
Diana Shurburn

“The UFO phenomenon has taken me to places, both in my thinking process and physically, that I never guessed I would go. I have learned or, more correctly stated, I have remembered that there are spiritual aliens out in the universes and on Earth, too. It has been an interesting ‘ride’ so far.”
From the book Unholy Alliance page 23


Hello, my name is Diana. I'm originally from Ft. Lewis, Washington. My father was in the military, so we moved a lot and finally settled in Oklahoma. As a child, at night I would lay on the grass or warm driveway and stare up at the sky and wonder about all the others out there. I would ask myself," Why am I here?" and "What is life really about?" Even as a child I never doubted the existence of space crafts and extraterrestrial beings. All of my life I felt very strongly that there was something I had to do or accomplish; that I had a purpose.

I fumbled my way through life, questioning where I belonged and what was my purpose for being here. I left a good paying job in Tennessee because the situation didn't feel right anymore. Although I didn't know what my purpose was, I realized I still had not accomplished what I was here to do. Knowing that I had to get out into the world to find my purpose, I decided to pursue a childhood dream of riding my bicycle across the United States. I rode from Oklahoma through Texas and New Mexico. I caught a ride through the national parks up to Rapid City, South Dakota. From Rapid City I bicycled across much of South Dakota and ended up in Appleton, Wisconsin. I stayed with a college friend for a while. Even though I had no job and no vehicle I was drawn to the area. I met and worked with a lady that introduced me to the Lightside UFO study group. She has since moved on.

I met a friend for dinner at a local restaurant. We had talked on the phone earlier and mentioned the name of the restaurant where we were going to meet. This friend was not into UFOs but I think the government was afraid that I was going to talk about UFOs. We sat at a booth on an outside wall. Very shortly after we arrived at the restaurant, four young men sat in the booth directly behind my friend. One of the men had on a brown baseball cap that looked like it was made of leather. Russ has had this same person tailing him and has nicknamed him Hat. They sat in the booth behind us the whole time we were there. They did not order anything to eat or drink. I found it very strange that no waitress came to their booth to see if they needed anything. They huddled close together as if they were all listening to a single device. My friend was going through a very rough time in her marriage and I felt very sorry that total strangers might be listening to all the very personal information. I tried to explain this to her and she thought I was just being paranoid.

Through the group, I was introduced to our ET contacts, who are very spiritual beings. They guide us, but would never interfere with our free will, which is our God-given right to make our own choices. They would never force us to do anything we do not want to do or cause fear or do experiments of any kind on us. They don’t implant anything into anyone.

Flower Made of Pearls and Gold
This vision came to me on a particularly stressful night. It was so indescribably
beautiful. The petals were made of pearls and stamen and stem were made of gold. It seems that anything that had a shadow was made of gold. It was illuminated from within. 

The first book recommended that I read was "Communion", by Whitley Strieber. I remember thinking that his experience was bad/negative. He was terrified. I believe that, like people on Earth, there are good aliens and bad aliens. The next books that I read were, "Aliens Among Us", and "Strangers Among Us", by Ruth Montgomery. These books showed the benevolent side of alien contact.

I've been studying with the group for several years now. We've studied many topics from crystals to government conspiracy to Biblical prophecies. As we studied and observed events, including world events, we noticed an increase in negativity, for example, increased self-centeredness, materialism, brutality/violence, and extreme weather patterns. We've also done extensive self-analysis. I have made some changes in my life recently and have noticed that my instincts have become sharper but I still have a long way to go. I recall memories of being on a space ship attending classes and meetings. I remember lessons I've been taught. The vision I had in my middle twenties makes sense to me now (see Tsunami Vision). Could these events be signs of the end times?

Eerie phone surveillance in the mid 1990’s: I lived with a young couple while I attended a technical college. I had just moved into their house and was alone when the phone rang. I answered the phone but no one was on the line. Several months later, I traveled to Oklahoma to visit my family. Again, I was alone in the house when the phone rang. Like before, there was no one on the other end. I believe the government was just trying to tell me that they knew where I was.

Guided to the New Jerusalem Space Craft

I recall seeing this enormous "ship" at a distance. Obviously I was not in bodily form. I felt the presence of my guide behind me and to the left. I heard, in my head, the words that Monn had spoken to us when we questioned her about the appearance of the New Jerusalem: (like a cube) "only rounded on the edges". Right after I heard these words, my attention was drawn to my left. I call it Jesus’ fuzzy light. I looked as this fuzzy light began to move closer to me and eventually  surround and engulf me. There was no fear, only the greatest peace and joy... and love that I have ever felt.
Mental Exercise

I recall standing in front of a large screen. This screen had various geometric shapes on it. These shapes were illuminated in different colors. A patient man, standing to my right, was teaching me how to move these shapes with my mind.
In 1998, my friends and I attended a conference in Gulf Breeze, Florida. During a break, Kathy and I went outside to stroll on the beach just behind the hotel/conference center. Shortly after going outside, two men with short hair wearing light gray suits, white shirts, and red ties came up and started to ask us lots of questions about the conference/speakers.  Did we like the speakers? What were they talking about? Did we agree with them? It dawned on us that these guys were the government plants. We then clammed up and excused ourselves.

"Handball" on the Recreation Deck

I have a memory of playing a recreational game on the Peace ship. I was playing against a female opponent. We wore a glove on our hand, which we used to hit a ball. The ball was about the size of a golf ball and looked metallic. It felt like we were playing on the surface of the Moon because there was less gravity, I suppose. We could see stars all around us. I believe this means that I was very relaxed and peaceful. Just outside the playing area were two people: a male wearing a long robe and female. I felt very comfortable and close to these people.            
2001 UFO Daze Sighting

The following is my account of the July 21, 2001 Dundee, WI sighting: 

The first of four sightings that night started a little before 10:00 pm. The first three lights (UFOs) came from the southern end of Long Lake and went north. All three were an orange-yellow color and passed on the eastern side of the lake. The second light pulsed rapidly several times and got larger when it pulsed. The third light dropped several smaller sparkler-type lights as it made its way northward. There were several minutes between each of the three lights appearing.

The fourth light came from the same area as the other three lights and was the same color. This fourth light had two smaller blue-green lights around it that were in constant motion. This group of lights traveled in a northward direction but on the west side of Long Lake. The lights were to the Southwest of our location and stopped and hovered for a while. All of a sudden, there was a popping sound. Immediately, the larger orange- yellow light disappeared and two smaller orange-yellow lights fell to the ground. One blue-green light stayed in place while the other one raced to the north.
Tsunami Vision

Back story: I was 25 years old and just had knee surgery. I was restless that night and had trouble falling asleep because I was thinking about all the drama in the news.

I recall being awake early in the morning, 
sitting up in bed and leaning against the 
wall behind me. The entire wall in front of me was like a large screen which displayed this scene. There was a great earthquake that hit a large city. It caused fires and mass destruction... and a Tsunami. I was not afraid. Somehow I
knew to just file it away in my memory bank.  
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001 my mother and I were in Branson, Missouri. Like most everyone, we were glued to the television all morning. We did attend two shows that