In September of 2006 Monn was talking about the tilting of Earth and said, “It is bobbing back and forth. It is still in a safe range, but it wouldn’t take much to alter it. A large underground atomic weapon blast could alter its course. North Korea was going to do a large underground atomic weapon blast just to test it, but it failed. We don’t know how that happened, maybe the aliens had something to do with it happening, but we are glad it did.”  Since the time of this session, North Korea did perform a small underground atomic blast.


Earthquake machines

Monn said, “Your government also has an earthquake machine like the Russians. If these two earthquake waves would cross, it could cause an immediate pole shift. I think these people don’t realize how dangerous it is, they don’t know what they’re playing with. This type of pole shift has happened twice before by your ancient civilizations playing with such things. So, a pole shift is not necessarily a natural thing, it can also be manmade.”


Discrediting holistic health       

Monn said, “Part of the sub-government is trying to discredit holistic health. They are also trying to get every vitamin and mineral supplement under the control of the government.”



Jesus is returning in a craft
to bring the final message
to the people of planet Earth.
God will not allow this planet to be destroyed.
Man may choose to annihilate himself.
God will rid this planet of evil.

An alien contact







Cataclysms, Things Are Heating Up



While talking to Monn in 1991, we asked if they had been monitoring the asteroid which astronomers said almost hit the Earth in 1989. It seemed the astronomers had now discovered it had a seven-month orbit. Monn said, “There are actually two. We are very much aware of this, and the probability is that one of them could hit Earth or the moon. Whether it will happen or not, we’ll have to wait and see. Decisions can be made up here to alter the asteroids’ course. We are very careful not to alter the course of human history or at least the free will choices that earthlings have.”


During August 1998 Monn gave an update about the asteroids that she had talked about seven years earlier. “Yes, they are still coming into your area but are not an immediate threat. Your scientists are plotting their course, but at the distance they are from you and with your technology, they know they are close, but their technology is not far enough advanced to calculate how close. A near miss within your atmosphere could cause an upheaval. It is not the size of the asteroids, but it’s the multitude that is the problem. It is not one massive stone; it has more than one hundred, smaller-sized ones. It would cause what I think you would call a meteor shower. I got to watch the movie Armageddon. If only Hollywood could make a movie more true-to-life it would be much better. We would not attempt to ride on a meteor shower. These mile-long clusters of meteors or asteroids are traveling together as a unit, but they are all individual. They've all been caught in the same orbit. I’m not a sports fan, but they go from the size of a softball to about the diameter of a tire on your vehicles. Because there are so many, it's almost more dangerous than a large one. If they're caught in your gravity, they would spread out over an elongated path and this would be very destructive. How much destruction would depend upon the place where it hit. Whether it is ocean, desert, or a city would depend upon the type of destruction it would cause. Even hitting in the ocean could cause an earthquake which could cause a tidal wave. Because there’s so many that could fall in one area, it would be like atomic bombs going off all at once.”


In 1999 Monn confirmed that the asteroids were still coming and added, “A few of your scientists have seen something funny in the sky, but they have not come to the realization of the scope of it. Reinforcements for the dark force are coming.” We were stunned by the realization that our scientists had mistaken negative alien spacecraft for asteroids. We never did ask how many negative craft were observed.


In September of 2002 Eric added, “There are some asteroids coming, but I don’t think they will be the problem. That doesn’t mean that they couldn’t change course and cause a problem.”  We never did ask if or when the asteroids passed.


Schumacher-Levy comet

         In August 1994 we asked Monn if there were life forms on Jupiter at the time of the Shoemaker-Levy comet impact (July 16-22, 1994) and how the inhabitants were affected by it. “There were life forms on the planet and evacuations were done at that time. They are not at a level of vibration that you or I could see. They are at a higher vibration level; therefore, they vibrate too fast for your eyes to comprehend. They had assistance during the evacuation because they had to be moved to a different section of the universe. There were firestorms on the planet after impact, which your scientists saw. They know and saw a lot more than people were informed about. Your Hubble space telescope played a big part in collecting the information, and they got some wonderful photos which you will probably never see.”


In the first part of 1995 we again asked about Jupiter after it was hit by the comet Shoemaker-Levy. We wondered how long it would take for the planet to heal. Monn said, “It has not changed much since the impact, and it could take about 10,000 years to return to its former self.”



In March 1997 Monn had this to say about Planet X and another object we were worried about, “I would not worry about these things hitting the planet as there are so many other things that are more important. Even if either one hit the planet today and everyone was killed, where would your soul go? Now what's more important? There are many comets in space that your scientists know nothing about, and there are approximately three now that could be causing you a problem in the future. Most of these comets have been traveling through space for a long time, but some of them have collided with other forces and their paths have been altered. These three could cause you problems within the near future. I say, these three your scientists don't even know about, but they are becoming more concerned because of the ones that they see. We haven’t even tried to calculate the damage yet. We're more worried about saving your ass today, please excuse my language.”


Earth wobbling

During February of 2003 one of the people at a session commented that she observed the sun setting much further north than the day before. Monn replied, “The Earth has been wobbling some. It has wobbled a few times, and a few more people have commented on it. Actually, the planet has been wobbling since 1978; it hadn’t been doing this much before then. Hopefully, the wobble will not get any worse than it is right now. This wobble can be felt if you happen to be in tune to what is going on around you at that moment. There is another planet that’s coming closer and is pulling on Earth, and now it’s starting to wobble enough where people are noticing that the sun isn’t quite right in its position, and yet another day or two later its back where it should be. Also, the magnetic pole is moving. It has actually moved back a little, but it could move again at any time. It’s kind of like a rubber band when you pull on it; it kind of goes back and then it pulls out and then it goes back and then all of a sudden it breaks.”


“There is also a comet coming that is giving a little bit of a pull on your planet, but it is coming from the opposite direction that the Planet X is coming from. Both of these have a magnetic pull so they’re having kind of a little tug of war with the planet. We will just have to see what is going to happen.”


“More comets will be pulled into your area where they can be seen. They could also interfere with your planet, but it does not look like they are on an impact trajectory with your planet. When you’re talking in millions of miles, a slight bump or nudge from another piece of space material can alter a course rather quickly and dramatically.”


James McCanney

When we heard Dr. James McCanney speak at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada during March 2004, he stated that each solar system has a solar capacitor. We wondered if every star that has planets has a solar capacitor and if it is similar throughout the whole universe (for more information see www.jmccanneyscience.com ). We asked Monn to confirm the solar capacitor theory. “It’s not in every universe, but there are others with it, and yes, your system has it. James McCanney is doing a very important job that he has come here to do. He is a decent human being. I can tell you that he has done this type of job before on other planets. More people are listening, somewhat, but many of your scientists think anyone who goes to the UFO community is on the fringe. Little do they realize the UFO community holds many of their answers if they’d only open up their minds and hearts.” 


Later while talking to Eric, we asked for more information about James McCanney. In his books, James McCanney talks about a comet coming through and then, fifty-some years later another one coming through. We wanted to know about Planet X and a comet which passed this way, if it was coming back, and would it give us more trouble. “I calculate in your time, more like six thousand years ago, six to ten thousand years, somewhere in there. Sorry, I’m not that great of a scientist or mathematician for calculating the differences. Looking at the timeline of your recorded history, there was some devastation, but it did not do very much at that pass. The next comet coming is not close enough to cause hurricanes and the bad weather patterns you have been having. It is coming from the opposite direction that Planet X is coming from and is about thirty-five thousand miles behind the object that you call Planet X. This is not much distance in space, but it would only take a bump to make a difference between it hitting your planet or not hitting it.” 

“There are many differentials that could affect the objects, but we hope Planet X will pass your planet first, because if they both get here about the same time, it could be very devastating. This could change the whole solar system. Even if it was not too close, it could alter the path of the moon. If that should happen, there will be divine intervention. You see, God has a very special place in His heart for Earth. It is one of the most beautiful planets. You can destroy yourselves and many things on this planet, it doesn’t mean it may not get into trouble, but it will never ever be completely destroyed.”


“According to James McCanney, the sun is now oscillating but I prefer to say it is wobbling instead of oscillating. To me, oscillating is something that’s moving 360 degrees; we prefer to call it wobbling. It is wobbling due to Planet X.”


After reading more of James MCcanney’s web site, we wanted to know if it was true that they were clearing people out of Antarctica. Monn explained, “The ice shelf is melting rather quickly, the salt content of the ocean is changing rapidly, and there is rumbling underneath the ocean. They have been moving down to a skeleton crew, but they don’t want to vacate the area.”


Planet X

On September 4, 2004 we decided to ask Monn again about Planet X and were surprised with her answer. “Planet X is one of two large bodies that are moving towards planet Earth. There is another one that is also large enough to be called a planet. How shall we explain this?  It is not able to produce any life forms except very tiny, one-celled animals. It is highly improbable that this planet is piloted like a huge alien-made spacecraft.”


While speaking to us in September of 2004, Eric said, “We have had a lot of meetings on board ship. That’s where the decision has been made to let ourselves be seen more and to actually contact quite a few of the governments on your planet. We want to let them know that we are here and would be willing to work with them, if they so wish. This will be done basically with radio signals, not with emissaries as they might be captured. Part of this decision is based on the coming of Planet X. Most of the higher echelons in government are aware of its existence although there are a few small countries that have not been informed of all the consequences of it moving into the area.


“There is a mass that is coming from behind the sun in the near future that may be of more concern. This is not closer but it’s a much faster-moving object. This is not a companion of Planet X such as a comet that could be dragged along with it. This is a separate mass that is coming. It is approximately twice the size of your planet. It’s going to come behind the planet, behind the sun, and it will cross kind of on the opposite elliptical plane of Planet X. These have come by before, but it came by later than Planet X. As I say, it’s faster moving at this point. They have not passed your planet in such close proximity before. When this happened before there was some devastation, but it did not do very much at that pass. These objects will pass each other almost thirty-five thousand miles apart. In space that is not far apart. All it would take was a small object bumping into this object, and it would mean the difference between something hitting the planet or not.”  


 On September 9, 2006 we asked Eric for an update on Planet X and the faster-moving, smaller object. “It’s still pretty well hidden by the sun, and it doesn’t look like they’re going to cross paths as closely as we thought. Hopefully, it will work out for the best, although Planet X will still be causing problems for the Earth. The faster moving object is still on course, and it depends upon which angle you’re looking at if it is ahead of the bigger Planet X.” 


“From your section of the planet, as you stand and face the sun in the a.m., you would not see it until it would be northeast of it. So, it would be coming more from the southwest. It is hard to explain about this: It is high noon. The sun is overhead. You’re looking up. You are facing north. Planet X would be coming from behind the sun. The smaller object would be coming from your lower left side traveling northeast behind the sun.”


“These things will not have an impact on our ships because we run on different power, but they will definitely affect everything on the planet if they come very close to the planet or each other.”


2004 Tsunami

The tsunami that occurred at the end of December 2004, which caused so much destruction in Indonesia, was on our minds so we asked how many people were lost. Monn told us, “In the whole area, as far as we could calculate, around 262,000 people died. This was a natural event that was slightly enhanced. The Earth’s crust is shifting all the time, but it was enhanced by technically advanced humans. This was done by human scientists in the Middle East and not by aliens or the United States. This was done to see how big of a problem they could cause. I’m not sure if the other world governments are aware that it was enhanced, but I think they are suspicious. We have not been able to find out, yet, how come the coast of Australia was not affected by the tsunami. What happens depends upon the type of shift in the crust, if it’s going to cause a tsunami or not. Of course, things in Hawaii are building up. They are actually having lava flowing now.”


Yellowstone and fissure on the ocean floor

In June of 2006 we asked about Yellowstone Park and Monn explained, “Oh, it’s getting a little hot again. It calmed down there for a while, and it’s not getting to the point of exploding or anything, but shall we say, it’s getting a little warm. There have been a few earthquakes in the area, not very large ones, although they are becoming more frequent. Some of the earthquakes that come up through Utah affect the area. There is a fault line under the earth’s surface that comes all the way from California. Even the Baja area has more earthquakes lately. I would have to say that these are not caused by the closeness of Planet X or the companion object.”


“The plates in the area are very unsettled. The core is heating up and putting pressure on the plates, which is making them move slightly. As long as they keep moving slightly, there won't be a big quake. Actually, all the small quakes are saving Earth from having a large one. Also, there is a 370-mile stretch, under the water, north to south off the coast of California, which has split apart, and lava is coming up through the ocean floor. This is approximately 172 miles west of California. The fissure is about 370 miles long, and its width is anywhere from nine inches to 37 feet. The scientists are aware of this; they’re even down there checking it out. This starts off about equal to the state of Washington; it’s not a straight line but kind of goes at a 45-degree angle.” 


Mt. St. Helens hasn’t been more active because the fissure is releasing some of the pressure. It just kind of moves up instead of shooting out a bunch, but it is raising the bottom of the floor of the ocean in that area. Mt. Rainier is as stable as it can be. You see, the earthquakes that come through that part of the country are kind of like a release valve.”


Mt St. Helens, Aleutian Chain, and Yellowstone

On September 9, 2006 we asked if the fissure in the ocean off the coast of California was getting bigger. Monn answered, “No, it’s been pretty steady and stable. Yellowstone is very quiet, very small earthquakes. And when those aren’t reported any more, hold onto your hat. Keep an eye on it. Most of the animals have come back to the park. The ground has cooled off some, but there are still some hot spots that the animals know enough to stay away from.”


Mt. St. Helens is still moving around but is pretty steady. That could change in a flash as the dome keeps moving. There is a 27% chance it will just spill over the side.” 


“The Aleutian chain is active as there are some new volcanoes forming and the plates are becoming very active. You know, the planet didn’t always look like it does now. The plates shifted over millions of years into what it looks like now. When everything happens, the planet will not look like it does now. The continents will be moved around. There is a very old map that gives a pretty good idea of what the planet used to look like.”





Under Electronic Siege and More


Implied reincarnation and knowing the challenges to be faced   

In December of 1992 we asked for an update if the government still keeps a close eye on us. We were told, “Of course they know where you go, who you meet and they know to whom you speak, but it does not make any difference. Everyone has an opportunity to get involved or not, it is up to you to show them the Creator’s side, because what they are being told, even in the churches, is not of the light.”


“You knew before you came to Earth that extra low frequency (ELF) wave equipment and transmitters could be used against you. The greys and the government where these negative patterns come from are all on the same side. Humans are sending these patterns at this time.” 


Implant, Fox River Mall 

We have what we think is an implant that came out of a child’s ear and have passed it back and forth among us trying to hide it, hoping to keep it from disappearing. We liked to think that we could keep it from anyone who would want to take it from us. While at the local Fox River Mall in July of 1993, Sandy and Bonnie had a conversation about where she had hidden the implant at her house. When Bonnie got home, she realized it had been entered and searched. Bonnie believes someone was looking for the implant. Bonnie had told Sandy where she had hidden the device, but she had already moved it, she felt safe in talking to her about it at a music store. Because Bonnie knew her house had been gone through many times, we asked how anyone could have heard the conversation and went looking for the implant.

Monn said, “They can sit out in the parking lot and hear what is being said. They don’t have to have implants in your shirt sleeves or shoes, or purses. Sandy and Bonnie were in a store discussing the implant, and the government agents were listening in the parking lot. They have listening devices that can sort out the other voices and receive the ones they want. They can hone in on the voice they wish to hear and can hear a pin drop a mile away.”


Increased government activity makes Eric and team busier

The following spring, we asked about the government agents listening in on our meetings. We wanted to know if the positive aliens were busier because the government’s surveillance activity was becoming much more obvious. Eric said, “We are very, very busy. Things are getting close and when you come up to visit us, we get the full impact of the negativity on your planet because we can feel it in you.”


Clean Air Act
In the mid 1990’s we went to a hotel to have our annual winter UFO intensive weekend to discussed UFOs and related topics. During the session, Lea asked if we could all become very quiet. “Close your eyes meditate and tune into your sense of smell.”  The air smelled clean, fresh and non-polluted. We could feel a breeze. Lea asked, “Does it smell familiar, because that’s what it smells like on the ship.” While we were at the hotel, we had become aware that there were government agents listening in to our conversation, so we asked if the agents were going crazy because of course they couldn’t smell anything. Eric replied, “We could joke with them.”


Crematoriums, boxcars and stickers on street signs

Because the radio and internet were all abuzz with the idea that there were gas chambers being built and that people would be moved to them by boxcars, we asked Monn in 1995, if she could confirm that wrist and leg shackles were being put into these boxcars. Monn answered, “No I can’t. But I can say there are two crematoriums being built. I know you want to know where, but it would be better not to discuss the whereabouts of them.”


We then asked if the stickers on the back of street signs that people were talking about were for transportation of bodies and/or people to be put to death. We also wanted to know if the information was dependent on the color of the stickers. Monn answered, “Yes, some are, but some are also for moving troops and humans and for confiscation of materials. Remember when everyone was talking about the markings on the back of street signs? There are not as many as before. When it got everyone talking about them it kind of slowed down their work, so now they have to recode and mark them. Have any of you seen them putting up the markers?  They must put them up at night while the whole town is sleeping. Maybe they just sneak up and slap them on and run. I would suggest you start looking around. You never know what you might find if you open your eyes. I suggest doing this during the daylight hours as we don’t want any accidents occurring.”


Secret government keeping track of citizens

Did you know they record most conversations and writings?  You are at this point being monitored by the secret government on a daily basis by phone bugs and bugs planted in your homes. Their satellites keep track of quite a few people; that is why they are making them so movable. One piece of equipment can keep an eye on many people. They are keeping track of where people go, what their schedules are, that type of thing. I mean you’re a very mobile society. There are so many people to keep track of and for many different reasons, such as gun dealers, survivalists and separatists. Did you ever try to figure out how many lists you’re on?  It’s not right to be so paranoid that you to have to know everything about everyone. They want to have power and control. They believe they are right and have the right to do what they are doing.”


In 1995 Monn had this to say about the government keeping an eye on us. “The government with their global positioning satellites (GPS) can see into your homes and buildings. Some of the people here at this meeting have been taken by the competition, bad aliens or/and the government lately because you aren’t staying balanced.”


Cameras on street corners

In early December of 1998 while Monn was channeling, she asked us this question, “Have you noticed the cameras on corners on many of the well-traveled roads in your cities?  Your cars send a signal and the sensor of the camera goes off and records your vehicle. There is a number code on your car, I guess you’d say it is like your UPC codes, and it’s registered to activate the camera and record where your car is. It is a UPC code which would tag the vehicle as belonging to a certain person, so they know where you go.”


“I think you should go past these corners a dozen times a day as that will drive them crazy. Go around the block many times, drive them crazy. Do anything just to let them know that you really know it’s there. They are not actually physically filming every vehicle as it goes by, so it does no good to wave at them as you go by.” 


“What they are looking for is an abnormal pattern of your behavior. And they have put a few new ones around town. So just keep your eyes open and see what is going on. You have been tagged and bagged for a long time.”


A few weeks later, Monn told us about the cameras that are on the street corners that have traffic lights. “Do you realize that there are a few more cameras on the corners? Did you ever think how these cameras were activated? Do you think that they’re running all day long and they have somebody watching those tapes twenty-four hours a day? How do you think they would keep track of where you go or what you do?  Could it be a tracking device?  I want to hear your minds turning… can you think of some way that it might be done? I'm talking about these cameras on the corners. What do you think activates these cameras? (We guessed and guessed and finally Monn told us the following.)  Having the cameras rolling twenty-four hours a day would be illogical. What you need is something to trigger the cameras.” 


“Small towns couldn’t afford the technology or the manpower to operate these all the time. There is something in your car that sets off the camera and using a bicycle would make no difference as it could have the device, also. I know you’re thinking you could trade cars, but that wouldn’t work because they would figure that out. What could they possibly learn from the cameras?  Maybe the government could give the local government a break on the equipment and tell them that they can use the equipment to pass out tickets to those who don’t stop at red lights. Or maybe they can use them to count cars. Now I ask you, have you ever heard of anyone getting a ticket for running a red light because of the cameras?  (None of us had ever heard of anyone getting a ticket by this method.)  The information collected would go to someone much higher than locally. This could be the Illuminati and the secret government, you know, the secret families. They want to know what people’s schedules are because you are a very mobile society. There are many people keeping track of people for many different reasons. You know, like gun dealers, survivalists, separatists and those who work for the Creator. Maybe you should try and figure how many lists you are on. This is just plain paranoia on their part. I guess you can’t be all-seeing and all-knowing unless you know what everyone is doing.”


Lightworkers, tagged and bagged

We also asked if lightworkers were tagged differently than other people who had no awareness. Monn said, “The local police are probably aware of who you are, but they probably don’t know why you are of interest.”


In 1996 Monn said, “Both the government and the underground alien nation monitor your meetings and conferences. They have done this many times, and we have jammed more of the alien equipment than the government’s equipment, hoping that some of your government people would come to realize that there are people on this planet who are working for humanity. The aliens are already aware of who you are and what you are doing here; as a matter of fact they knew who you are before you did. They even know who the lightworkers are before they wake up to their mission.”


In 1997 when we asked Monn if we could have been tagged and bagged, she had this to say. “DNA can be gotten off a hair bush or toothbrush or it could even be collected while you’re sleeping. It doesn’t take much work to get anyone’s DNA. Each lightworker in this group has been tagged and bagged. This DNA could be used to produce a clone. To my knowledge this has not been done. There have been a lot of trials and errors, but they haven’t produced anything genetically perfect at this time.” 


Disappearing toothbrush

In the fall of 2003, a friend of ours had a toothbrush that disappeared out of her purse. It seems she had a dentist appointment in the afternoon but went out to lunch first. She took her toothbrush with her so she could use it before going to her dental appointment. She had it in her purse when she paid for lunch but at the dental office when she walked into the bathroom and looked for it, it was just gone. She searched the bathroom and it was not there. Why would they take a toothbrush, could it have been for the DNA on the toothbrush?  During this channeling session she got to ask about the disappearance. Eric had this to say about the incident. “Very interesting, except you were tagged and bagged a long time ago, maybe someone was trying to upset you.”


Basketball satellite   

We found out some time ago that the government had a newly invented small satellite that could be maneuvered anyplace to monitor conferences, meetings or other governments. We were at a meeting in 1996 and asked if the basketball sized satellite was overhead monitoring our meeting. Monn replied, “A-OK. This satellite does not show up as a star, you can only see it with a telescope.” 


“It has been seen by some astronomers; and when they see anything strange in the sky, they are told to call government agencies. They are always told that it is one of their satellites, so it is ignored from then on. This has an orbit and does keep its eye on Red China. It can see into their underground installations and can see what’s going on in Russia. And it does keep track of the heads of state in volatile countries.”


“Some countries are involved with this project, how shall I put this, they pay for their time on it and not necessarily with money. There is some bartering going on between governments. To my knowledge no other countries have a satellite that can be maneuvered quickly from one place to the other. Many countries are working on one, but it is not up in the sky yet.”   


During this same time period in 1996, we wondered if there was a way to stop the secret government or anyone else from tracking us. We asked Eric if we said out loud at least a month ahead of time that we were going one place and went to another, would that work?  Eric replied, “I don't think so. Because they record most of your conversations, even sign language would not work. That is why they made the basketball size satellite so movable so they can keep track of quite a few people. The government is getting ready to remove your civil rights in the future. It looks like it won’t happen until after the next election or if there is a terrorist attack.”  (We have had two presidential elections and 9-11 since his comments and have seen our civil rights being taken away a little at a time.)


Monn sometimes asks us questions and in 1997 we found this very interesting. “Did you know there’s a new satellite up here?  It is quite large and is bigger than a basketball and much better than anything you have had so far. It probably will be up here a little while before they start connecting other stuff to it. It will be quite a big satellite for spying. We say it could probably look all the way to the edge of this section of this Universe. It is a biggie, and as long as it’s operating properly, they will be linking up with it to study the system, the Universe, trying to figure out what’s on the other side of the sun. By the way, there’s something interesting coming from the other side of the sun, so keep your eyes and your ears open. I will leave you now with that information.”


Russia and China have monitored many study groups

Monn had this to say. “Russia and China have monitored many study groups for years. China puts these types of groups out of business real quickly. They are told to stop; they break them up or eliminate them. The paranoia is thoroughly entrenched in all countries, but you have so much freedom that you can’t be shut down that easily.”


Supercomputer monitors brain wave impulses

In the fall of 1997 we were reading and hearing so much about a supercomputer that can take our brainwave impulses and transfer them to words, so we asked Monn if the government had ever used this on someone in the group or any other lightworker. “The supercomputer time is very expensive to use but there are times when the government can't be in two places at once, so they choose what method of eavesdropping will work the best. The government still uses individual personnel to do eavesdropping, but not that often.”


“The government also has a supercomputer they can use for spying. It uses brain impulses that are transferred into words and put on the computer, but it is too expensive to use. This basketball-sized satellite machine they have works pretty well.


Remote viewing

Having heard and read about remote viewing in 1997, we asked Monn what the process is and how it is accomplished. “Remote viewing is the process of sending your mind out to wherever you want to go. A lot of people send out their minds sometimes talking to alien beings who they don’t even know. Many people who are remote viewing do it with their minds and don't use their heart. When they do this, they lose some of their natural instincts for survival of the soul.”


“When you do it strictly in a scientific way, you lose your instincts, therefore you don't feel things. You don't back away from trouble. These people detach themselves from their emotions and their instincts, and then they have no fear. They believe this is the only way it can be done, but that is a fallacy. They are opening themselves to trouble. You don't know when something is not good for you. You do not know when to exit and you could get in trouble. So remote viewing could cause you a lot of trouble.”


“Where's the heart, where's the instinct, where's the reasoning?  It's all head and heart or head and ego. Many of the remote viewers look at this as all science, strictly science, and they are admonished for thinking with their heart. Using your heart and your instincts is considered unclean and not scientific, that is very wrong.”


“I have a hard time with science once in a while, but your science is different than our science. Our scientific studies are done with heart, mind and soul, with the realization that whatever you do, you are responsible for.”


“Most remote viewers don't ever think they're gonna get in trouble and you don't hear about the ones that do. With remote viewing your ego can get in the way and lead the viewer in the direction he would like to go; this doesn't make it as accurate as they claim it to be. Your government and big companies are using remote viewers for spying purposes. Their saying is, I had better cheat the other guy before he cheats me.”


“The government has used remote viewing to monitor your meetings and others in the area. But when we come through during a channeling, we can block them. The government is sending personnel physically to monitor meetings all the time. At different times you have been monitored, but right now they’re, let’s see, they are one, two, three blocks south and one block west. They’re in a mid-sized vehicle. Now that I have identified them, they’re on the move. They aren’t leaving, just repositioning themselves. We like to tell on them to cause a few little problems here and there.”



On September 7, 1997 Monn shared, “Many scientists think channeling is not an exact science. When you are a true channeler, you use your heart, your emotions specifically for the channelers protection and the protection of the people around them. Like I said, many scientists don’t consider channeling accurate because of using your heart.”


Gulf Breeze surveillance

We were going to a conference in Gulf Breeze, Florida in 1998 and asked Monn if government agents would be there. Monn told us, “It is a little harder for the government to be as close as they normally are. Most of these conferences I assume are infiltrated by the government. They always send out at least one operative. If you want to really scare them, start stepping out. I see the government must be getting a little particular on their expense accounts.”


Philadelphia UFO Conference and tracking Russ

In early 2000, Russ attended a UFO Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and afterward felt he had stirred up a hornet’s nest with the security people. Monn explained, “Well, you know you decide things so fast that you stirred them up; they had to hustle to get things in order. You’ve been going a lot. So, they’re just quite not sure what’s going on. So, they’re keeping an eye out. They can physically keep track of you with the basketball-sized satellite, but it takes them days to do that, so they had to physically, send along a spy.

“You always talk to anyone who will listen, so they tried to get a pen with a tracking microphone in it on your body. At the airport they tried to pass off a pen with a tracking device in it to Russ. He recognized that it was not his pen and put it in a brochure rack at the airport just before he boarded the plane. He was the last passenger to board the plane so they could not try to get another tracking device on him.”


UFO Daze 2005

We were at UFO Daze in July of 2005 and realized that something was very different about the UFOs we had seen that night. We asked about the UFOs and were surprised at Monn’s answer. “The government has two craft and those you saw last night. They were made in Houston, Texas. What better place to try them out when they know that people are going to be looking and then they can also see their reaction? 


“There were six agents from the government on the ground to observe the people attending. They even had equipment set up in some vehicles. These were manned craft with a crew of two on board. The ships were longer than wide; I think elongated is what you call that shape.”   


Click here for our video: UFO Daze 2000 to 2005


Government interference with Alien Contact: The messages they bring

In 2001 while writing the first book, Alien Contact: The messages they bring, we had a lot of trouble with our computers, so we asked Lea who was doing the interfering. “The interference was your Earth government. They don’t seem to have anything to do, so I suppose they have to get their overtime some place. It is funny, but it’s coming right out of your own pockets.”


New person monitored

A new person attended a channeling session in 2004, and he asked if the government was watching him or not. Monn replied, “You are on the list, yes. You see, the watching comes in all sized and shapes. Even the Sears truck in front of your house, after you attended UFO meetings is often used. Keep your eyes open and you shall see them.”


Surveillance from a car at Lawrence University

In September 2006 during our UFO intensive weekend at a cottage, we asked Monn more about the surveillance of our meeting in May of 2006. Monn told us we were being monitored by two people in a black government car with darkened windows at Lawrence University. This information was very unusual in that one of our members saw a picture in her mind of the windows being as black as the car. She also sensed one of the occupants was not human. We asked what they were trying to hide. “The car at Lawrence University had two gentlemen in it with military uniforms. One was an alien. They were with the National Security Agency (NSA). Lawrence University does produce a lot of, shall we say, military people that do not work for the military. In other words, they are undercover. They do produce a lot of these people for the alphabet-named government agencies. After graduation they had to take advanced classes. They were showing the alien how the NSA works, and that part of their job is listening in on people. You were having a meeting, so they were listening in. This is part of their job for training, you know, and you are such fun people to keep track of. It just happened they were in the area and decided to listen in on your meeting.


“We are jamming communications right now. I don’t know how many groups are trying to listen to you by satellite right now. Because there is a storm going on, we’re going to knock out the satellite. You know the government can shoot down a ray and cause a storm to increase; we can shoot down a ray and get a satellite. We’ll just make it inoperable for a little while. They actually have three satellites the size of a basketball but only one is working at full power at this time.”


The next night, we asked Monn about their shutting down the basketball-sized satellite and wondered if it was operable now. “They were rushing around trying to figure out what was going on with it. It just went back on-line, you betcha. There are some things that the government shouldn’t be aware of yet so we block them out so they can’t hear a discussion. They get angry especially when all they hear is static noise.”       


One of the people asked if the government was aware that this meeting is being brought to them by the Lightside and EARS organizations. Monn replied, “And ABC, NBC, and CBS.”


Because of all of the surveillance we have had at our meetings, we asked if there were any alien visitors outside the cottage the previous night. Monn replied, “You mean negative aliens from off the planet, on the planet or from underneath? These were the greys and they did not get in too close, but they were definitely to the north side of the cabin. The lights that you shine would not let them come any further.” 


While lying on the bed, an individual who slept in the northern most bedroom noticed a pattern of knots in the pine board ceiling which looked like a grey alien face. A picture was taken of the knots and when developed, the knots resembling eyes were blue; however, the surrounding knots were all black.   

Earth companies implanting employees

By July of 2006 we had read that some companies were implanting their employees and the employees were agreeing to it. We just had to ask Monn what her take was on this. She replied, “Do you know how many companies are actually implanting their employees?  You would be amazed. They are very up front about this, so the people do know what is happening. They like it because if they have the chip implanted in them, then they do not have to carry that stupid card all the time. Some people are looking for the ID to be implanted so they don’t have to bother with a card. It is amazing the number of companies that are suggesting to people that if they were implanted, they would not have this problem. There are over a thousand companies that are now allowing their employees to have a chip implanted instead of carrying the card.”






Who’s Watching Us?

Surveillance of Sue

The phone

I don’t recall ever being followed by anyone. I know my phone makes clicking sounds of a tape recorder turning on at home and at work. There have been a few times when it sounds like a third person has picked up on a phone extension and is listening in on our conversation.


The website

The one thing I do recall is going on the Lightside website one day before I became part of the group I had read something interesting about Jupiter and Shoemaker-Levi and the rescue that took place on Jupiter. I got out of the site and went back a little while later to show someone else what I had read, and the information was gone. Several days later it was back. This happened several times. I started printing everything so I would have it before someone got into it and changed things.


JVL Con weekend

We went to a JVL Con weekend and there wasn’t much going on. The promoter didn’t get many people there I guess because it wasn’t advertised very well that year.


At the end of the weekend the promoter asked if we would stay and watch the comedian perform because there was going to be film crew there to film his act. We weren’t planning to stay but changed our minds so the comedian would have an audience. We went in and all sat in different places. The performance started and the film crew started filming the comedian and the audience. We noticed they got more footage of the audience than the comedian. Russ was standing close by the door and they were always bringing the camera around to him. I was sitting toward the center almost right behind the camera man. I believe there were four people in the film crew three young men and an older man. They were all clean cut, wore jeans and shirts and had crew cut hair. During the filming one of the men would go back to the older man for directions. The whole situation felt odd and uncomfortable as the camera was turned more toward us than the comedian. I had enough and got up and left the room, pretty soon the rest of our group was together, and we left the hotel.



Surveillance of Diana

Eerie phone calls

In the mid 1990’s, I lived with a young couple while I attended a technical college. I had just moved into their house and was alone when the phone rang. I answered the phone, but no one was on the line. Several months later, I traveled to Oklahoma to visit my family. Again, I was alone in the house when the phone rang. Like before, there was no one on the other end. I believe the government was just trying to tell me that they knew where I was.

Gulf Breeze Conference

In 1998, my friends and I attended a conference in Gulf Breeze, Florida. During a break, Kathy and I went outside to stroll on the beach just behind the hotel/conference center. Shortly after going outside, two men with short hair, wearing light gray suits, white shirts, and red ties came up and started to ask us lots of questions about the conference/speakers. Did we like the speakers? What were they talking about? Did we agree with them? It dawned on us that these guys were the government plants. We then clammed up and excused ourselves.


My poor friend

I met a friend for dinner at a local restaurant. We had talked on the phone earlier and mentioned the name of the restaurant where we were going to meet. This friend was not into UFOs, but I think the government was afraid that I was going to talk about UFOs. We sat at a booth on an outside wall. Very shortly after we arrived at the restaurant, four young men sat in the booth directly behind my friend. One of the men had on a brown baseball cap that looked like it was made of leather. Russ has had this same person tailing him and has nicknamed him Hat. They sat in the booth behind us the whole time we were there. They did not order anything to eat or drink. I found it very strange that no waitress came to their booth to see if they needed anything. They huddled close together as if they were all listening to a single device. My friend was going through a very rough time in her marriage and I felt very sorry that total strangers might be listening to all the very personal information. I tried to explain this to her, but she thought I was just being paranoid.



On Tuesday, September 11, 2001 my mother and I were in Branson, Missouri. Like most everyone, we were glued to the television all morning. We did attend two shows that we had scheduled for that day. While we were outside the theaters, I noticed a man who was focused on my mother and me. Something inside me told me that there was something about this man that was different and that I should be aware of him. He was clean-cut with short dark hair. He wore dark slacks and a beige waist-length, older style windbreaker (like they wore on “Leave It to Beaver”). On two occasions that day I noticed this man. He was alone and always kept eye contact. I did not say anything to my mother because I did not want to frighten her. Although she may have been very trusting and naïve, she did think that the World Trade Center towers coming down like they did, looked more like a demolition job… I agreed with her.


Interference with our computers, phones, website and emails

Our telephones have been tapped for years, although the government just recently admitted to tapping the phones of its citizens. There were buzzing, clicking and machine-type sounds coming from my phone on many occasions. Phone calls have been cut off in the middle of conversations. Some phone messages and calls never got through even when the person being called was home to answer the phone. Emails have been delayed for days and some never made it to their destinations.


Our web site has been tampered with. Some text was changed or removed. A friend of ours had just joined the study group when she had found something interesting on our web site. When she went to show her mother, the information was not there. We were blocked from making any updates to our web site for a short while. Once, I called my Internet Service Provider to explain that our updates seem to be going through and we confirmed the changes were online but several days later the old information was back on the web site. The updated information had to do with the dates of our meetings for the following year. I think they thought I was incompetent and had no clue of what I was doing. “We’ll just check a couple of things out”, the tech told me. Everything seemed ok on their end, but things did not improve. The tech went back and checked something else, “Oh, we are going to have to call you back.” The tech seemed baffled by what he found and was not able to fix the problem right away. I am not sure what he discovered (I never asked, and he never told) but the next day the problem was fixed.


My computer has been manipulated/jammed especially when we were working on a UFO-related project. The computer would lock up or display odd messages and sometimes the computer would just turn off.


All this interference makes for a frustrating situation but through the years we have figured out that the purpose of the interference is to cause frustration and anxiety. Now we tell ourselves that we must be doing something right if this is happening.

Love and Light,



Surveillance of Kathy


Surveillance has been there over the years, but I have always wondered how anyone could be so interested in my activities and me, except for one thing, I am interested in the subject matter of UFOs.


Mysterious phone calls

I have received lots and lots of telephone calls through the years where no one is on the other end and very well timed phone calls where, at times, I would just walk through my front door and the phone would ring. I would pick up the phone only to find no one on the other end.


Black helicopters

There have been the black helicopters that have flown directly overhead. I have often wondered why they seem to fly directly over my place of residence and my places of employment. The black helicopter activity seemed to increase when there was an upcoming conference I was going to attend, or I was going to help sponsor. We had decided to sponsor a few conferences for the purpose of getting others in the community together who were interested in the topic UFOs. It was right before the conference dates that the black helicopters would come on a more frequent basis.


Presidential whistle-stop

I had an opportunity to attend a presidential candidate’s whistle-stop tour that was making a stop in my hometown. My girlfriend and I happened upon two VIP passes. Her husband was in the band for the occasion and gave the passes he received to us.


The first odd thing that occurred was I was supposed to be up by a certain time in order to be to the event on time. I never woke up at the time I planned. My girlfriend wound up coming to where I lived and knocked loudly on the side of my home in an attempt to wake me. Before she came, she first tried calling me on the phone. My phone was busy. Finally, after some time I heard her knocking on the side of my home and woke up. I was very groggy upon waking and it took a while for me to feel fully awake. Not only that, I never slept that late. After my girlfriend came in to help get me going, we noticed that my phone was off the hook.


When we got to the whistle stop location we waited and waited in long lines to get in. Once we got to the check-in point, we realized the security people were not local. The atmosphere was a very serious one and no joking around was to be had. We went through an overhead gate similar to airport security. Once past security as we walked in, I kept saying let’s go along the fence line here as there was a snow fence put up along the railroad tracks. My thinking was there was no one lined up there yet and we would be right in front. My girlfriend kept insisting that we walk further down. We walked until we came to an end and could walk no further.


Before the train came through an ominous lone black helicopter flew directly over the railroad tracks where in a little while the train was scheduled to come. Then I noticed what looked like a small moving truck parked across on the other side of the railroad tracks. One by one SWAT members began popping out of the back of the straight truck. Then I looked behind us and one by one SWAT members popped up on the rooftops. I was beginning to think someone was very serious about this. People around me were enthusiastic and happy, yelling out things, and waving their banners and signs. But I can remember thinking, don’t make one wrong move or a silly move as this is no exercise it’s the real deal.


As the train approached, we could hear it coming, and the crowd’s excitement increased. I remember seeing a former classmate of mine in the crowd. He had on a veteran’s jacket. Chug, chug, chug the train began to slow as it approached and stopped absolutely in front of us. I guess my friend had an intuition about where to stand. From where we were standing, we could look into the president’s eyes. My friend and I got separated a little by the mounting pressure from the crowd. As I stood there looking at the train where the president stood, my focus went back to the security people. They were dead serious, not one bit of amusement appeared on their faces. This was somewhat odd as I noted there was a difference between the local security people and the ones who were not local. Two different attitudes were present. One security person in particular would scan the crowd and then he would stop and affix his gaze directly to my eyes. Then he would scan from side to side again and affix his gaze on me. Now why, I thought, would someone in security be so interested in me especially when there were lots and lots of people in the crowd?


I still think about the whistle stop on occasion and I still wonder to this day why anyone would want to keep their eyes on me. Did it have something to do with my interest in UFOs?


Sci-fi conference                                 

We attended the JVL Con Sci-Fi Conference in Janesville, Wisconsin. There was barely anyone there in attendance. During the last day of the conference we were asked to sit in on the audience for a presentation being given. The skit was being filmed by a crew, which left questions in my mind, as the talent was not very good. Suddenly the camera angle went from filming the presenter to being turned around to the audience. In particular they were filming my friends and me. I knew not to make any body language and wondered why the camera turned from filming the presenter, to filming us. I guess all of my friends instinctively felt the same way as one by one we all left the conference room without speaking a word to one another.



Surveillance of Sandy

A Maxwell Smart incident

Twice a year we go to either a motel or a cottage for what we call a lock-in. The purpose of this is to regroup and brainstorm on various problems, ideas and goals. On February 18, 1995 we met at a local restaurant and had lunch before checking into the Residence Inn in Appleton, Wisconsin.


We all had separate cars because most of us had worked that morning. On the way to the motel I pulled up alongside of one of the girl’s car at a stop light. This former member of our study group loves to laugh and joke around as much as I do. We had joked about our room being bugged, but we were arriving earlier than we had planned so we didn’t know if the bugs had been planted yet. I had been thinking about this when I got the idea to take off my shoe and make like I was speaking into it as if it were a phone. I had seen this on an old comedy TV series in which the main character was a spy called, Maxwell Smart. This girl understood what I was doing and we both burst into much laughter. The light changed and we drove on to the motel.


After we registered, we went to our suite. As soon as we entered the room, this same girl said she had to call her husband to let him know she had arrived. She sat on the bed and picked up the phone. As she brought the phone receiver up to her ear the mouthpiece fell to the floor. We all looked at each other and burst out laughing.


It was very obvious to us that we had not allowed the government agents time enough to finish bugging the room. After that we all walked through the room talking into flowerpots and anything that looked like it could be bugged. We didn’t mean to make fun of the government agents because they just follow orders. We always found it incredulous that our government found it necessary to monitor our small study group.


Bugs in the house

It was July of 1993. Our weekly meeting was at my house. We were speaking to our alien contacts while Bonnie channeled. I asked if our homes were bugged by our United States government. Our contacts replied that all of our homes were bugged. I had suspected this for some time. I started listing off places in my home that I thought the bugs were placed. “Is there one in the TV, stereo system, and my bedroom?” “That is correct,” they replied. I was about to list off a few more places I thought a bug may be planted when my husband returned home, causing the channeling session to be cut short.


The question of our homes being bugged was asked again in a channeling session in September of 1998, and again it was reaffirmed.


We are friendly and open people who are willing to share most everything we know. It’s difficult for us to understand why anyone would want to play the cloak and dagger games that our government does. We have often said, “Knock on our door and we’ll invite you in and tell you everything we know.” But then…our government would probably have to admit that UFOs and aliens exist.


Just when you think you’re safe

Bonnie and I went to shop and wander through the Fox River Mall in Appleton, Wisconsin. It was July of 1993. It didn’t matter how much we shopped or wandered in and out of the shops, our conversations usually centered around UFOs and aliens. It is our number-one passion and research.


On this day we were in a very busy store near the center of the mall. We were surrounded by lots of people when Bonnie whispered in my ear that she had moved the implant we had recently came into possession of. This implant had been expelled from a child’s ear and brought to us by his grandmother who was in our study group at the time. Bonnie was constantly moving the implant to new hiding places because she knew that her home was broken into and searched frequently.


Bonnie had whispered directly into my ear and we felt safe that no one had overheard us. Shortly after I got home my phone rang and it was Bonnie. She told me that while we were at the mall someone had broken into her home and searched her office. Bonnie knew this to be true because her personal possessions had been moved around. We instantly knew that someone had been looking for the implant.


At a channeling session on July 17, 1993 I asked our alien contacts if someone had searched Bonnie’s office looking for the implant. They told us that the government had a vehicle parked in the parking lot of the Fox River Mall. Inside this vehicle were government agents with sophisticated and high-tech listening equipment. Our contacts told us that these agents were able to pick up our conversation from the shop inside the mall. They were then able to single it out from all the other people’s conversation in the mall. From there they were able to zero in on what Bonnie had whispered in my ear about the implant. We were told that these agents then left the mall and proceeded to Bonnie’s house to search for the implant. That was a lesson well learned.


Look out your window

It was the summer of 1998. The meeting was at the home of a former member of the study group. Bonnie was a little reluctant to channel because of the enormous personal responsibility that channeling burdens one with.


We were asking questions of our alien contacts when suddenly one of them said that we were being monitored. We asked how this was being done, and they told us that there was a white truck outside the house with listening equipment in it. We all rushed to the window just in time to see a white truck, roughly the size of a bread truck, pull away in great haste.


I believe it was at this same session that we were told we were being monitored by many heads of state… although this information has since disappeared from our files while the rest of the session remains intact. We fell silent for a minute trying to understand what this meant. Finally, someone asked what they meant by ‘heads of state.’ The aliens replied that this meant heads of countries. Once again, we fell silent. I doubt that at this time we understood the implications of this information and probably still don’t to this day.


9/11 surveillance

It was the morning of 9/11 and I was doing housework when the phone rang. My daughter called to ask me if I had the TV on. I told her that I didn’t. She then informed me that an airplane had just crashed into one of the World Trade Towers in New York. I immediately turned the TV on and watched the breaking news. The scene of the disaster was playing over and over.


For the next several hours my daughter and I watched this infamous day in America’s history unfold. We watched as the second plane hit the other tower. We were watching as first one tower and then the second tower collapsed. The horror of witnessing the death and destruction of this act of terrorism was almost more than we could comprehend or bear. We prayed together for all the victims. As time unfolded, we learned of the third and fourth plane crashes. We alternated between crying and praying.


We were both still watching our TVs and staying connected through the phone in the afternoon when my daughter said to me, “Mom, I have to tear myself away from the TV because the baby needs diapers. We’re completely out of them and I need to go to Oshkosh to the Wal-Mart Store to buy some. Do you think you could take me?” At this time my daughter lived about eight blocks away from me. I told her I would be right over to pick her and the baby up.


I grabbed my purse and left immediately. As I turned down the street she lived on, I noticed a car parked along the curb. It was about a block from my daughter’s house. I glanced sideways as I passed the car and noticed an elderly, gray-haired woman sitting behind the wheel. I didn’t get a detailed look at her face, but for reasons unknown to me at that moment this struck me as odd. After I pulled up in front of my daughter’s house and parked, I glanced in my rear view mirror. The car with the woman in it was still parked alongside the curb. My intuition told me to stay in my car and continue to watch her in my rear view mirror. I sat there for about three or four minutes, and remember thinking, “I’m not leaving until she does.” Just as I thought that the woman suddenly started the car and made an abrupt left turn down a side street. It occurred to me that this woman was driving much too fast and acting oddly. Even though my internal alarm bell was going off I still had not put two and two together.


Just then my daughter came out to the car and put the baby in the car seat in the back of my car. I forgot about the elderly woman and her odd behavior as we drove the seven or so miles to the Oshkosh Walmart store.


When we entered the Walmart store, we were greeted by an elderly, gray haired woman. Walmart almost always has a greeter, so I didn’t find this unusual. For an instant it did not register in my mind that this woman was not one of the usual people I was used to seeing as one of their greeters. As I think about this situation now, I realize that my alarm bell was again going off and that this was the same elderly woman sitting behind the wheel of the car by my daughter’s street. Everything was unfolding so quickly that I still did not have time to put together the pieces of the puzzle. Later I remembered that this woman did not have the usual vest on that Walmart greeters wore to identify themselves as a Walmart employee.


I barely had time for any of this to register before this woman addressed my daughter, telling her that because of what had just happened in New York with the World Trade Center towers that Walmart was not allowing anyone to carry large purses or backpacks into the store. My daughter had a backpack-shaped purse that contained baby needs plus her wallet, credit cards, and checkbook. That backpack doubled as a purse and diaper bag. I turned to the greeter and said, “That’s not a backpack. That’s her purse and diaper bag.”  The greeter repeated herself and told us that she could leave her backpack purse behind the food counter of the restaurant. The restaurant was just inside the door directly across from where we were standing.


I was bristling from this demand, but my daughter said it was okay with her as she handed her purse/backpack to the lady behind the food counter. We walked through the store to where the diapers were. As we passed other people in the store, I noticed that many of the women had either large purses or a backpack purse on them. This new oddity registered in my mind, but I still was not putting it all together.


 We headed back to the front of the store to purchase the diapers, but my daughter needed her wallet from her purse. When we got to the food-counter we noticed her purse was lying on the top of the counter unprotected within easy reach for anyone entering or leaving the store.


At that moment a number of things began to dawn on me. The first thing that registered was that my daughter’s purse was the only purse on the counter. The next thing that I noticed was more women entering the store carrying large purses or knapsack/backpack purses and no one was stopping them, asking them to leave their purses by the food counter. At the same moment I realized that the elderly woman greeter was no longer there. She was gone and there was no one in her place.


My daughter took her backpack purse off the top of the food counter. I observed that no one stopped her or even questioned as to whether the purse belonged to her. As she went to pay for her purchases, I stood there in stunned silence. Suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle came together for me and I realized what had all happened since I had left my home in Winneconne, Wisconsin. All the odd events of the day made sense to me, and yet they didn’t.


Why would the government feel the need to send an agent to spy on me and seize my daughter’s purse and search it? This and a million other questions were speeding through my mind on the drive back home. I couldn’t run these thoughts past my daughter as it would have upset her, but I did ask our alien contacts why some of the others in our study group and I were followed that day. The answer was that the government thought that our ET friends would worry about us and come to airlift us off the planet.


Just writing this story on paper has triggered a gauntlet of emotions about that day. They range from shock to fury to intense sadness. I realized just how much clandestine people think so differently than our spiritually advanced alien friends do.


Bush’s whistle stop

Everyone in our area knew that President George W. Bush Sr. would be making a whistle train stop in Oshkosh on the last day of his presidential campaign for his second term in office. President Bush was due in Oshkosh on the Saturday before Halloween.


On the Monday of that week my husband got a phone call asking if his two-piece band could play for this campaign whistle stop. He called his band partner, and both agreed to play that day. The railroad tracks run behind Main Street in Oshkosh, and there is a large parking lot that is between the tracks and the back of the Main Street stores. This is where the people would gather and where the band was to set up their instruments and equipment. The person that contacted my husband to play for this event also gave him two VIP passes to give to whomever he chose as the band did not need passes to get into the area. My husband gave both passes to me on that following Thursday when he received them in the mail.


My job at that time involved scheduled appointments all day long with clients. My busiest day was always Saturdays. When I went to work that Thursday I asked the receptionist how I was booked that Saturday. To our amazement for the first time ever in my career I had not one appointment. I told her that if I did not book in that day, that I would go the whistle stop to see the president. I did not ask anyone to go with me at this point as I did not know if I would have last minute appointments. When I left work at the end of Friday I had no one booked. I was excited because I really wanted to go to this event.


When I got home, I started calling Kathy, another member of our UFO study group. I wanted to invite her to go with me as I knew she had Saturdays off. There was no answer that evening because Kathy was gone. I got up early that Saturday morning and immediately started to call her. Her line was busy, so I thought she was on the phone. I kept pushing redial on my phone about every five minutes trying to reach her while I was getting ready. My VIP ticket stated that we had to be in a lineup of people to go through a security check by a certain time, and I had only about one and a half hours before I had to be there. I finally made the decision to drive to Kathy’s house because her line was continually busy when I redialed. When I got there I knocked on her door for at least five minutes before she answered. When she came to the door she was still in her pajamas and looked like she was having a difficult time waking up. I explained the situation and told her I had been calling her for the last two hours to ask if she wanted to go. When she told me my knock on the door had just woke her up and that she hadn’t been on the phone, we went in to investigate. It was off the hook. She attributed this to her cat crawling over the phone and knocking it off. I still have reservations about that now when I look back, although it had never happened before when I called her, I guess it was possible that it was due to her cat.


Kathy hurriedly bundled up to go. It was a cold day for the end of October, and we knew we’d be standing outside for many hours as we had to arrive at least three hours before the train was to pull in. We brought our cameras and an unopened bottle of soda with us. We drove to Oshkosh, parked the car, and got in line to go through security.


When we got in line, we were a couple of blocks from the security check point. It took a long time to round the corner behind the Main Street building. The parking lot was fenced in, and this is where we had to go through security. I turned to Kathy and made the comment that I doubted these FBI agents doing the security check were local boys. Their necks, arms, and legs were the size of tree trunks. We went through the security check fairly easily although they told us if our soda bottles would have been opened already, we wouldn’t have been able to bring them with us. At this time, I had the intuitive feeling that these FBI agents knew our faces. This feeling only intensified as the day wore on.


Once we cleared security, we had to walk two blocks to enter the cordoned off VIP section. We gave our passes to the security checker and walked to the far middle of that block where my husband and his band partner had already set up their equipment. We managed to get in the second row right behind the snow fence separating the people from the train tracks.


Over the next several hours hundreds of people came, and it became very crowded around us. About an hour after Kathy and I arrived, a black truck much like a bread truck pulled into the parking lot across the tracks. About ten or twelve FBI agents got out with dogs and walked around by all the parked vehicles and buildings both across the tracks and on our side of the tracks. After that the agents who were all dressed in black with white FBI lettering on their backs moved to the tracks almost directly in front of where we were standing. They formed a circle and were given further instructions by their team leader. From there they all fanned out, half going to the rooftops across the tracks and the other half going to the rooftop of the Main Street buildings behind us. Kathy and I watched this process, noticing that each agent set up on the rooftops with their rifles with scopes. It gave us an eerie feeling. All the rifles seemed to be pointed in our direction. I turned to Kathy and asked if she saw a red light on my forehead.


After another hour’s wait we could hear a train approaching. The crowd surged forward to get closer to the fencing. Kathy and I became separated as people pressed in closer, and we were now three or four feet apart. The train arrived, and it didn’t take long to figure out that this was a dummy train that went ahead of the Presidential train in case there was any trouble. This dummy train stayed for about a half hour and then moved on. Shortly after that the Presidential train arrived. It was an impressive, privately-owned train lent to President Bush Sr. expressly for campaigning. The train had a deck on the back of the caboose with a railing all the way around. This was where the president would come out to speak.


The caboose stopped directly in front of where Kathy and I were standing in the crowd. We could have reached out and touched it, we were that close. FBI agents in suits came out and surrounded the back of the caboose. One agent that stood right in front of us was built like a huge football player. He immediately started scanning the crowd from side to side. At the time I thought his eyes rested on Kathy and me much longer than on anyone else. I thought I was being paranoid, but afterwards when Kathy and I compared our feelings I found out that she felt that way, too. These agents took their job seriously, never showing emotions and never once smiling. I am light hearted and with most anyone else I would have tried to make the person lighten up and crack a smile, but something inside of me kept telling me not to goof off with these agents.         


After about ten minutes President George W. Bush Sr. stepped out onto the back deck of the train followed by Mrs. Bush and two of their young grandchildren. The crowd cheered and went wild. When he started speaking, I listened intently. After about fifteen minutes I had the very strong feeling that the president already knew he would not be re-elected and that he was just going through the motions on this last day of his campaign. I also noticed that the president made longer eye contact with both Kathy and me. I continued to scan the agents in front of us as well as the FBI agents on the rooftops. Suddenly I dropped my camera and to pick it up was no simple task as I was wedged in between shoulder-to-shoulder people. I knew better than to make any suspicious moves and was very worried about reaching down to pick the camera up, but it was a new camera and I knew the crowd would step on it and crush it. I slowly bent down to retrieve it, and when I stood back up the hairs on the back of my neck were bristling. I felt every rifle trained on me and the agents in front of me looked on full alert. By now I just wanted to leave because my instincts bold me the agents knew who Kathy and I were and that we were one hair trigger away from death.


I remained where I was, and after the president was done with his speech, he and his family went back inside the caboose and sat down with their entourage. Among his traveling companions was James Baker. Later when we next spoke to our alien contacts, Kathy and I asked about this experience and why we both had the distinct feeling that out of the hundreds and hundreds of people there that we were the two that the president and the FBI agents were most worried about. We were told that they had a complete file on all of us in our UFO study group and they weren’t sure what Kathy and I would do. Our contacts also told us that because Kathy and I kept smiling and made good eye contact with love in our hearts, James Baker knew we meant no harm and were benevolent.


Tagged and bagged

At our weekly meeting on February 18, 1995 Bonnie was channeling her alien contact, Monn. We had been talking about DNA. I asked if our government had a DNA sample from all the members of our study group. Monn’s reply was, “Tagged and bagged.” This was followed by the most adorable and delightful giggle coming from Monn. She added, “I always wanted to say that.”


Even though this question had a serious and sobering consequence, we couldn’t help erupting into laughter. Monn was so excited to be able to use the term, ‘tagged and bagged.’


We asked this same question on September 7, 1997, December 26, 1998, and again on October 4, 2001. Each time we asked the answer was yes. We were also told that our government has a file on every member of our study group along with photos.


The hair on the back of our necks stood up

On August 5, 1989 our study group members along with some friends with like interests in UFOs and aliens went camping. We chose a Yogi Bear Campground a short drive west of where we live. We had a spacious campsite and there was a thick wooded area behind us. Because we knew that several people that weekend would be channeling, we were camped at the end of a long road for privacy reasons. There was an open field across from us with no campsites on it. This afforded a beautiful and open view for sky watching.


One of our friends brought her German Shepherd with her. The dog would go from person to person sitting around the campfire begging for food and attention. I was sitting in my camp chair facing the woods, and as the evening wore on, I noticed that the dog would go deeply into the woods and not return for long periods of time. By this time the woods appeared as a black wall so I could not see very far into it. I didn’t say anything to anyone for a while about this, but the hair on the back of my neck was standing straight up. I was on full alert as I felt, rather than saw, someone monitoring us. I suspected that the dog was going to the agents in the woods and being fed treats to keep him friendly.


Others started noticing the disappearing dog and the amount of time he was missing, so during the channeling we asked if there was someone in the woods monitoring us. The reply was, yes.


Who’s Watching Russ

The examples of various types of surveillance I have experienced are arranged in a loose chronological order. Sometimes the surveillance was blatantly obvious while others were constant, like the clicking and humming noise of tape recorders on the phone and nobody speaking when I answered the telephone. A few examples are quite strange but other events convinced me of the global nature of someone’s concerns about my activities within the UFO community. Well, I’m getting ahead of myself; read, accept what you can, and file the rest away.


Public health nurse

I have given considerable thought to government involvement in my life. My mother told me she took her babies to Manitowoc in the late 1940s to be examined, and a Public Health nurse just happened to be in Manitowoc at the time. A photographer from the local paper took pictures, and Mother showed me a newspaper clipping with photograph to prove it. Is this unusual? I don’t know, but years ago we were told the negative aliens knew who we were, and they shared the knowledge of how to identify lightworkers with the government. I know this really isn’t surveillance, but could it be?



After two years of college I decided to go to work and pay off my student loan. This ended my student deferment and my draft notice came. A coworker suggested enlisting into the Army Security Agency because you would have a better chance of getting the type of job you wanted, so I enlisted. While in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri in December 1966, my platoon sergeant told me to report to company headquarters. When I reported in someone directed me to a specific room where a man in suit and tie sat behind a gray metal desk. This man told me to close the door and sit down. Next, he explained that my Top Secret security clearance was granted and asked if I would consider joining the White House Communication Corps, which traveled ahead of the President setting up the global communication capability needed at each stop. He further explained all that was needed was a lie detector test and, if I passed, my signature. Coming from an apolitical family and not liking big cities, I declined. Occasionally I wonder if something else was also going on, but, lacking proof, my response is a shrug.



In 1972, within two years of completion of my military duty, I started to actively search for answers about UFOs and attended many meeting in Appleton, Wisconsin and the surrounding areas. At one of these meetings I was surprised to see a man I worked with. The next day he told me, “Boy, was I glad I gave my real name since normally I make one up,” and added, “I was doing some undercover work for police into this group hosting UFO meetings.” He worked with me only a few months more before he quit. I did not see him again for several years. Then one day he was in the building where I work, investigating material spread over the floor in a partial reconstruction from a fire which had occurred within the company. Since then I have often wondered if he was watching me as part of that first investigation, but I guess I’ll never know.


He’s right here

For many years Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin hosted an October Fest celebration with lots of music, food, plenty of beer, and an art fair. During one of these events, the woman I was dating, and her daughter joined me in looking at the art and handcrafted items. As we walked past a door built into the side of the hill, the door opened and a young man in a security type uniform started to step out, turned around and said to someone behind him whom I couldn’t see, “He’s right here.” The other person said something, and the security type repeated, “He’s right here!”  Son-of-a-gun, they blew their cover, again. Then I knew it was time to go home.


Hole in one

In 1986 I was dating a widow and spent a lot of time with her and her youngest daughter. One day after a brief electrical storm the phone did not work, so the next day she used a neighbor’s phone to call the telephone company. A serviceman came out and discovered the phone line from the pole into the house had one wire of the four within the cable with a hole in it. When I stopped over after work my friend showed me a two-foot section of telephone cable which looked like a laser had burned the outer wrapping. What was peculiar was how on that single wire, the plastic around the wire had a hole through it and the wire was vaporized, leaving a tiny hole through the cable. She also told me the serviceman needed to make seven calls to get service restored which he thought was odd since it normally only took three calls. Did that mean her phones where bugged because I was spending so much time with them? It’s possible.


Cucumbers, Rose’s, and grocery stores

In 1989 a former neighbor and I accidentally bumped into each other at the grocery store. We stood and talked for about fifteen minutes when an overweight desk jockey came running into the produce section. We continued to catch up on news about each other for another ten minutes while the desk jock, panting, stood perfectly still while trying to overhear our conversation and not look too obvious, the whole time examining an item off the shelf. He was still standing there when we left.


During the fall of 2005 and continuing into 2006 I have noticed various people in the grocery store who have two or three items in their grocery basket when I first see them. Many times this same individual steps into line directly behind me as I check out. These men and woman have been so blatantly in-your-face that I can only assume they want me to know they know my every move. People as diverse as a young man wearing a black leather biker’s jacket, old men and women, young women and middle-aged individuals have been very obvious that they were following me. One time I really laughed. After putting the groceries in my van I drove over to the gas pump area and watched the front door of the grocery store only to see the man behind me in line quickly spin around and go back into the store when he saw me observing him. I guess they didn’t expect that. I even altered my buying habits, going in, getting needed items, and getting out as fast as possible, but the result was the same; they beat me to the store and were waiting with four items in their basket.


Just for shits and giggles one time I woke up about 2:30 a.m., got dressed, and went to Wal-Mart without saying anything in my house. It didn’t take very long for a young man to follow me into the store and give me an angry look. Gee, I must have pulled him from his lovers’ arms to warrant such a look. It sure is nice to see my tax dollars at work. Guess I need to help train wannabe CIA agents.


Missing notes

In 1990 I went to the First World UFO Conference in Tucson, Arizona hosted by Wendell Stevens. Throughout the conference I took prolific notes of each speaker to share with others back in Wisconsin. I spoke with several speakers privately, some exhibitors and a few authors. One of the strangest conversations was with a man who asked me, “Do you think the eagle will prevail?” My reply was, “No, he will go down.” That was the totality of our conversation. However, years later a book I read stated that questions about an eagle are often asked someone to determine if he or she is a group player in regards to the UFO status quo.


However, the strangest event at this conference was the disappearance of my notebook after the last speaker late one night. From that evening I recall one man speaking on Nazi UFOs and an older man who spoke about the Roman Catholic Church and how it failed to tell the truth. I did ask at the conference desk if anyone had turned in a notebook but no luck. Back home in a channeling session I asked if they knew what happened to my tablet/notebook and was told the government used something on me and I gave my notes to the agent attending the conference. This just isn’t right.


One speaker at the conference spoke about an alien species of dog which had appeared out of nowhere. If I recall correctly, she said there were less than 250 known dogs and they chose their owners. I thought it was all BS and gave it absolutely no credibility. Three or four days after returning home I went to bed as usual and was just getting comfortable when I could feel a four-legged animal walking on my water bed. Without turning over to look I mentally told it to leave as it was not welcome and immediately the movements stopped as if it had instantly disappeared. Was it really a dog or was it a shape shifting alien? I don’t know, but that was rather peculiar.



In May of 1990 I went to Brazil to visit a niece who was a Rotary International exchange student. While visiting with her adopted family, I answered the phone one day to hear the voice of my travel agent asking for me. She told me if I wanted to go to Machu Picchu in Peru, I better get there a day earlier since there was going to be a conference of South American presidents there the day I had planned on going. I changed my travel plans and managed to be in the last group to tour it before it was closed to the public. A young woman who worked for the World Bank was also in the last group and we talked a little bit about occupations and the like while walking among the ruins. By happenstance I stayed at the same hotel in Cusco, Peru as the international press and the helicopter pilots. Since I didn’t speak Spanish I felt really isolated, but never once did I feel vulnerable.


On the plane back to Miami while conversing with a younger man who was carrying a backpack, I said, “That looks like radios I saw in Vietnam.” He then told me it used a global positioning system (GPS) which would give his exact location to his superiors. He said his superiors needed to know where he was all the time and that he had used this type of equipment on previous missions. When we got to Miami he was able to just walk out the airport as he had no other baggage.


Now bear with me, please. In December of 1991 I went to Egypt on a vacation to attend a UFO conference, do some sightseeing, and to observe the shenanigans of a New Age 11:11 ascension celebration. I heard Zachariah Sitchin speak and had breakfast one morning with G. Cope Schellhorn, who previously spoke at the Spirituality and UFO conference we hosted in Neenah, Wisconsin the previous year.


I also wanted to visit Mt. Sinai, so I took the Missar bus line so I could ride with the locals and learn a little more of the reality of Egypt’s economic condition. I thought the bus driving on asphalt and at times in the bottom of a dried riverbed was interesting. Whenever the bus driver gave two long blasts on the horn you could see people run to the side of the road who wanted to board the bus. This reminded me of the train whistles of my youth.


The bus arrived at the tourist village near St. Catherine’s monastery at the foot of Mt. Sinai with daylight fading fast. I rented a small concrete cabin and was surprised at how cold it got at night, even freezing water standing in shallow puddles. I wanted to get an early start in the morning to arrive at the summit before daybreak to observe the sunrise. I left the cabin in total darkness and tripped over a chain across the road. A young man who heard me trip over the chain offered to guide me to the top for a few dollars so up the trail we went.


With my flashlight moving side to side I was trying to keep up with the young man when a stone brilliantly reflected the flashlight beam. After sunrise I suggested we go down St. Catherine’s stairway and was later surprised by snow two feet deep in one small ravine. Since we came down the back way, I decided to stay another night to view the valley in daylight and try to visualize the biblical description of events in this area. Because I had sprained my ankle the day before, a camel ride up the trail was needed. While walking back down the camel driver bent down, picked up a rock, and gave it to me saying, “This is yours.” Back at the hotel in Cairo I took the rock from my pocket and when I turned the lights out was surprised to see a real faint glow on one side only. This glow lasted for three weeks.


On the morning I left it was necessary to be at the bus stop while it was still very dark out. While standing at the bus stop sign, I heard footsteps approaching, and soon a tall very athletic man walked up carrying a backpack which appeared to be identical to the one seen the previous year on the plane to Miami. The bus came and we returned to Cairo.



In 1992 a photographer came to UFO Daze at Dundee, Wisconsin, taking many shots of the event during the day. Late in the afternoon he came to the picnic table where Bonnie and I were enjoying some shade. He asked if he could take our pictures and said he would send a copy of them to us through email. We agreed, and I didn’t think much of it until after the next UFO conference I attended in Philadelphia two months later. The speakers at the conference included Preston Nichols, who worked on The Montauk Project, a woman who shared how her husband had been involved with assassins used by our military, a Native American, and Jordan Maxwell speaking on astrotheology.


I flew into Chicago’s O’Hara airport and as usual started talking with strangers. There was a group of three young men with military haircuts that were friendly, and we soon had a long discussion. One of the young men seemed quite knowledgeable about strange events, UFOs and paranormal experiences but claimed it was because his wife was into that kind of stuff. A little later he said he was in military intelligence, I told him that I had been in the Army Security Agency, where I had been trained, and where I had served. Then I told him about being on board UFOs, and what the aliens had told me. Just to make sure he was listening, I leaned in very close to him and said almost in a whisper, “You can verify the truth of what I’ve told you by asking your buddies in Naval Intelligence about the plane they have that can circle the globe without refueling, but I wouldn’t tell you how it is armed.” Immediately he said, “They just called my flight, goodbye.” As he went to join his buddies in the boarding line I decided to take a stroll because there was still half an hour before my flight departure. Upon returning to the same waiting area, I noticed the three young military men frantically scanning the crowd until they saw me. When I walked into the area, they each took a position about two arms lengths away, surrounding me, and with very concerned expressions on their faces. They were determined to overhear anything I said to anyone else; so I sat near an old man and scowled back at them the rest of the time until my flight left. However, I do not recall them on the plane, even after walking the aisle to check.


It was late at night when we arrived in Philadelphia, and I needed to take a limousine to get to the hotel about forty miles away. The driver was very friendly and a pleasure to talk with. When we got to the hotel, I took my bag, went inside, and saw a Jewish man wearing a yarmulke skullcap and a black suit coat and slacks. There was a younger woman beside him talking to the hotel clerk. I thought the woman was unusual as the weekend went on. I noticed she had a similar speech pattern and mannerisms that a young woman had that came into the laundromat back in Appleton, Wisconsin where I did laundry on Saturday mornings. She reminded me of the aliens in the movie, ‘The Arrival,’ who used a human body image to cloak their true appearance, with one body image being used multiple times by aliens in different locations. I never saw the Jewish gentleman again. However, the young woman was the subject of an email I received from a woman who had also attended the conference and stayed at the same hotel. She said, and I paraphrase here; about ten minutes after you left this strange young lady came and asked if Russ, the guy from Wisconsin, was still here. She concluded by saying, “We all dummied up real fast.”


Actually, I had been waiting for a ride from a hotel shuttle to the airport which was running late. At the desk they told me the shuttle would stop briefly for anybody who wanted to board. For a while I waited outside the door but then decided to go inside and watch the clock and the driveway. Eventually the shuttle came and passed under the hotel canopy so fast I thought it was being pursued by the devil. Since it never stopped, I was forced me to take a cab. The cabbie was very talkative and said he would get right to the airport using the back route as it was faster and had less construction. He dropped me off right at the correct area as all I needed to do was walk up some steps and pass through the metal detector and past a guard to be in the boarding area.


As I glanced to the right and left, I do not know if I saw it or if my alien friends showed me an image in my mind of a man behind me sliding a pen along the floor until it hit my shoe. Suddenly, I was conscious of this voice behind me saying, “Sir, you’ve dropped your pen!” I turned, picked it up and put it in my pocket and continued walking. As I turned to my left to go into the boarding area, I noticed that the man who told me I dropped my pen was adjusting something in his right ear as he turned around and walked back toward the stairway toward the exit. When I took the pen from my pocket, I noticed it was not the correct color ink to be my pen, so I placed it on a brochure rack in the airport. Then I boarded the plane just before departure as everyone else was already on board. Once back home I shared all of this with the rest of the group, and one of the ladies asked in the next channeling session, “Is Russ just paranoid or was there something in the pen?” Monn said there was a tracking device in the pen.


Sometimes I wonder how the three service men, the young lady, and the pen slider were able to recognize me. Maybe the photographer at UFO Daze actually was hired by someone to take a current photograph of me and put it online. What do you think?


Strange Universe

I’m trying to remember if it was in 1993 or later that a film crew showed up at Benson’s for UFO Daze. I noticed they were interviewing people, so I made it a point to avoid them all day. In the evening Joyce Murphy spoke and showed some slides about what she discovered at Stonehenge the previous year. During her presentation the film crew was intrusive because they butted in with their camera and bright lights to film her and the crowd. A few weeks later the owner of the laundromat said, “Hey, I saw you on Strange Universe last night,” and Bonnie’s daughter also told her the same thing. Why did they try so hard to get us on film, and what or who else was on that television show?



For many years we have rented a cabin for a three-day weekend of concentrated discussions about UFOs, government cover-ups, religious collusion, any technological breakthroughs, biological manipulations, industrial discoveries being kept from the public, forbidden archaeology and Smithsonian-gate, items ‘lost’ in museum basements . Oh yeah, it was great.


On August 4, 1995 I went shopping to get some supplies for just such a weekend and decided to go to Woodman’s grocery store on the other side of town. Once in the store I grabbed a cart and went past the fruit because I was looking for chips and snacks. As I rounded the far end of the first aisle I saw three young men about seventy-five feet away. One, wearing a fedora hat turned his back toward me and whispered to the other two. “That’s him.” That was weird-I heard it in my head, not with my ears. I guess someone wanted me to hear what was said. They checked out before I did, but all three stood by their car, one door open, watching me as I loaded up and drove off. I could have driven over to them and written down their license number but, nah, they were just college kids. At the cabin that first weekend of August 1995 we asked in the first channeling session about the guy I call Hat seen by me at Woodman’s the day before. Eric, captain of the Peace Ship, told us we were being monitored by two men out on the main road in a beer truck and that Russ saw one of them at the grocery store. Oookay.


I Spy JVL Con

I think it was the weekend of Halloween 2001 that we went to JVLCon, a small gamers and sci-fi conference in Janesville, Wisconsin, to give a presentation on UFOs. Because the organizer had a lot going on; moving the store to a new facility and some family health issues, there was very little promotion of the event. Heidi Hollis gave her presentation early and left for obligations in Milwaukee, leaving us to do the programs the following day. Beside the vendors and the six of us there were maybe four other people who showed up. The last event of the conference was going to be a local talent doing his skit and song routine which was going to be recorded by a three-man film crew from Texas. They begged us to stay so there would be people in the audience for the crew to film, so we lingered.


We were all sitting in the crowd at first. I was drooling over their expensive high end pro-consumer video camera, similar to a Panasonic AG-DVC80 or a Canon XL-1S. Because the music was too loud for me, I would take a walk and then stand outside the doors where the camera could not film me. A few times I stepped into the room and talked with the host as he watched the program. While doing this I observed the oldest man of the filming crew say something to the younger man sitting in front of him, who promptly got up, walked over to the camera man, said something to him and then returned to his seat. About fifteen seconds later the camera man turned the camera on the five ladies sitting together who rode down with me. For various reasons several of them got up and walked out. Then he started to film me, and I exited stage left thinking something was not right here. I chatted with those who walked out and returned to see what was happening with the film crew. They were still filming Bonnie, who was sitting expressionless. Eventually she looked in my direction and I give her the head nod, let’s get out of here. The camera man turned the camera and recorded Bonnie as she walked toward me.


While driving home we discussed what that was all about. Eventually, during a channeling session, I was able to ask who was doing the filming and why. We were told it was the Mossad who did the filming because a former Israeli military member had attended a few of the meetings we had been at and they wanted to know who we were. This is really getting too weird.


Hot chips

During 2002 I was one of a group of UFO contactees who piled into my van and drove down to Eureka Springs, Arkansas for the Ozark UFO Conference. Now I knew there was a government agent around but could not pick out who it was, so as I went to bed one night, I asked God to reveal to me who the agent was. The next day after the speakers and dinner we were just sitting around talking when I decided to find some real toasty, spicy-hot chips because I and several people at work were into eating hot spicy food with a motto of “mo-hotter-mo-better.”


Not being familiar with the area, I asked the person at the hotel’s front desk where I could find some “hot chips”, and she gave me directions to a local convenience store. I went out the door, took a right turn, went up and down some hills, and around a few turns before deciding this was not right and turned to retrace my steps. I was in better shape back then and could move at a decent pace. As I came around a corner, I was surprised to see one of the speakers walking with someone wearing a long black trench coat and rugged hiking boots, whom I had never seen at any of the lectures. They both looked surprised to see me. As I approached them, I was intently scanning their faces for unique identification markers. I stopped and told them I was looking for some hot chips but there weren’t any in this direction and thought I’d walk down the road to the Subway to get some chips. I passed them, went up to the main road, and walked along the narrow, winding, dimly lit road for a mile. I got some plain old potato chips and had them almost eaten before they both came in. Once they got their sandwiches and sat down to eat, I left. When I got back to the hotel, I noticed a car leave; a short time later it returned with the speaker. Thank you, God, now I know who to watch for.


Now I’ll fast forward a few years and relate an interesting anecdote. Since I don’t listen to the talking heads on the network news channels nor subscribe to the local paper, I didn’t know why all those small American flags were lining the main north/south thoroughfare near my house. As I’d finished a few tasks, I told my cats I was going to check out what all the flags were along the street three blocks away. As I stepped out my front door, I saw a squad car slowly crossing the intersection two blocks away. I turned around and told my cats, I’d go later. It was only after I walked over to the nearest gas station later in the evening that I found out President Bush was in town and passed almost the same time that I planned to check out the flags. The next day I bought the local paper, The Post Crescent, and saw a photograph of George W. with the same government agent I saw on the street in Eureka Springs. Now that’s interesting, but I would still be interested in having a very candid conversation with the agent and hopefully share information about spiritual aliens and the battle in the heavens.


Driver’s Ed

A few years ago there was a white driver’s education sedan sitting in the park half a block from my house at least twice a week all summer long. It always amazed me how they seemed to be practicing “Y” turns in that short dead-end street at approximately the same time I came home from work almost every evening. One time I thought I must be imagining this, so I went out the front door, walked to the back yard, dropped on all fours in my garden and hid behind some tomato plants. That was the only time I saw the car come to a stop on the side street, back up, and go past the front of my house. Yup, he was watching me, kind of fun to toy with them, too. Anyway, in 2005 I noticed a similar white sedan would go past Bonnie’s house during the time I stopped to help her write her first book.


Heard but not seen

I can’t recall the year but one weekend I was doing some work outside around the house when I became aware of a strange sound which seemed to be coming from a spot in the sky about ten feet directly over the center of my house. I walked completely around the house, and the sound never moved nor did the tone vary in frequency or modulation. When I mentioned it to Bonnie, she said her husband heard the same thing on the same day and came in and got her to go outside so she could listen to it also.



I will always remember being at work and every radio station carrying news of the events unfolding in New York and Washington. After work I went straight home to see the footage for myself. It was absolutely bizarre how the two towers came straight down like a controlled demolition. After seeing most of the footage numerous times on different channels I decided to go comparison shopping for a laptop at three different electronics stores. In the first store I sensed someone in a blue sweater watching me. In the second store the guy in the sweater got a little bolder and came in close to hear what I was saying. In the third store he ran in about two minutes behind me and was right beside me as I looked at various laptops. It is at this point that I quickly spun around and exited the store, and he followed me out. I returned home and wondered what that was all about. The next time we spoke to our alien friends in a channeling session we were told the government thought it was going to trigger an alien invasion to get contactees off the planet.



Any doubts I had about being under surveillance disappeared a few years ago. One evening I was thinking how the evacuation of people from earth would occur, and while I was walking toward my living room from the kitchen, I spun around, asked,” Now?” in a loud voice, picked up my van keys, and left the house. I drove to a park beside the Fox River, got out, and walked over to the water’s edge. Then I walked over to a park bench and noticed a car round the corner at the east end of the park. Somehow I knew and could feel it was following me, so I start to meander back to my van. The car passed between me and the van and slowly rounded the corner at the west end. I got into the van, started it, and commenced to chase the car, but he couldn’t see what I was doing because trees were blocking his view. When I rounded the corner, his little car was about a third way up the hill and I was closing fast. I got a chance to memorize his license plate number, AFF-344, before he took a quick right turn. I continued straight ahead for a couple blocks, turned left, and pulled into another park. I once again got out, walked over to the tall trees by the hillside next to the river, and briefly examined the steep bank. Then I walked into a large open area of the park and headed back to my van. A woman came toward me on the walking trail and we exchanged greetings. When I got to the parking lot, there was the same small car, license number AFF-344, with the driver slouched way down in his seat. I don’t smoke but was real tempted to ask him for a cigarette just to see his expression. Now I know I didn’t imagine that! I did not see him follow me out of that park as I went back home, maybe he was embarrassed to have been tagged twice. Hee hee hee.


Unmanned aerial vehicle

During 2004 or 2005 a friend of mine who had been an MP while in military service stopped over and we talked about UFOs, sightings, personal experiences, etc. while in the house. When he got ready to leave, we went outside and continued the discussion for a half hour with him sitting in his truck while I stood beside it. Sometime during the banter I heard and then noticed an unusual plane between the tree tops and two houses. At first it appeared to be flying down river, but then it turned and headed toward us. During the ten or more minutes I observed it, it didn’t travel the three blocks from the river to my house. It appeared almost stationary but moved extremely slowly. Later I purchased a magazine with an article on various unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and could not identify one that flew that slowly. I live four miles from the airport and three blocks from the hospital helicopter landing pad, so I see and hear a lot of aircraft, but this thing didn’t exhibit normal flight characteristics.


Gorby visits

In 2004 Mikhail Gorbachev came to Appleton to speak at the Performing Arts Center. As a group we discussed it and several of us decided to go. I got tickets for Bonnie and me as she needed a handicap accessible seat because she had just had a knee replaced, walked with a cane, and couldn’t do stairs. We were given two seats right next to the door and close to the elevator. We arrived early and a security guard had us sit right under the lighted exit sign telling us they had numbered our tickets wrong. Ya, right! Why did I feel like I was in someone’s cross hairs? Damn glad I didn’t get us some tickets for the ‘meet the speaker social’ preceding the presentation, which would have shaken up the old apple cart; although it would have been interesting to see Gorby’s reaction because Monn had told us heads of state knew who we were.


Plugged drain

In 2004 while at the International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival in Laughlin, NV another attendee agreed to come up to my room and share his experiences with several of us. When he was in the room a casino maintenance man opened the door with his key and walked in. He had a surprised look on his face and said he needed to come in to unplug the drain. He came in and puttered around a few minutes, then left and came back to finish up. I thought it humorous that he even carried a pail partially filled with long black hair floating in water to prove the drain was blocked because the drain had worked perfectly earlier in the morning when I showered.


It seems like somebody wanted to know what was being said in the room. Well, we listened to what the attendee had to say, even patiently waiting while he spoke twice on the cell phone to someone about the topic. Later we discussed it among ourselves and decided to file it for now, try to locate other evidence or similar stories, and also check it out with Monn or Eric. When we asked for insight from our friends in high places, they told us they didn’t know anything about such experiences. His story eventually came out in a magazine but seemed to be plagued with inconsistencies. So, I wonder if it was all a setup tempting us to put an exclusive inside report on our web site which could have been used later to discredit us, but we didn’t take the bait. Whew, dodged that bullet.


Trail camera

One day a relative called me to report his Cuddyback trail camera caught something and he didn’t know what it was, but he said, “You’re into that strange stuff, maybe you can tell me what it is.” He described briefly what they looked like when he downloaded the images onto his computer. I told him to bring it on over and I would check it out. When he brought it over I gave him money for another memory stick and just set it aside because my computer was having a mind of its own, not allowing me to do a ‘frame-by-frame’ analysis, etcetera. Whenever I was doing any video projects about UFOs my computer would act up. A couple of weeks later I decided to take his memory stick to Walgreen’s and check what was on it without saying anything to anyone about where I was going and what I was intending to do. Because someone else was using the machine I did a little browsing until they finished. When she was finished, I tried to be very quick in getting the images up on screen to do a brief evaluation. The memory stick held images of deer, tiny red, blue and green lights, an orb and what looked like several images of a large Luna moth. The Cuddyback camera must have been set at the most sensitive settings to record the tiny lights. I was about half done when I noticed a man come into the store carrying a thick laptop computer bag and walk directly to the area behind the machine I was using, while zipping the bag open. Meanwhile, I was trying to get the memory stick out of the machine because the impression I got was whatever was in the computer bag would be able to upload the images off my memory stick.


Now I don’t want to sound like Gene Hickman’s character in the movie, Enemy of the State, but I should have known better than to believe my actions would go unnoticed since there were several other times I was being watched while shopping at Walgreen’s. One time I went in, got a quart of ice cream, and went to the checkout line. A young woman entered and scanned the aisles and people in the checkout area. When she saw me she turned around and left. Another time a young man was observing what magazines I was browsing through and the merchandise I had in my arms.



For three weeks a light in the park would go out whenever I entered or exited the rear door of my house. After about four times it was apparent to me that this was happening. I needed to do a little test, so I decided to go out the front door, walk around the house passed the rear door, and see if the light in the park would stay on, which it did. Okay, next test-I walked up to rear door and watched the light. As soon as I started to turn the doorknob, the light went out. This pattern of the light going out whenever I used the back door continued until I asked in a channeling session what that was all about. Monn said it was a case of “you know-I know, I know-you know.” We all laughed. Because I did own a video camera at the time, I wish I had taken the time to set it on a tripod and record what was happening.



Sometime in 2004 I asked God to show me an image of the next person following me. Well I got an image and thought it incredulous that such an individual would be engaged in this type of activity. I believe it was the next day that a trip to the natural food store was necessary, so after work I stopped to get a bottle of multivitamins. While standing at the checkout near the front, the door opened and a white-haired lady, older in appearance than my mother, walked partially into the store, looked at me, turned around, and left. If she wanted to be obvious, she succeeded.


Fish fry

One of my co-workers is an avid fisherman. For the past several years he has provided all the fish at an annual fish fry with the proceeds going to the local chapter of disabled citizens. I planned to go and told the others in a previous meeting about it. When the day came I drove toward the local tavern where it was held. I needed to pass this bar on the way to the church I was attending at the time, so I knew exactly where it was. However, this time I went a different direction and ended up in a neighboring city. I knew when I was on the local interstate that something unusual was going on. When I turned onto County N and passed an SBC telephone company service truck with its doors open in the parking lot of a business, I knew it was a mind control experiment and I was the subject. Anyway, I continued to follow the images in my mind to the location of a nonexistent bar. When I felt the experiment was over, I headed back home but first needed to see if the mouse would come out of the hole. I stopped at a gas station convenience store and asked where the bar was located. The attendant didn’t know so I grabbed a telephone book and started to look in it for the address of the bar. Then an SBC serviceman (?) came into the store and looked directly at me. I immediately left and went to the correct bar. On the way I saw the SBC service truck was no longer in the parking lot. I guess the rat came out of the hole. Oh, by the way, the fish were excellent.


Poor man’s concrete

During the winter of 2005-2006 we didn’t have very much snow. I believe it snowed while I was working some overtime on Saturday to help pay for the next Laughlin, Nevada conference. When I got home, I quickly shoveled my sidewalk and steps before getting in my van to go shopping. While I was shoveling, I noticed a car parked at an odd angle in the street by the neighborhood park. As I started to back out my driveway, I noticed an overeager surveillance trainee in that car start to roll forward up to the stop sign while I was backing cautiously out my driveway. Well, maybe I was being a little paranoid, so I thought I would just go back and forth until he drove off. After about twenty trips back and forth he finally drove off and almost all the snow in my gravel driveway was now packed down so I could use the snow blower without throwing stones onto the lawn. Boy, I sure do like that poor man’s concrete; don’t have to pay taxes on it.


After grocery shopping, I shoveled the snow off my deck and patio. Since the next-door neighbor was gone, I decided to shovel their walk as well. Shortly the same car that was in the park earlier drove past really slowly, checking out where I was and what I was doing; funny how I noticed the ‘license applied for’ cardboard over the real license plate.


Mr. Clean

The former owner of a laundromat just happened to be in the produce department on several occasions when I came into the grocery store. We would talk for a while and then he would claim he had to leave; yet he would be standing near the checkout as I went through. One of the women who regularly visited the laundromat Saturday afternoon was rather loud and obnoxious, so one day I said to the owner how annoying she was. Never saw her there again. Another strange recent occurrence is the former owner of the laundry and his wife were sitting in a booth directly across the aisle from where I traditionally sit at a local family diner on Sunday mornings. He had already finished eating, so the whole while he sat and talked across the aisle, telling me his take on recent political events and suggested various alternative news websites. Now that he has sold the laundromat, maybe he has more time to help protect this country from suspected terrorists.


Dick Tracy

In May 2006 a friend called to tell me of his experience with amnesia following a routine medical examination. He told me about a total lack of recall about what happened during the procedure and immediately afterward which convinced me of the obvious similarity to reported alien and military abductions.


I believe it was on the night of May 2, 2006 that I had a military abduction, which I couldn’t recall. There was some trauma in my groin area that I couldn’t account for, which I dismissed as something which happens. However, my alien friends wanted me to be aware of what was really going on. On the evening of May 3, I went about my normal routine. Eventually I had to go to the bathroom. When finished I stood, pulled up my trousers, turned, and flushed the toilet. At that instant I felt a very noticeable vacuum-like pressure around me. Glancing down I saw the contents in the bowl swirling but not going down. This made me think someone wanted me to be more aware of what was in that bowl, so I bent down and examined the contents. Floating among the waste was something that looked like semen which stuck out because it was the only white material in the toilet bowl.


After this event happened I needed to examine my thoughts and actions which allowed the negative types, alien and human, to get to me. I came to the conclusion that three months previously I had become very angry over not being given recognition for my contribution to a major project. My emotions were broiling, and my attitude went from bad to worse. I went into a dark corner with my emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Feelings of betrayal and being manipulated by the project head kept going through my mind. I put up a shield between others and myself. One evening I drank four mixed drinks and stayed up until 1:00 a.m. partying. As I am person who is an early riser and who normally doesn’t drink alcohol, this was probably the start of my defenses being weakened. With my having almost daily contact with the project head, defensive feelings became a filter for all interactions. Bitterness was wrapping its tentacles around me to pull me down even further. Then the event described above occurred and I was forced to reevaluate the whole scenario. Looking deeper, I realized the project head was telling the truth about making the changes or corrections we had agreed upon and it was time for me to ask God for forgiveness, to forgive others, and to move forward.


Upon questioning during a channeling session, Monn confirmed my belief of this white material being human. Why I was the recipient of a patented pivot kick to the groin and other mistreatment by the military, who I believe abducted me, I may never know. I have been taught to treat my enemies with love, so I guess I will just have to pray for him and leave it up to the Creator to judge him.


In June 2006 I asked Monn how it was possible that they could abduct me. She replied, “I think you already know. Remember to meditate. I think everybody is falling down on that one a little bit. What you need is to set a specific time during the day, even at work, go lock yourself in the bathroom, and use the toilet for something else than what it was intended, but don’t spend too long or you’ll get a circle on your butt. But really, without meditation, without the turning in and listening, without the speaking to God, you become unbalanced by not doing this and then these little devils…(I shouldn’t use that word, should I?)…the negative aliens or the government, you give them the opportunity to come around you and wait for you to just be a little off balance and they will cause you to do many negative things. So please be good lightworkers.”


Dead Lines and Telephone Strangeness

Normally my telephone rings three times and then my answering machine automatically answers. However, it is not unusual for the phone to ring four or five times without the answering machine taking the call. This often happens after I get home from work and try to meditate. Many times, when I answer the phone there is no one there, just a dead-line without a signal tone. A few months ago, I picked up in time to hear a young man say, “He can’t trace it to us, I blocked *69.” Whenever there is no sound or movement in my apartment and I am home, this happens; therefore, they must have a real need to know my whereabouts.


It happened again on May 16, 2006. I refused to move to get the phone call, meditated another ten minutes, then went outside and cut lawn. After the lawn was mowed I checked the answering machine and noticed no new calls; so I decided to do the *69 thing and got, “The number of your last incoming call is: Zero, Oh,Oh - Oh,Oh,Oh - 3466.” Looking at the buttons on the phone I got 066-666-3466. What the heck kind of number is that?


On September 6, 2006 a slight variation of the telephone surveillance occurred when my phone rang at 11:45 p.m. after I had been in bed for several hours. I groggily got up and opened the bedroom door. The ringing stopped before I got to the phone. I went back to bed and the phone rang twice more but I refused to get out of bed, good night.


On September 11, 2006 I called a friend to verify getting together with others for a Friday fish dinner. Her phone rang twice, then I heard nothing on the line, so I dialed again but then her line was busy. After waiting five minutes I dialed her number for the last attempt before going for dinner. She answered during the second ring and said she had a call a few minutes earlier, however, the line was completely dead. Gee whiz, they must be using us for a Telephone Surveillance 101 class at the local I Spy Academy.


November 6, 2006 while working on editing the book with two friends, the phone rang, but the only sound I heard, when I picked the receiver up on my cordless telephone, was a low humming sound and two soft, beep–beep sounds repeated several times. I kept saying hello, hung the phone up, and then picked it back up a couple times while I  listened to the answering machine record the call, as my sister gave an update on Dad’s condition as she was calling from the hospital. Half an hour later the phone rang, and it worked perfectly.


Strange car

It was about 11:00 p.m. on August 22, 2006 when I heard someone talking outside in the driveway. After a couple minutes I opened the drapes without turning on the bedroom light to see who was outside and noticed an older white Cadillac in the neighbor’s driveway. I lay back down and listened more closely. About a minute later I heard someone talking over a radio which sounded similar to those used by the maintenance crew at work where the microphone doubles as a speaker, but I couldn’t distinguish what was being said.


The following day a friend came over and told me she had had a very strong urge to go for a walk in the neighborhood the night before. While she was walking up the hill toward the hospital, one block over, she noticed a white Cadillac with three men in the front seat which appeared to be stopped in the street. As she turned onto my street toward my house, she heard and saw the car very slowly creep along behind her, stopping briefly in front of each house. When she walked past the next door neighbor’s house, she turned at the corner and headed back toward her apartment. The last glimpse she had of the white car it was pulling into the neighbor’s driveway. That’s where I saw it. Was it surveillance? I don’t know, but it sure felt odd to both of us.


What did he want?

After picking my brother up at the airport in Appleton, Wisconsin on November 4, 2006, we stopped at a Kwik Trip gas station for a hot dog because it was after 7:00 p.m. and neither of us had eaten dinner. We wanted to get to the hospital to be with Mother and the rest of the family as soon as possible since Dad had had a second stroke and was on life support. I had finished my hot dog and headed to the restroom to wash my hands when I noticed a man in an insulated, unbuttoned, plaid work shirt enter. When I returned my brother told me as we walked out that the attendant at the counter was asked by the man in the plaid shirt, “Did a guy with a pony tail come in?” and “What did he want?” The attendant replied, “Ya, just something to eat.” My brother asked me, “What the hell was that about?” So I told him that kind of stuff happens all the time to gas station attendants, probably a drunk with half a load and nothing else to do.



Bonnie’s surveillance

Who is this man?

The first time I recognized that someone was watching me was when we lived in our old house back in the seventies. It was on a corner lot and the kitchen faced the side street. One day when I looked out of my kitchen window, there was a car parked across the street. It was there all afternoon and did not seem to be doing anything in particular.


It bothered me, and when my husband came home from work at 3:30 p.m. I told him about it. He went out to the car and asked the man what he was doing. His answer was that he was counting cars that went down the streets north/south and east/west. Neither of the streets was very busy and there was a stop sign on each corner. My husband asked if he had any paperwork for the job, and all he had was a clipboard with numbers on it. My husband suggested he move on or he would call the police. Needless to say, the man moved the car immediately. We never did find out who he was, but it made me aware that I should be paying more attention to what was going on around me.


My car has been followed many times, so I have gotten into the habit of never going the same way twice because this makes it harder to follow me. Also, my car has been tampered with mechanically, which was described in, Alien Contact: The messages they bring.


Telephone surveillance

I know for a fact that my telephone has been tapped since the 1970s as you can hear the machinery working. Sometimes you can even hear voices off in the distance, and the funny thing is it only happens when I am talking to someone about UFOs or related topics.


I need help

I started going to a therapist in Milwaukee to find our exactly what was happening to me. He used hypnosis in the treatment of his patients and used that to help me. I wasn’t sure if the contacts with aliens were real or imaginary. Then there was the channeling which was causing me immense problems. I did not want the channeling to take over my life, and he made me realize that I was strong enough to not allow that to happen. Almost every time I went to see him in Milwaukee, which is about an hour and a half drive, my house was entered, and my UFO material and related objects were gone through. It got so bad that I even started to put thread in the door when I left so I could tell if anyone had been in the house. I never told my husband what was going on because I was afraid he would make me stop with the UFO business.


Who is doing this?

Because we were taping all the channeling sessions, I kept the audio tapes in one place. My office is very messy, and it looks like there is no order or reason for the way it is kept, but there is a method to my madness. I always kept the tapes rewound to the beginning as I felt it was better than leaving the tape in the middle. One day I realized that the tapes were not at the beginning. It was then that I knew someone had been listening to the tapes.


Time to back off

About the same time this was going on I began to do radio talk shows about UFOs and the aliens that pilot them. I was starting to speak out in public and doing presentations in the local area. I came home one day and found a bouquet of dead flowers on the back porch. This, to me, was a message to cease and desist what I was doing. I then backed away for years but after some time realized I needed to get back into talking about UFOs again, no matter what happened.


Now, who is this?

One time I was at a local store and noticed that two men were following me wherever I went. It scared me and I decided to walk faster and faster. They kept up with me, and when I slowed down so did they. I went looking for and found my husband and told him I was ready to leave so we left the store. Again, I did not tell him what was happening as that would have made him angry.


I am not imagining this

By this time I was getting phone calls and when I answered they would hang up. My husband laughed when I told him how many hang-up calls we were getting. He retired shortly after this and I made him answer the phone when it rang. He was surprised at the number of hang-up calls we were getting. Was someone trying to find out if anyone was home?  I don’t know. But it made him more aware that something was going on.


To this day, the phone is still tapped. When I hear a noise, I tell whoever is there that if they want information just to come by and I will share everything thing I have with them.


Why me?

The real surprise came when the government was doing a census of the people. A funny thing just happened. It seemed we were chosen to have an interview with a person doing the survey for the government. We got the personal interview and some of the questions that were asked were very personal and had nothing to do with the census. One of the unusual questions was: did I own a computer and what did I use it for. I had borrowed a computer from a friend to put the channeled sessions on and answered the question with a no. They also asked some other questions that had nothing to do with census taking and I did not answer them. I then proceeded to ask the census taker how they chose us for these types of questions, and they said they ask about every tenth house these types of questions     


I asked the neighbors if they were interviewed for the census and they said yes they were, but most of the questions were how long had they lived there and did they know their neighbors. They felt this was a funny question but answered anyhow. They also asked our neighbors if we were good neighbors and if they saw any unusual activity at our house. Now, is that a question a census taker should be asking? I don’t think so, and what about choosing every tenth house for questioning in person, why did they interview the people next door? 


After a while we started going to different meetings around the state-most months we don’t have a free weekend. We also have gone to many conferences over the years, trying to get to as many as we could, but as with most people money can be a problem and having time off from work can also be a problem.


One more reason for writing these books is because we tried to talk to many of the UFO researchers who are on the circuit. Whenever the topic came up that we were not abducted or experimented on, they exited as soon as possible. One even said that they could not talk about our type of material as they would not be a credible researcher. One even said that in all the cases they researched they had never had anyone say they were not abducted or experimented on. Pardon me, but don’t you have to look at all the cases to see what is really going on? 


Because of going to these conferences, we have met some very interesting people both speaking and in the audience. At one time Monn told us that there were more spiritual people in the audience than on stage. This made me think that I should be more aware of the people around me because anyone I meet could be a person who could help me on my spiritual path.


Who are these people?

While writing the first book, there was so much interference that it was unbelievable. When checking to see what material should be included, I noticed that some material was missing. Then the next day when I checked again, the material had reappeared. Now I have to ask you, can the computer delete something and then get it back all by itself? We had printed copies of everything and some whole sessions disappeared. Also, when writing the first book some of the chapters would be saved and when checking them the next day the wording in the chapter was changed. Many times I would throw up my hands in disgust and talk to myself out loud, saying, “This will not stop us, you are only making us redo the material and it will be better.” My computer even crashed and I had to get a new operating system. Luckily for me, I kept everything on a separate disk. As a matter of fact, things were being kept on different disks and at different locations so that they would not get messed up so often. Who was messing with me? I still don’t know for sure, but I believe it had to be the grey aliens or the government. Who else wouldn’t want the material published?    


Most of the surveillance that occurred to me happened when someone else from the group was with me. They have included it with their material, and it would be redundant for me to put it here. I hope you enjoyed the stories and will share some of your happenings with us.





There are many places
in this Universe
that do not have the negativity
 this planet has,
and they too, make mistakes.
We, too, are learning
to get back to God.
That is our ultimate goal
to be back with Him.

An alien contact





 Controlled by Religious Deception


Control scenario

In August of 1996 Monn explained, “In the end times the negative aliens could claim to have created you and then claim to have invented Christ, specifically to control you. They may use this theory, yes. They have talked of many things to use in controlling the people of Earth, and they will do what they think will work best when the time is right. I also believe if they can get all of the religions combined into a more Eastern-type of religion, I see them eliminating Jesus Christ, this is because Jesus the Christ is the One Rock that most Eastern religions refuse to believe, yet they’ve all had their Christs. You see, Jesus the Christ has a clearer message than most, although, even His message has been distorted.”


Original Bible  

During December of 1990 Monn shared, “There are only two complete books of the Bible left on earth. One is in the Pope’s hands and one is in a museum locked in a safe in your country. But there are many underground translations, and if you try hard enough, we’ll try to lead you in the right direction to find one.” 


There was an article in a rag magazine during 1996 which said the Pope possessed predictions for the future that were recorded in Jesus' time. We asked if that was true. Monn answered, “The Pope doesn't know all. Although the Vatican has a copy of the original Bible, I do not believe he can read the original language that the Bible was written in. He must rely on translations, also. This Bible was translated many years ago. Part of the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, and if you go back to the Dead Sea Scrolls, then you have a type of Aramaic language. Some of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been translated, but they’re not 100% accurate, they are just guessing a lot of the time. Those of the Order of Melchizedek wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. These were left for the enlightenment of man, hoping that man would not do bad things again. Many of the lightworkers who are here now have studied in the Order of Melchizedek.


The only ones I see here on my computer who have read the original Bible are two people in the Vatican, and they've been reporting to the last two popes. A long time ago there were three other people, also at the Vatican, who read the complete Bible and also reported to the popes that were in power. As far as I can see, reading this had little effect on the people who read it. However, if it were common knowledge, it would change all of society’s thinking on a lot of issues. I believe the people in power and control don’t want things changed.”


Ultimate deceiver

In March of 1997 Monn told us, “Many of you feel that the false prophet is going to be a religious leader and there is a 97% possibility of it happening that way. There also is a 94% possibility that the next pope will be the false prophet who will make wondrous things happen. He'll perform miracles so that many will worship the beast willingly. I'm afraid he will play a very, very large part in putting the antichrist into power. He's the one who will probably help create a united religion.   


In Jerusalem during this time there will be many wonders, mostly done with illusion and holograms. Once the antichrist sits on the seat in the temple in Jerusalem, he will be in power for approximately three and a half years. He will use illusion to make the masses think that he is a wonderful god and savior, because who else could bring peace to the Middle East?  Who else could make everything so perfect?  Of course, it is all an illusion.


The negative aliens could try to bring in the Morovian bloodline, and if that doesn't work they have alternate ways of fooling the masses. If the bloodline does not work, they will come on the surface and show holograms of how they created you and the whole illusion of Christ and His death on the cross. They'll show holograms of this, trying to disillusion the people; these people are very clever. They have approximately, as far as we can figure out, five ways of bringing this about. If one doesn't work they will go to another one. The negative aliens have many ways to cloud the vision of people who do not keep their eyes and ears open.”


Yasser Arafat and Pope John Paul II

In July 2000 we talked to Lea, who knows a lot about our religion, and asked if she had any projections if Arafat and the Pope would last another year. “Both of them seem to be teetering on the edge. I cannot say. I have no idea. There are so many variables, including assassination. Pope John Paul II is hanging on. He doesn’t want to give up. He’s having a very hard time, but he doesn’t want to let go. To some extent he knows what the prophecies are and does not want to leave.” Yasser Arafat died on November 11, 2004 and Pope John Paul II died on April 4, 2005.


Crossing the line to the dark side

Lea continued, “I am afraid many of your religious leaders are representing the dark side and have been for a long time, although many certainly believe that they are on the side of the light. The problem is most people do not know when they cross the line because they still think they are on God’s side. 


Many people believe that the Pope can say all is forgiven even if it is murder. This is putting him above God’s law, but they don’t see it that way because this is crossing the line. When a lightworker crosses the line and goes to the dark side, they do not know they’ve crossed the line. As a matter of fact, they continue to think they are working for God and maybe everyone else is jealous of them or others have an ego problem. They cannot see what is really happening.” 



         We already knew the Bible had been changed a lot but were curious about who changed it to the King James version. In September 2006 we were able to ask Lea for an update on that version of the Bible. “The Catholic Church did and I don’t think it was their intention to make women seem insignificant, but that was just the way things were at that time. They spoke with thee and thou at the time so that is why it is printed that way. Constantine was involved with part of the Bible, and the rest were mostly popes and cardinals as they were, for the most part, the only ones who could write.


The Bible has been translated many times, but you see, back in those days the common person could not read or write. It was only the educated people; kings and queens, high-end court people, and those in the church, who could read and write. Even now the Bible is being changed into today’s English, thinking that more people will read it. In doing this they are again changing some meanings of the text.


The greys are not really interested in the Bible and are not involved in changing it. The Bible interests them only when it can help them in their progress of taking over the planet.” 


Mary Magdalene and The DaVinci Lie

By June of 2006 a few of us had read the book The DaVinci Code and seen the movie. Some, also, had read books about Mary Magdalene having been married to Jesus. Getting a chance to talk to Lea gave us the opportunity to ask her some questions. Lea had this to say, “They made The DaVinci Code look very believable. You would be amazed by the number of people who believe those stories. I believe the negative side had something to do with this type of story coming out. It fits into their plot for the planet. Jesus didn’t have any children while He was on Earth, nor was He ever married while on earth. He loved everyone, but it was not a physical love.


The DaVinci Code is part truth and part lie; it is a plan from the dark side and that is how they deceive. I believe they are going to try to connect the supposed offspring to a line of people in France and I believe they will try to take DNA off the Shroud of Turin and connect the person to Jesus in that fashion. The shroud of Jesus was created around 1492, I think it was, somewhere in that period of time. Now, don't forget that these people have had this in the works for a very long time, and it was one of the plans that they thought they could bring forward. I think they’re going to try to do it shortly. The negative alien influence created the shroud with a negative image. It was created to specifically deceive people in the future. I mean, they think thousands of years ahead of time.


Many other relics from the life of Christ are still around, like the Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny. These are important to people who believe they could get power from them. I know you want to know where they are but I don’t think I should tell you.


As far as the painting of the Last Supper, many people are saying that Mary Magdalene was next to Jesus leaning up against Him. At Jesus’s left was a young man although you have to admit when you look at him he looks a little feminine. Don’t forget, DaVinci did belong to a secret society; he drew what the secret society told him to. You should remember DaVinci was not at the Last Supper so he did not know the truth. This is a well-written plan of deception, but it does make pretty good reading in a book and a good movie. If you haven’t read the book, read it like a novice and you will understand what is behind not telling the facts as they are. You have to put little pieces of the truth out there and, hopefully, you can open their hearts.”


The same day we asked Monn if Mary Magdalene ever had any children. Monn replied, “Yes, Mary Magdalene married and had children. She is actually reincarnated on Earth right now in 2006. There are many people claiming to be Mary Magdalene right now and they are not. Some of these people are claiming to have married Jesus and had a daughter with Him, this is false. She is on a mission and would not claim this as it is not true. These are people who have been deceived into believing such things.” Lea added, “Mary Magdalene is not the Holy Grail. She did marry, but he was just a common man and she actually was married to him before Christ’s crucifixion.”


The next day, we were able to ask more questions of Lea, who gave this answer about the Morovian bloodline, “Untrue, untrue, untrue.” We then asked if maybe bringing this lie forward would discredit Jesus. Lea replied, “I don’t know if it’s really to discredit Him, it’s to make Him more human. It’s to bring forward the people they want, to lead people down a path they were not meant to go. The path that everyone should be on is the path back to the Creator. And, of course, if you’re not on that path, you could be on, oh, how do the New Age people say it? ‘There are many paths to the Creator.’ False! There is only one true path to the Creator.”


The next day we asked Lea, could someone from the Morovian bloodline claim that they are the descendent of Christ and the new messiah?  “It’s a very good possibility but not that he would be the antichrist, but he would be the one who could take and rule the world in peace and harmony. Then he would befall a wound that could allow the spirit of the antichrist to enter him. That’s a possibility, but it all depends upon how people react to this form of thinking. According to Monn’s computer, approximately 47% of the people are buying into the Morovian bloodline.”


 Jesus’ post resurrection travels

When we asked Lea about some of the stories going around that said Jesus married a woman from India, she replied, “No, He did not marry a woman from India. Now, don't get me wrong, He did visit a lot of places, but it was after His resurrection. Jesus traveled from place to place on a UFO, but when He was there with the people, He was in physical form. He went to India and China. He visited Iraq. He went to France where He did quite a bit of work. He had to go and speak to the rest of the people in the Americas. He went by a spaceship to the Americas, and He visited a lot of the Indian tribes. If you look into their histories, that’s where they got the idea of baptism. And then He went down to Mexico and South America. He left on another UFO from Brazil. Most of the time He had one or two beings from the UFO traveling with Him, these were not His Earth disciples.”


Mother Mary

Lea stated, “I would say that there are very few people without sin; even Mary the mother of Jesus had problems, although she was a very special person. She was chosen to be the vehicle to bring Jesus to Earth. She accepted the job and did it very well. Does that make her more special than anyone else?  No, but she did do something very special for the planet.” 


Mary visions

“The visions of Mary are coming more from the dark side because they are trying to bring forth the message that she is to be worshipped; it only takes a slight difference to make things look right or wrong.”









Miscellaneous and Updates


Space station

In 1998 Monn was in a playful mood when she said, “Now that you have the space station started up, we may have to have a little guy run into it. We could just bump it around a little bit. We could put it into a higher orbit, but that wouldn’t be very nice although it would be fun. We could board the space station, but you wouldn’t hear about it, although it would probably be in a rag magazine article called ‘Aliens Board Space Station’”. Prior to the session, we had been joking about a similar article in a tabloid magazine.

New type of craft used by the government   

In December of 2002 Eric had this to say during a channeling session. “The government has been testing a new type of craft that does create a louder and deeper tone or boom than the sonic boom.”


Hive mind

Many people have said the aliens have a hive mind, and we wondered if this is the same as mind linking between two aliens. Monn chuckled and said, “It is very close because it is the connecting of two separate individuals and being able to speak through the mind instead of the mouth. It's not really a central mind but a connecting of the brains. Your people think of a hive as a central mind which is controlling all the minds, and there are very few species like that in the universe. Very, very few beings have willingly given control of themselves to a central brain. These beings do not want to take responsibility for themselves nor are they willing to work for anything, so they gave control over to a central intelligence.”


Poltergeist, send them on their way

In 2003 many people had been talking about poltergeist activity, so we asked Eric if a person could get rid of this type of activity. “Yes, you can just send them on their way. Use the light of the Creator and Jesus and tell them they are not allowed in your space. They keep trying to sneak in whenever they can. They just wait for an open opportunity and come back if you don’t stay balanced.”


Keeping track of lightworkers

Someone was seeing UFOs over his place of employment, so Monn explained, “A lot of people see UFOs all the time, maybe the aliens are looking for someone specific. They show up around people whose light forever shines whether they know it or not. As you become more aware of what’s happening around each of you, you will understand more. You see, both the good and bad aliens keep track of the lightworkers.”


UFO footage from Mexico

In March 2005 we attended the 14th Annual International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival in Laughlin, Nevada. Jaime Maussan, a newsman from Mexico, shared video footage of UFOs. Wanting to know more, we asked Monn, who said, “The Mexican people haven’t been taught or programmed to disbelieve in UFOs as Americans have; so, many UFO pilots feel they can present themselves more freely. The government in Mexico has pursued UFOs only a few times. Many times there are UFOs in the sky, but they have their force fields on so they cannot be seen. Sometimes they take the force fields off so they can be seen. In Mexico there is one person who is willing to step forward and not judge what is being seen; Jaime Maussan only presents the video evidence and does not make judgment on what it is.


“In one part of the video there was something that looked like a long worm and was sort of wiggling around. Actually, the ship was quite far out. It wasn't as close as many of the other UFOs were, it was, how do you say it, what do you call those ships, in the ocean that have airplanes on them?  It was like an aircraft carrier for the little UFOs that bob around down here. It actually detached itself from a larger ship.


“About the portion of the video where there appeared to be over 100 craft visible at one time is where it gets tricky. There were not that many craft. It was an optical illusion because some aliens can make you think there are many more than there really are. So there weren’t hundreds. There weren’t any of our ships there at that time. The ones who were there wanted to make people recognize that they are real and hoped that when they landed the people would run to greet them. Some of ships in the video were reptilian and some were manned by the greys.


“We did get caught on some other video but were not there in great force. Also, we were very upset with the Peter Jennings report on UFOs; it was not done very well, the same old, same old.”    



In June of 2006 we asked who built Stonehenge and why. Monn replied. “It was built as homage to the gods of the sun, the moon, and the seasons. I think you would call the builders Druids. By the time this was built they had already forgotten the power of levitation. The aliens helped them to build Stonehenge. The Pleiadians, who are tall blonde, Nordic-types, helped to build it. They wanted to be gods in the Druids’ eyes.


“The sun gods did survive for a long time; these aliens came from the Dog Star system. They would be from the third star in the cluster of the Dog Star system. I believe most of your people thought they were angels. Now, what did that have to do with sun gods? I have no idea, it’s your history.”


Different levels of inner Earth

Because we had heard that the Atlanteans were a dark race, with dark hair maybe Polynesian looking, in August of 1996 we asked if this was true. “Some of them were, but some of them went to live underground for thousands and thousands of years and their skin lightened up. Anyone who survived the Atlantean period we call Atlanteans because the people at that time were seeded from another universe. Your planet Earth has been seeded from many places.


“There are many cave dwellers who moved underground when Atlantis sank that you know nothing about. There are many aliens that live underground, plus there is an inner core of people, so it is very hard to say exactly how many people live inside the planet.


“These people in the center of the planet average about six to seven feet in height, a few are shorter and a few are taller. You see, the marvels of creation are just mind boggling, they are so varied that there is no norm. Throw out everything you think is normal.


“The negative aliens also know about the people in the center of the planet to some extent but not as much as they know about humans on the surface. They feel they don’t need the center of the Earth because they assume once they have control of the outer Earth they can control the inner Earth too. The inner Earth people are somewhat aware of this, about the same extent as the people on the surface of the planet are. Most people choose to keep their head buried in the sand.


“These inner Earth people do not have Christ in their theology, but they believe in one Supreme Being, the one of creation. Christ did go to them when He arose but He was unrecognized. There are about the same percentage of people in the inner Earth as on the surface that are spiritual, but maybe the inner Earth has a few more. Many of the underground people originated on the surface of your planet.”

Center of the Earth

When we asked if the government knew about people living in the center of the Earth in 1998, Monn had this to say, “Your government pretty much knows the points where the alien nation comes to the surface in your country. They also know where they come to the surface in a few other countries around the world, but they do not know all of them. We're not even sure we know them all because they are always changing the exits; it is their strategy to keep the enemy guessing.


“Your society has stumbled into their realm (center of the earth) four times. Two chose to remain and two left but promised to keep silent. One who was there and then left was Admiral Byrd, but he did not keep silent. He told a few people, and the government got knowledge of what had happened. The government has tried to enter the opening to the center of the Earth, but they were escorted back out because the inner Earth has greater technology and intimidated your military.” 


When we asked Eric about the core of the Earth in 2005, he explained, “Planet X is causing Earth’s core to heat up, also the shifting of the plates is caused partly by the atomic bombs that have been blasted off underground. Some of the volcanoes on the planet are becoming very active. This is causing some changes to the underground tunnels but is really causing a problem at the center of the Earth because their sun is actually coming from the molten lava in the Earth, and so it is becoming hotter. Hopefully, this is not going to force them out, or you’ll have another problem.” 


The next time we spoke to Monn, we asked again about the people in the center of Earth wanting to know if they had any UFOs. She replied, “The people in the center of the Earth have what you classify as a UFO. These ships can come to the surface, although it is rarely done. These flying ships have no wings and are shaped like your stealth bomber. They have no need for a military force like you have on the surface as their society is not violent like yours. They have a few violent individuals, but it is rare.”   







Spiritual Aliens Offer Messages of Hope


Using your light for protection

Monn shared, “I don't think any of you here really realize the strength of your lights. The only time that these negative things can invade your space is when you allow this to happen. It’s your choice. You must always remember to strengthen that light, stretch it out, and stretch it to the ones you love. You have that ability and strength. Just reach inside yourself. It’s there. All you have to do is just remember it is a God-given ability. Use it, strengthen it, and nothing in this universe can penetrate it.


“Don't get me wrong, negative things do try every now and then. Stretch it out. Practice it. A few times a day just imagine you're in a balloon and you can take your arms and your legs and stretch it out away from you, and stretch it and reach out as far as you can. Picture yourself in a balloon and its surrounding you. Stretch it out farther, farther, and farther. Pull in those you love inside your light, stretch that light beyond them to include those they love too. It makes a good exercise for you to realize the strength of your light. Your light and God’s light are one.”


Battle of Armageddon

On September 8, 1997 Monn explained, “When Jesus comes, there will be a battle with the negative aliens, and whoever is on the planet will go through a transition, be they alien or human. If they cannot transcend, their bodies will be lost and their souls will move on to another lifetime. The Bible speaks of a specific area and a specific battle, but does that mean it's going to be the only battle?  I don’t think so. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that this battle of Armageddon is not going to happen in every country, every place on this planet at the same time.”


“If you add up all the population on this planet right now and you deduct all the problems that are coming: the loss of the drinkable water, the loss of the food, the diseases, the plagues, they're not all going to happen in one little valley, are they?  Is God going to put Jesus on the throne of only Israel? He will be taking the throne of the planet Earth, otherwise what's going to happen to the people on the rest of the planet? Are all the negative people going to be left? Are they going to have to be converted, who’s going to convert them, who’s going to battle for those people? Your Bible specifically talks of one area. Think of what the whole planet might be like. Do you think that one battle in a small valley is going to convert the whole planet? No. See what I mean by expanding your mind; think further than what one book has given you.”


Antichrist fears those who share the light

Later while talking to Lea we asked who the antichrist is the most afraid of, and she replied, “He is afraid of those who can share the light and the love of the Creator because he cannot exist in that love and light. He’s always skulking around to see how he can have his army pull you down, but in the end he won’t win, although he and his legions are always looking for a little kink in your armor so they can pull you down.”


Thought adjusters

In February of 1995 we read in The Urantia Book that each person is assigned a thought adjuster and thought maybe this is some type of spirit that dwells in us and tries to help us figure out right from wrong. Monn explained, “Everyone has the ability to figure out right from wrong and everyone has that power. It’s the gift from God. Most people don’t listen to the inner voice nor do they live in the Light. These people can then be maneuvered by thought adjusters who work from outside the body.”


On August 26, 1996 Monn shared the following on Christhood, “You see, anyone can become a ‘Christ’ through service. A Christ is one who serves God and has no other master. A Christ is one who does his master’s work and does it well. Jesus Christ is His father’s son. God created Him because this planet and many, many other planets in the universes needed help. When you work your way back to God, you eventually become a Christ.”

Soul computer and your vibrational level

Monn gave us this answer when asked about implants, “We do not need implants or bugs to find out what is going on in a person’s mind or thoughts. Our equipment is so advanced that all we have to do is press a button on our soul computer to find out that information. It has your vibration on it, and we may tune in to you any time or any place. We would not do this to you at a moment that you earthlings believe is embarrassing. But we can, just by the soul computer, check up on you, where everyone is, what they are thinking, and how they are acting, and it is then recorded. Anyone who is working with us can retrieve this information. We can check anytime to know how you are doing. We can then judge where everyone is in the raising of their vibration level. And it has to be known because if the vibration levels are not raised high enough, when the time does come and people may have to be lifted off the planet by spacecraft, I am afraid that those people may have to be left behind because they wouldn't survive anyhow. And that is a decision each person is going to have to make if they wish to go or not. I hope I am speaking so that you can understand what I am saying.


“You need to introduce balance, God, faith, and love into your children’s lives; these are the laws that all of you should be living by. These things should not be taught but lived for your children to see. If they are being taken by the wrong side, then you have to surround them in the light of the Creator, and you cannot do that if you are not balanced. Love everyone and everything. You must have a 100% belief that you can protect them, because if you don’t, you can’t. Things have gotten more serious than ever. I mean, a few years back the light would stop them, but they have gotten stronger, and it is up to each of you to become stronger. One doubt you have is like a pinprick in a filled balloon.”


Kolbrin bible

James McCanney talked about the Kolbrin bible at a UFO conference. We asked Lea about the Kolbrin bible because she knows more about our religions. “The Kolbrin bible is a rather interesting book. Some of the older writings are included in the Kolbrin. I would not call it a bible, but it has a lot of teachings that were included in the Bible and some that weren't. I suggest if you’re going to read it, read it with your heart and try to decide for yourself what is correct and what is wrong. There are some things in there which aren't quite correct.”

Staying on the path

While talking to Monn in 1992 we explained that we didn’t know what to do to help people within the group. We knew some of them were very powerful and hated to lose them, but they seemed to be more interested in things that Earth has to offer. Her answer was: “Power is twofold. There is a fine line between good and evil. Most people step over the line before they know they are there. So, tune into your guides and let them individually try to help you on your path. And remember the Creator; He's with you always. Those who work on Satan's side and for Jesus Christ will be on the planet very soon. Jesus will, more than likely, come as Himself, for only then will the people of this planet be able to accept Him for who He truly is. It is your job to make sure that people won’t try to hurt Him. You will know what to do when the moment arises.”



In August of 1995 we asked about the book of Daniel, chapter 12, verse 4, which states: “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the book even to the end. Man shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.” We were wondering if archeologists will find the book or will Christ bring it with Him. Monn explained there was someone with her that could answer the question better than she could. There was a pause and Daniel began to speak, “All that knowledge is here on the planet already. It is given in the book. But as the time comes near to the end, people will understand it more and the answers will come forth to all who have the faith and the strength of the Creator within them.” Then he told us, “Have my rock. My rock is my faith in the Creator. Be His rock that He can build His church on to grow. You all have the strength and the power. Call upon it. Be the strength and the rock so that when Jesus comes, He can build His church upon this foundation. Carry in your hearts the seed of faith so it can grow and be shown to others. You have it. Let it sprout and come forth, like a flower on a mountain covered with snow. Let yourself blossom and bloom for the Creator. Now you will enter the lion’s den.”


Later in another channeling session we asked how it was that Daniel happened to be there to answer our questions. She answered, “He stood in the room with us, and we had sweaty palms because he was standing in the room when the question first came around. When you asked a question about the verse in the Bible that he was involved in, we asked him to answer it. After all, wouldn’t you go to the source if you could?” 


We then commented that we would like to pick Ezekiel’s brain, and Monn whispered, “He’s right here with me.” So we asked if there was someone there that can explain the four living creatures referred to in Ezekiel, how about Mr. Ezekiel? She answered, “You're lucky he has a sense of humor.” (We felt we were disrespectful for calling him Mr. Ezekiel.)  Monn gave us the following information about what Ezekiel was trying to explain about what he had seen in the sky. “He wrote only what he saw, and he was freaked out by what he saw, and did not know how to explain it. Today he would explain it as a ship that came out of the sky and had four pods attached to it. The four pods separated from the main craft and sat down on the planet. These were not feet. One had the mane of a lion that kind of looked like your big foot. (Monn snickered because this seemed to be a joke) The one with eyes all over were cameras which were joined together and could not turn. The one with wings were joined and could not turn because they had to have their breathing apparatuses. He wrote down his visions and trusted that what he saw was correct as he had so little knowledge of what this could be. He had faith that he was not being fooled. Today the problem is people don't have the faith they need. Even your very, very good ministers today do not have the faith to believe if someone had these visions. They wouldn't believe them.


“Many people think they believe but they don’t. What if you had a vision today, any one of you, how would you react to it? Would you believe that you had a vision in your meditation like maybe an angel? Would you put limits on what you’re going to believe?  Would you have to try to figure if it was from the good side or the bad side? You should be able to feel if it is the truth or not. How do you know that some of your dreams aren't visions or messages? A vision is something that comes to you with a beginning, middle, and an end. At some point you will get a vision, you see it in your mind and not necessarily while you're sleeping. You could be wide awake and have it. What are you going to do and say if what you’re seeing is actually a vision from God? How do you process the information and do something with it?  This is tricky, but don’t let that stop you. For instance, when Ezekiel had this vision, he wrote it down and then went out and spoke about it. He talked to people he felt might accept it or might learn from it, without a doubt in himself. He accepted what came to him on faith. Anyone can and may have a vision; be aware that you, too, could have a vision and it is your responsibility to talk to people about it.”


Monn went on to say, “Remember, in Ezekiel’s time they didn’t have the full word of God yet and they were living in difficult times. You can pick up a phone today and reach around the world. They could meet someone only within a day’s walking distance, and that was going far beyond their reaches. So things are a little bit different today, but many of you who are on Earth today have had supper with him in more than one lifetime, sometimes on board ship or even in the time of Jesus. You see, Ezekiel was not always born as a spiritual leader just as most lightworkers at this time are not here as spiritual leaders who are involved with the churches.”


On March 3, 1996 another being came through who said that he had a ship that was constantly orbiting Earth outside of the atmosphere. We asked if the government was aware of him and his ship and how big it is. He replied, “I have to assume so, seeing as though they're constantly taking pictures of us. It can and will hold a city and is pretty close in size, although it is shaped differently than the Peace Ship. This ship was built by different people. Besides, my ship is much older, the newer models are much different, of course. I'm going to have to get out of here and may I say, peace be with you.” (When this entity said ‘Peace be with you,’ we realized that this was Jesus the Christ because of the authority and compassion in His voice when He said it.)



In 1996 while talking to Monn, there was a thirty-seven second pause and we realized that she had left. A new guest arrived, sighed three times, and started speaking with a lower voice. The feeling we got was that this was a male who was old, wise, and highly spiritual. We were all awed by his presence. He cupped his left hand over his right; his elbows were on the arm of the chair so that his arms and hands made a tripod.


He started to speak in a very low, very authoritative voice, “Remember you are the rock that He wishes to build His house upon. (At this point he put his fingertips together like a steeple.)  You are all blessed because you have agreed to do His work. Blessed are you. (At this point, our guest with his elbows on the arms of the chair opened his hands outward with his palms facing upward. He then continued.) You shall be at His right hand in heaven when this job is completed. (At this point he brought his fingertips together, steeple fashion, and raised them up and slightly lowered his head until the tips of his fingers rested on his lips.)  That I tell you this is a promise from Him, Himself. So do His work. Be His rock. Be His strength that He can build a new kingdom upon. In the Love and Light of the Creator God. You are all blessed.” (We are all stunned into silence.)


It is not very often, but there have been times when a strange voice came through during channeling. The mystery guests usually didn’t introduce themselves. In December of 1998 the mystery guest said, “I wish to send you some special healing for your souls tonight. Spread the light; feel the warmth as the Creator's love envelops you in His strength, love, and thoughts. Be kind to yourself, keep in balance. Think of the projects that you have ahead of you. Don't go into these things without thinking them through first. Call on the Creator’s love. Call on His energy and He will engulf you and hold you to His heart. Peace, love, harmony, and balance.” (This was a deep male voice and he spoke using arm and finger movements as though he was in deep thought.)


The night of September 8, 2006 we had talked to Monn who made a joke about Moses having long hair and a scruffy beard. When Moses came through the next night he said, “I think I’d better trim my beard up. I have finished with one mission on Earth but I may be sent on another one soon. It’s a little rough physically so I can’t stay long; it was just three and a half days. I planted seeds and whether they grow forth, I do not know. I spoke to specific people in the places I visited-they were religious leaders. Some of them were rabbis, and they knew I was different. My eyes are different, and if they care to look in them, they can see the truth. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you can materialize in front of them, especially when they are in their private chambers. I usually do this in the evening hours before they rise. I scared them about as much as an alien walking into your bedroom would. I appeared in their private chambers because it’s very unusual for anyone to be able to get in that area as these areas are well guarded. They asked who I was and what I was doing there. I introduced myself as a messenger from God. I mean, if I just walked in off the street, who would pay attention to me, except my eyes can glow. That’s why I say if they look into my eyes, they know I’m different. I met with four people.


“I know they have to discuss it with all of the other religious leaders and, of course, the other religious leaders, people who did not have the experience, are having a very hard time with it. I hope I don’t have to do this again but then it is my job. What is happening in the Middle East is very disturbing.” 


“I have orders for another trip, but I cannot share that information with you as it would not be a good thing because you might be waiting for me.”


“This fighting between Palestine, the Hezbollah, and Israel is part of the process that is going to happen. I foresee it getting worse again. I believe that this time it may be Syria. Now we can only guess who’s going to be behind it, but Syria has given Hezbollah much of their equipment that they use at this time. To tell you the truth, I think the United States is making what is going on worse.”


We asked Moses why it took forty years of wandering the desert, going in circles, to get to the Promised Land. “The hearts of those people were hardened, and they had to soften their hearts before they could leave the desert, and in the same token their physically taking the land from the other people was not good. There were earth changes going on at that time just as there are earth changes happening now. This was a desert area, and God did provide everything that they needed. I was leading them because I had faith. But they didn’t have the faith or the hearts that they needed to go into the Promised Land.


“As far as Jericho and the taking of the city, they did march around it and were waiting for God to bring the walls down. That was done by God’s hand, not by the blowing of horns. Man can understand how to do a ritual but he can’t understand God’s hand in doing such a thing.”



In 1987 we were wondering if you are born in a human form would you always be born looking like that. Monn informed us, “You receive the form that is on the planet you are born on. Intelligence is another thing because each planet has its own standard of intelligence. A lot of planets are more highly evolved spiritually than you are and some are lower. On the other hand, some planets are more technically advanced than yours and some are lower. Some planets don’t even have bodies like yours, and when they pass they can go on into other life forms. Some souls are not in spirit form as you think; they are just another life form. Your soul can travel from planet to planet if you have a job to do or have a lesson to learn and that planet could provide the lesson. You see, all things are possible in this universe.”


After the death of Mother Teresa, we wondered what would happen to a soul like hers compared to someone like Stalin who caused the death of millions of people. This question was asked of Lea in September 2001, who then replied, “When you are like Mother Teresa, you would pass on into the next realm very quickly. When you are advanced spiritually, you can choose if you so wish to stay with God or if you wish to go back and help again, not necessarily on planet Earth but on another planet. Yes, there are many planets that hold life forms although they do not necessarily look like you. Whereas a person like Stalin may have to spend some time in what he would feel is a detention center, which is a place where he would have to go and live the same trials and tribulation of those that he caused, so that he can learn and see and understand what his actions really caused other people. Then he may go onto schooling, and if he has learned his lessons really well, he could then be reborn. But if a person does not learn their lessons well or comes back too soon, they may be reborn into a situation just like one that they caused through their actions, be it pain or being poor or diseased, whatever the situation may be. And may I say also that God creates a soul and He is the only one that can un-create a soul, and He does not do that very often.”

Negative alien ships and the blockade

In 1993 while speaking to Eric we learned more reinforcements had arrived and there were now enough to handle all situations. He also said, “They have a security net circling the whole planet, which they patrol at 4,552 miles out. The negative beings will be prevented from reinforcing as long as they don’t sneak through, but you see, they are sneaky devils. Our ship that we are on is quite close to you now because of the weather conditions. It is not snowing up here and the stars are shinning very brightly.” (It was snowing outside during this channeling session and Eric was trying to make a joke.)


He updated the information in September 1999, “Reinforcements for the dark forces are coming. So, we had to call more ships in to make sure that they don’t come down to the surface of the planet and try to take over. Whatever happens on this planet is the free will choice of the human race. We now have approximately 1,000 ships in a blockade about 4,000 miles outside of the Earth’s surface.


“Mass reinforcements for the negative aliens are on their way. Some are here and some are on the way. This may not be instantaneous, but it will happen. It will not take much to defeat the aliens, just go in a closet and light a match, you can see it glow. When this battle starts people are going to convert relatively quickly both to the light and dark side of the force. That's why we need people here on the planet; we need people here that can tell the truth, to give people a chance to go back to the light side of the force. Half of these people don't even know where they stand; they don't know they're negative or siding with that side of the force. They don't even know it, but when all this stuff is happening they'll need someone they can turn to, someone they can talk to, and someone that'll say to them, ‘God still loves you. Jesus and God will accept you back, no matter what you have done. All you have to do is make that commitment.’ They will need someone to hold their hand and help them."


In September of 2006 we wanted to know more about the blockade the aliens we work with had put up around the planet. We asked Eric if all the ships that enforce the blockade come from the Peace Ship. “Oh, no, no, our ships don’t go to the blockade at all. Monn is not only assigned to us, she is attached to the whole, not the whole federation but the whole work force that’s here. She’s one of the few that travels between all of the ships. She has a dual job. We think Monn is a pretty special lady. There are two different species who are trying to get through the blockade right now; these are the reinforcements of the greys and reptilians.”

Mock government invasion

In the fall of 2006 while speaking to Monn, she informed us of a potential mock government invasion. “The government will probably be putting on a show, making people believe that there could be an invasion of aliens. It’s still in the discussion stage, but there’s a good possibility, and then we’ll just have to come right in behind them making sure they don’t do anything negative. The government has a total of 167 alien type craft, and of that 16 are able to get off the planet and travel to space. These crafts, in the past, have been as far as Mars and back, although they are not getting through the blockade we have put up right now. The government knows that there is a blockade around the planet.


“The space shuttle can see us while they are going around the planet although they cannot see all the ships. As a matter of fact, they have all been told by your government and been warned before they go into space of the possibility of them seeing us.”


Very few friendly bases    

Monn told us, “Very few of the underground alien bases are the good guys. Most of the good aliens are up in the heavens. There are a few bases, yes, but not many. We have areas where we can put down our small craft and make sure that they are secure so that we can walk the planet at different times. We prefer to put them underground as they are safer and not as easily identified. This way we can exit rather quickly if we wish to and don't need to call for a ship to come for us although it is not always possible.”

Monn’s assurance

“I will push the line as far as I can to try to help without being a hindrance in the personal or spiritual growth of humans. I cannot be the one that you lean on, I can only help you on your path. I am not meant to give you answers. I am not meant for you to turn to. I am only here as an assistant and to help you realize that there are people in the Universe that care for those on this planet.”


We asked Lea if she had ever come down on the planet. She told us, “I personally came to earth for a very brief stay, but because of the difference in my appearance, it is pretty hard to hide. The trip took me to Egypt in your year of 1967; I was wearing a long black dress with a black veil with everything completely covered but my eyes. My eyes are very different than earthling’s eyes.”


Did Jesus die on the cross?

Because so many people in 2006 were saying that Jesus did not die on the cross, we asked Lea again if Christ actually died on the cross. “Yes, He died on the cross. He was put in a tomb and He did rise from the dead. Many people were present and saw the ascension. He ascended. Let me relate it to you this way, do you know how many humans claim to have been taken in a beam of light up into a craft? Well, it’s kind of like that. He was taken by a beam into a cloud which was surrounding a craft.”


Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden was discussed a little bit in the first book, but we asked Lea in September of 2006 where was it located. “It was located on the surface of the planet and was approximately three square miles in size. If there was a fence or anything around to protect it, it didn’t work. When man fell God took the tree of everlasting life back. It no longer is on the planet; you could say it is in God’s garden. He returned the whole area to desert.”


This then brought up the question if the problems being experienced in the Middle East today are repercussions of Joshua and the Israelites getting weary of war and not reclaiming the whole Promised Land as God instructed them to do. Lea replied with, “I don’t believe so. I think it goes back much further than that. I don’t know how things would have turned out if they had done that. I’m not, what do you call them, a soothsayer? One who can tell you what the future will bring. But, may I say that my hope is that you can come up with a plan to spread the message, not religiously but spiritually, to people of the planet. May you walk in the light of the Creator, and may you speak His truths even if they aren’t your own, follow your heart, believe that the world will become a better place, but recognize where evil lies and do not go there. We all hope to see you soon and hopefully next time you will remember when you’re on board. When you start remembering more about being on board that means things are getting really close to the end. How close to the end we are does not necessarily mean things are coming apart and intervention is close, what is important is you and your actions. Please remember, as you are, so is the planet.”


New type of alien ships

On September 8, 2006 while talking to Monn, it was discussed how two members of the group had a memory of something they did not understand. One remembered a milky white eye with six separate eyeballs inside with a dark iris on one side and one just had the memory of six circles inside of a circle. Monn replied, “Actually, it was a pattern of lights on a ship. When you saw it you were up here on board ship. It is one of the new military-class ships.”


We were wondering what new types of ships the aliens had that Monn had discussed and wondered if these models were faster than the old ones. We also wanted to know how many new ships they were expecting. So we asked Eric and he said, “We’ve had four so far. The crafts are 42 feet across, actually only one level plus the bay area where they have their weapons. They are circular and are the color of your tarnished silverware, kind of black, shiny color. They were not made for transporting people, but they can transport a few at a time but are not made specifically for transportation. We were showing off our new ships last night. These are the ships that Bonnie and Russ saw; we had to bring in some bigger guns. You see, the negative aliens are testing the waters a little bit more.”


The next day while speaking to Monn again it was asked how many of the new type of fighter ship have been brought into the area of Earth for this battle. Monn replied, “There are six here at this time, and they can do a lot of housecleaning. They are round like a ball if you squish it, like a flying doughnut without a hole. I would like to have one of those someday when they are hot off the fire. I have been on one already and all of you were on one last night. This is not a transport ship; it’s strictly for protection.”        

Jesus after His resurrection

In September of 2006 we asked what Jesus did after the ascension; there are so many stories going around about His getting married and having children that we wanted to know what Lea had to say. “He spent approximately seven years in France, where He was looked upon only as a prophet, and it took Him that long because of the mode of travel that He used. He only walked and He had many followers. He used the name YAAHAA (this is how Lea spelled the word after pronouncing it ‘yaּhey’), but it does not matter what name He is called as long as you know He is in service to God.


“He then spent approximately five years in India, and He touched only a small area in China, and that was only approximately ten months. I do not believe He used the same name in both places; He used the name that people gave Him. He also walked the Americas. He was taken to these distant places by a spaceship, although when He got there, He did walk, because that way He was on the same level as the people He was visiting. He came to them only as a man. He walked the Americas approximately eleven years. He actually wore the same robe and sandals the whole time. He appeared to them as one of their own. He left many stories behind, stories of living a good life, stories of the Creator of all, and stories of compassion for their fellow man. He just went on teaching as He always did. He never wrote anything down. Very few people recognized Him for who He was.


“He taught baptism mostly in Europe and the Americas. He taught meditation in the East and the Americas, and He taught meditation in Europe, but the people did not continue with that after He left.


“Christ was on Earth most recently on June 6th of 2006 but He was not recognized. He was in Africa, Rwanda to be specific, because they needed Him the most. They knew He was special and He gave them the love that they needed. They could feel it radiate from Him. He needed permission from God to come. You see, He is assigned jobs just like everyone else. During many of your major earthquakes He and many angels came to Earth to help.” 


Sara, another alien we talked to   

Between 1989 and 1996 we got to speak to an alien we will call Sara. She channeled through a person who we had met at a conference. We wanted to know if this alien would give us the same answers as the aliens we had been having contact with, so we asked many questions. She told us, “I am about 322 years in this current lifetime, and we generally live between 1,500 and 2,000 years in your years.”



The first thing we asked Sara was could we be implanted by aliens or the government. She answered, “Yes, you can if you have orifices in your face like eyes, ears, nose and mouth. I think you people have the defense mechanism so that you cannot be implanted by the negative forces, and, of course, there’s another element. You may want to call it luck. They haven’t caught up with you yet. They scan for a certain brain wave pattern as that makes it easier. One of the trial and errors was at a Philadelphia football game where the fans went on a snowball-throwing spree. This was done by your own government which had a craft above the stadium controlling the people. The government is implanting right along with the alien nation.


“They look for a certain brain wave pattern, and those are the people they choose to implant. These are usually people who enjoy seeing other people hurt. Those who rejoice in the pain of others, those who dwell in vengeance, those who you may call sadists, these are the people they look for. I don’t think they do it with the unbalanced because they’re unpredictable. There’s a certain degree of integrity that they look for. And when I say integrity, I mean loyalty to what you believe. If you believe in vengeance, at least be truthful to that.”


Nazi space ship

“Your government has used space ships rather than rockets to go the moon since the 1950s. The Nazis also had a space ship, and that is what your pilots called foo fighters during WWII. Today these ships are constantly detected, but the newswires do not report this reading on the radar screen. Some of the major newscasters and reporters on television are aware of this.”


Soul shearing

We had heard of soul shearing and in December of 1989 talked about it quite a bit. We felt that it was the taking of energy from a person usually without their knowledge, but it is easily replaced by a spiritual individual. We wondered if the negative aliens often do soul shearing because they have a hard time receiving or holding onto this energy. It is like a sheep rancher shearing the sheep’s wool from the sheep’s body. Soul shearing drains the body of energy and we wanted to know if soul shearing left a person with a permanent effect. Sara said, “None whatsoever because that is not a biological drain. You wouldn’t even have a low energy level; this low energy level could last only minutes and you are recuperated. This is because you absorb the energy from the grid of the cosmos and there is plenty to be had. There is nothing you can do. As a matter of fact, I would think that you would be very easy prey for them to come and get it from you because you have it in abundance and can replenish it in abundance. I wouldn’t be surprised if they feed on energy such as yours. They cannot take it from the grid themselves because they don’t have the nearness or connection they need. They also have to be close to you to soul shear. They can soul shear when you’re sleeping or when you’re in the astral plane. Remember, the only thing that they’re borrowing from you is the electricity. About that space craft that was reported to land in Russia, it was alien, probably just tourists.”


Invisible governments

We had another opportunity to speak to this alien; she told us about the invisible government. “The world leaders are aware of the invisible governments and they serve that invisible government. Your world leaders have no choice but to obey.


“You need to be a detective because there are space brothers on both sides of the cloth. So, I say to you be careful how you sort out your knowledge. Even a walk-in could be a creature of the dark.”


Tapping into extraterrestrial data banks

We wanted to know if this alien knew of William Cooper who wrote Behold a Pale Horse and if someone was tapping into extraterrestrial data banks using a personal computer. “It is possible and I know of several people on your planet using them because of the invention of the microchip being able to work with satellites and have direct access to ComSat. The only thing they can get is general public knowledge of extraterrestrials. This ComSat satellite is currently being used by your government to communicate with the extraterrestrials; the code name is “Atlas” if you’re interested. Your government and the military industrial complex have known for many years about extraterrestrials, and they know that there are two kinds, the good and the bad.”


Military industrial complex

“The military complex, the multinational corporations who make money off the deaths of war, and the pharmaceutical companies did not want to have anything to do with the good aliens because their first offering was to eradicate illnesses from your planet, which would have put them out of business.”


Suicide/Guardian angels

We wanted to know if it is ever acceptable to commit suicide. Sara replied, “Suicide might be part of that particular entity, but you have free will; no one can drag you to suicide, you ultimately have the final choice.


“You do have your guardian angels, but if you lose the clarity in your thinking, you’ll end up losing your choice. There are entities that are highly evolved who choose to stay with you and guide you. These entities are often called angels, and it is only a conventional idea that they have wings attached to their backs, that was for semantic reasons, but the true meaning of angel, in your sense of the word, means messenger. They don’t have to be necessarily highly evolved because demons are also messengers of doom. The word angel comes originally from a Greek word, which means messenger.”


Time differential

“Remember that time for you and me is totally different. One day in eternity would be the time that you require to fill all of the oceans, rivers, lakes, and bodies of water if I give you one drop every thousand of your years. Now you deal with that and maybe we can understand time and space.”


AIDS virus

We then decided to ask if she knew the individuals who worked on the AIDS vaccine and she said, “No. I can tell you that it is disinformation that it is a sexually transmitted disease, it has nothing to do with sex or semen or intimacy. It is a vaccination and a chemical virus that has been invented in a laboratory. At this time there is no immunization against the AIDS virus. There are a few medical professionals, experts that would tell you that no one’s getting it from anyone else. Yes, it is in the blood supply, and you can get it through transfusions and your food supply like in fruit such as grapes and prunes.


“This was done to control the population: 50,000 people must die before the end of this year. This is the quota that was established. Those behind this you people may call the Illuminati, the secret government has total control of your planet. Now they’re working on some bacterial warfare that we’re sabotaging as best we can. They experimented with fluoride to make your teeth better. City water is safe. It’s your bottled water that I wouldn’t trust. You know, the water in the office cooler. It looks beautiful, but it may be deadly. The Illuminati are very prejudiced people; AIDS was intended for homosexuals. You keep forgetting one thing, which is, this must come to pass. This generation shall not pass until the coming of the Messiah, and then there shall be order and finally peace and harmony and what you call the Age of Aquarius.”

Dreams or memories?

In October of 2003 Monn shared, “Sometimes your dreams are a little more than memories, but sometimes you realize that they are reality. First the dreams come, then the awakening, and then the experiences will come more to the forefront of your reality.”


Always question, question

Lea cautioned, “People don’t have to believe this as the truth, they can meditate on it; they have to pray about it, still their thoughts, and listen for an answer from their hearts. But before you can do that, you have to get off the drugs; you have to get off the alcohol and anything else that is addictive. These things can change your thinking pattern and can change the wave pattern of your brain. When you are doing things that are addictive, you are not really connecting with the Creator. That is allowing the negative side to walk in and take you away from the source of the light. Never take what I have to say at face value; always question, question. I would like to say don't trust anyone’s words 100%, question, read, research, and come to your own conclusions. We ask you to keep your mind open but always remember that those little rascals are behind you, chasing you. They wait until you’re down a little bit and then throw everything at you.”
















Jesus is the most wonderful person

that you could ever be in the same room with.

He is the savior for all

and He is the only being

that I have ever come in contact with

who can walk in a room,

speak to everyone and have everyone understand Him.

He can send loving thoughts

that could crack almost any hard heart.

you cannot be in His presence

without feeling awe,

and He is just, I think,

the most super being that there ever was,

outside of God,

but we don’t get to interact with God

so we must settle for Jesus.



An alien contact












Short Messages from All of Us at the Lightside


A Little Bit More

So much has been said of government interference, big pharma and the FDA, the secret governments, and behind-the-scenes manipulations that it seems at times almost as fantastic as belief in aliens. And they’re all real. There are a lot of us who don’t want to get “involved” in investigations, protestations, or anything that takes us out of our boxes. Prayer is always helpful, but for those of us who prefer to stay uninvolved, the “and a little bit more” might be a compromise.


Take responsibility for your own health and do a “little bit more”

by reading behind those headlines to the real truth.

Give to charity and then “a little bit more.”

Give of your time by volunteering “and a little bit more.”

Smile at people on the street or in the store,

crack a joke while waiting to check out in the crowded checkout line, “and a little bit more.”

Make an effort to get involved in something you’re passionate about and then do “a little bit more.”

Do child-sitting for someone who wants to get out and involved

to do their “little bit more.”

You get the idea.


There’s an awful lot of us who just sit in the stand and cheer, but then the players really need us there even if it’s just “a little bit more” vocal. Players of all kinds need a hearty pat on the back, an “atta boy” attitude from us, and lots of support.


But do make it a point to learn discernment and be sure you’re cheering on the good side—they don’t come with a players’ roster.

Be with us in the Light and Love of the Creator.





People Make a Difference

There has been a lot of information shared in this book that can make you uncomfortable. So many things have been buried where the average person cannot see them or be aware of what is really going on, especially with the underground government and alien nation. We are also moving closer to a big earth change that has happened many times before; actually, I believe the change should have happened already. The only reason it hasn’t is because of the people on the planet. People make a difference: caring for each other, helping those in need, sharing the love that the Creator has for all of us with others. Each person is important. You are important. You make a difference whether you know it or not. How we all work together changes the timeline of the earth changes, even the plans of the secret governments and the aliens. They can’t predict human nature.



Hopeful Thoughts

I realize the contents of this book may sound scary or far-fetched. However, there is a flip side to this scenario. There are good ‘people’ on Earth and out in space who care about this planet and its inhabitants and have been working for many years, even lifetimes, to help us through this specific time period.


Our alien friends have told us that time is short and we need to do something, anything, to get the positive ball rolling. Lea, one of our alien contacts, told us, “Jesus is returning in a craft to bring the final message to the people of planet Earth: God will not allow this planet to be destroyed. Man may choose to annihilate himself. God will rid this planet of evil.” Every single person has a gift to share with the world, their own part of the huge cosmic puzzle.


There was a young boy on the news recently who wanted desperately to make his school basketball team but did not make it. When his pen pal from Africa told him about how bad the AIDS epidemic was in his country, this young boy decided to help. He started a foundation where children shot free throws to earn money. He and the other participants have earned enough money to have a school built in Africa. The boy said, “If we all just do a little bit, it will help.”


Recently, I saw a special with Wayne Dyer on public television. He talked about his new book Inspiration. He spoke of the people that have inspired him, like the young African Tutsi women who was confined to a bathroom for ninety-one days with several other women. They were not able to speak for fear of being found by machete wielding Hutu rebels. In that bathroom she taught herself English and French. But the most powerful thing she learned was forgiveness. The Hutu rebels butchered her entire family yet she chose to forgive them. She even went to visit the men who did the killing when she was able to leave the confines of the bathroom hideout. Wayne Dyer also spoke of a young boy who raised money to dig water wells for different villages in Africa. He could not end the show without sharing the story of how his hardworking, selfless mother has inspired him.


Mae, my Hmong neighbor, who recently passed away, inspires me. She was always in the garden sowing seeds and caring for the plants. But it wasn’t just in the garden that she planted seeds, she planted the seeds of love and wisdom in the hearts of those around her.


James Kim, the young man who died in the Oregon wilderness while seeking help for his stranded wife and two children, inspires me. He gave the ultimate sacrifice to help save others.


It matters not what creed, color, or age you are; everyone matters to the Creator. Everyone can make a difference in how this planet and its inhabitants come out of this end-time situation. Our alien friends thought that the cataclysms and transition would be over by now, but the lightworkers have held off these events by using their God-given power of Love and Light. Each one of us has the power to make things better for all mankind one little act of kindness at a time.

In the Love and Light of the Creator,



Message of Hope

God will never leave this planet in total darkness or hopelessness; neither will He allow it to be destroyed. This planet is one of His favored; it is a jewel, a diamond. Its colors and diversity are like no other in the solar system and possibly other solar systems as well. Neither has He forgotten His people who reside on the beautiful blue marble, planet Earth. Our contacts in space call this planet “The Garden”. They, too, along with God’s foot soldiers on the planet, are fighting in this cause to win this planet back into the fold of light to its rightful place in heaven.


God’s foot soldiers are here at this time in Earth’s history to keep the flame of love, peace, and hope burning brightly until His Son, Jesus the Christ, returns. Are you a candle of light which burns brightly in the darkness?


I believe with all that is occurring at this time and with many prophecies being fulfilled, we are not far away from Jesus’ return. I believe the holy city, New Jerusalem, as described by John in Revelation 21:2 to be a UFO, which Jesus Christ will return on. To that end, I leave you with this final thought: Come quickly, Lord Jesus, so be it.

In the love and the light of the Creator,



I Believe!

In these troubled times of wars, corruption, a threat of a negative alien invasion, a world manipulated and controlled by a few elite, disease, disasters and man’s inhumanity to his fellow man is there hope for the human race? You bet there is!


The Chinese use two symbols for disasters. The first means trouble but the second symbol means opportunity. Perception is a choice. I believe taking positive action against negativity can help bring light into our and others’ perception in any given situation.


Our alien contacts have told us that it’s not the tests we’re given that are important, it’s what we do with them…it’s how we handle them that counts. How we handle them starts with thought which leads to how we react and ends with the choices we ultimately make. If we start with the beginning, then taking responsibility for our thoughts may help the choices we make, therefore changing our actions.


I have great faith in my fellow man. I have seen angels among us in times of great disasters and wars. People coming together and helping one another is so evident. If we would do this on a daily basis, like the song by Louis Armstrong goes, “What a wonderful world this would be.” As our alien friends have told us many times, “Take the lampshade off your head and let the light shine,” And remember…one match in a dark closet illuminates the whole room.


Hopefully, from now on we’ll choose to look at ourselves and others through the eyes of love. With our Creator’s help, I believe we can change this world one person at a time…starting with ourselves.

Sandy Hanson


Future Possibilities

Because the world today faces immense problems which I believe have been manipulated by both humans and aliens, maybe the more important question is what can we do to help humanity? AIDS and hurricanes are two examples given exposure in this book. Events I have personally witnessed convince me the ordinary run of the mill person on the street has tremendous influence within the paranormal.


Years ago I read an article describing the various stages of war. The fourth stage of war was characterized by the Vietnam and Afghanistan conflicts’ extensive use of small guerilla units and no clearly defined battlefield. The final stage, the fifth stage of war, is characterized by a single person with total allegiance to a destructive ideology and the knowledge and means to kill many people, cause a major panic, and/or attempt to destabilize a country. All they are waiting for are the orders to do what they were trained to do. As I see it, one of our most potent ways to combat this threat is having individual citizens supporting organizations, which work with the poorest of the poor, helping to improve their lot in life. Personally, I feel this would accomplish two things: first let people know locally, nationally, and in foreign countries that we care about them, and second it would help raise global awareness of issues that go beyond national borders.


With multinational corporations and global banking interests manipulating national and international politics in order to minimize costs and maximize profits by practicing predatory capitalism, poverty has become institutionalized and people have become economic pawns. These negative influences can be blocked by compassionate service to others.


Organizations like Heifer Internationals have a mission to end hunger and poverty one family at a time as they become self-sufficient while caring for the earth or Room to Read working to educate children in the poorest countries by providing books, schools, and computer labs. These two organizations have been successfully helping people help themselves by providing education and asking the recipient to spend time and effort in rebuilding their lives. Other organizations like Angel Tree, Compassion Caravan, and Feed the Children have reached out to the weakest members of society with love and necessities. I am sure there are many worthy groups not mentioned here, for this I alone am responsible. By mentioning the ones I did, my focus was on the twin feelings of compassion and empathy.


In the last one hundred years humanity has been fortunate to have had: Mahatma Gandhi with his philosophy of nonviolent civil disobedience, Mother Theresa and her empathy for the least of society, Dr. Martin Luther King sharing his dream for all individuals, Muhammad Yunus of micro finance fame, and Princess Diana’s compassion for victims of land mines and leading the efforts to outlaw their use. There have been many unsung heroes who have exerted a strong positive influence in others’ lives. For many it is a relative, family friend, teacher, classmate, or coach. It is the sincere desire to help another someone, which the other person is able to feel and opens up to making changes and improvements in their life.


Because most global suffering affects non-participants in the decision-making process, I believe the only antidote and remedy is love, love for those who are less fortunate. If we can transcend emotion and prejudices, just maybe we can be instrumental in raising humanity’s vibrational level so we can join God’s greater creation traveling the stars.


I will admit to feeling betrayed by the promises of science and technology which have done much to destroy herb plants and naturally reseeding food cereal crops like corn, rice, and wheat with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Technology has also become deadly and rampantly intrusive. From chemtrails being used to ensure the profitability of pharmaceutical companies to RFID (radio frequency identification)  allowing electronic frisking and huge data bases full of the most trivial personal habits that permit those without scruples to exploit us, they live in a world of paranoia; but we need to live in a world of random acts of kindness and expanding love evidenced by a willingness to help the less fortunate.


I am convinced there will be more intense scrutiny of those who work for the forces of the Creator and the return of Jesus. Those individuals will be viewed by the allies of darkness as enemies, because they are trying to expose the deceptions of illusion and reveal to people the God-given power they each possess.


I feel anxiety for the all patriotic citizens who are taken in by the deliberate betrayal of the governments. Resentment I reserve for those who know the truth and still persist in the cover-up. I have seen extremely brief glimpses of a future where walking will be the only way to travel due to massive geological events and extreme electrical storms. Survival will depend upon the Creator’s gifts of instinct and intuition which will warn us of treachery and betrayal.


There will be an increase of compassion, empathy and love to help combat the negativity of those who see only the physical side while trusting in intellect alone. I am convinced that the forces of light will prevail and am persuaded that nothing can separate anyone from the love of the Creator. I believe the strongest force in the universe is love.


Maybe we can get love to grow exponentially and end the spiritual poverty the Illuminati and the shadow people are trying to keep us in. All we have to do is believe we can make a positive difference. God plus one is a majority.

In the Creator’s love



What Does the Future Hold for Humans and the Planet?

I have always felt that the planet was a wonderful place, but that was before I got into looking at how humans were treating the planet. During the 1960s I was one of the people who said, make love not war. When I finally faced the fact that the human race was only interested is what the planet could do for them, not what they could do for the planet, I realized it would take more people that were willing to do their share.


When I realized there were visitors here from other places in the Universe, I had to look at a bigger picture, like why would aliens be interested in this little planet? By this time I had a dialogue going with the aliens and was starting to understand how everything we do on this planet affects even them one way or another. If we destroy this planet with atomic weapons, it would affect the Universe, as we would be spreading nuclear radiation into space. So, for a while I was very bummed out. After all, what could one person do to help? 


I have to say that coming in contact with spiritual aliens has made me see the planet through their eyes. This is a beautiful planet and deserves to be taken care of. I have looked at many groups of people on the planet, and some of them are centered on themselves, but there are many more people on the planet who are kind, loving and giving. It is our choice of which person we wish to emulate. I now realize that I am not alone in my thinking that we should take care of the planet.


Because of my searching, I have become aware that the planet has a future, but it is up to each of us to make sure the future includes everything that makes the planet special. It was about this time that the aliens started to discuss Jesus and God and how they feel about this beautiful planet. I have hoped, no, I have faith that no matter what bad things could happen to the planet, it will survive. I have faith that mankind will win the final battle for the planet with the help of celestial beings, be they angels or aliens.


The aliens I work with explained how many different races of aliens have been working with each other for the betterment of mankind. I now realize that God has a plan for Earth and no one can change the future.

I have faith in the future of the planet. It is in good hands, and we each as individuals can help in that future if we make the commitment to do so. I hope you didn’t see this book as negative, because I don’t. I believe that if you have the facts, you cannot be blindsided, and you will see what is going on and make the right choices for yourself, your family, and the human race. I also believe that with the knowledge the aliens have given us we will be able, when the time is right, to make this planet into what it was intended to be.











Suggested Reading

Aliens Among Us by Ruth Montgomery

ISBN 044-920809-5


Alien Contact: The messages they bring by Bonnie Meyer        

ISBN 0-595-38404-8


Behold a Pale Horse by the late William Cooper

ISBN 0-929385-22-5


Black Helicopters II: The Endgame Strategy by the late Jim Keith

ISBN 1-881532-14-3


Creating the Cosmic Paradigm by Mark Kimmel

ISBN 0972015132


Crux Decussata by James Andrew

ISBN 0-595-39880-4


Decimal by Mark Kimmel

ISBN 0-9720151-1-6


EARS: Evidence of Alien contact Revealed in Scripture by James Andrew 

ISBN 0-595-29757-9


Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie

ISBN 1-882723-00-7


ET 101: The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution

By Zoev Jho, co-author: Mission Control



Extraterrestrials in Biblical Prophecy by G. Cope Schellhorn

ISBN 1-881852-02-4


The Genesis Race: Our Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species by Will Hart 

ISBN 159143018-6


Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness by the late Jim Keith

ISBN 1-881532-20-8


Milabs: Military mind control and alien abductions

by Dr. Helmut Lammer and Marion Lamer

ISBN 1-881532-18-6


Missing Time by Bud Hopkins

ISBN 0-345-35335-8



The Montauk Project books follow in the order of their printing

The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time

by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon

ISBN 0-9631889-0-9


Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity

by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon

ISBN 0-9631889-1-7


Pyramids of Montauk: Explorations in Consciousness

by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon

ISBN 0-96311889-2-5


Encounter in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFOs

by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon

ISBN 0-9631889-3-3


The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connections

by Peter Moon

ISBN 0-99631889-4-1


Montauk: The alien connections

by Steward Swerdlow edited by Peter Moon

ISBN 0-9631889-8-4


The Music of Time

by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon

ISBN 0-9678162-0-3


Planet-X Comets and Earth Changes by James M. McCanney

ISBN 0-9722186-0-2


Project L.U.C.I.D. by Tex Marrs

ISBN 1-884302-02-5


The Secret War: The Heavens Speak of the Battle by Heidi Hollis

ISBN 0-595-20331-0


The SpyChips Threat: Why Christians Should Resist RFID and Electronic Surveillance by Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre 

ISBN 1-5955-5021-6


Strangers Among Us by Ruth Montgomery

ISBN 0-449208-0-1


Surviving Planet X Passage (a supplement to the text Planet X Comets and Earth Changes) by James M. McCanney, M.S.

ISBN 0-9722186-3-7


Trillion by Mark Kimmel

ISBN 0-9720151-2-4

Unlocking Alien Closets: Abductions, mind control by Leah A. Haley

ISBN 1-883729048

Vaccinations Deception & Tragedy: The Truth About Vaccines and the Dangers They Pose by Michael Dye  

ISBN 0-929619-07-2


Witnessed by Bud Hopkins

ISBN 0671570315




About the Author



Bonnie Meyer a ‘contactee’ from Neenah, Wisconsin has shared some of her experiences in her first book called Alien Contact: The messages they bring. This book is a continuation of her journey.



167 alien-type craft

65% of the children





Admiral Byrd



Al Qaeda

Aleister Crowley

Aleutian chain

Alien Contact: The messages they bring

Alien nation

All-white eyes

Ancient reptilian symbol


Arab Confederacy



Area 51



Array of antennas




Atomic weapons


Baja area

Baltic States


Base on the Moon

Basketball size satellite

Behold a Pale Horse


Bin Laden


Bird flu

Black helicopters


Blue blood



Cameras on corners

Camouflaging themselves

Canned music



Cave dwellers


Cheyenne Mountain



Chinese military





Code words

Colony of researchers



ComSat satellite

Confusion gas


Control people




Dark side

David Koresch


Dead Sea Scrolls



Discredit holistic health


Dog Star

Door County


Earth has been seeded

Earth’s core











False prophet





Flu shots

Flying ships

Fort McCoy

Fox River Mall

Fox Valley



Fry the implants

Garden of Eden

Genetically Modified Beings

Geological changes

Global Positioning Satellites (GPS)




Gulf Breeze, Florida

Gun dealers, survivalists and Separatists




Holy Grail

Houston, Texas

Hubble telescope

Hurricane Andrew

Hurricane Frances

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane manipulation

Hurricane Rita

Hybrid children

Ice shelf




Implanting their employees


Independence Day


Indian tribes



Inner Earth people


Interment camp

International UFO Congress





Jaime Maussan

James McCanney




Kennedy assassination

Knights Templar


Lake Butte des Morts

Lake Winnebago

Laughlin, Nevada

Lawrence University



Levees in New Orleans

Light workers

Listening devices

Lower life forms


Mary Magdalene

Mary the mother of Jesus


Mass landing





Middle East

Mind alteration



Money mongers

Monitoring you



Morovian bloodline



Mother Teresa

Mt. Rainier

Mt. St. Helens

National Security Agency (NSA)


New military-class ships

New Orleans

New Temple


North Korea

Nuclear weapons


Oklahoma City




Pact (signed; 1572, 1946)



Peace Ship

Peter Jennings

Philadelphia Experiment

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Planet X





Poltergeist activity



Protect yourselves

Red China



Religious leaders

Remote viewing


Restricting laws

Revelation Chapter 18




Ruby Ridge




Secret families
Secret government

Secret satellites

Secret societies

Secret world government


September 11, 2001


Shifting of the plates


Shroud of Jesus

Shuttle craft

Sign language would not work

Snatch souls

Soul computer

Soul shearing

Soul transference

South America

Spear of Destiny



Stickers (on street signs)


Submarine entrances

Supreme Being


Tagged and bagged




The 12th Planet

The Americas

The Da Vinci Code

The name YAAHAA

Tidal wave

Tonal imbalance wave

Tracking device

Tree of everlasting life



UFO intensive weekend

Underground bases

Underground installations

Underground tunnels

Underwater bases

United States

UPC code




Vibrational level

Visions of Mary


Weather patterns

William Cooper




World Trade Towers


Your light

Zechariah Sitchin



Book 3 Coming Soon

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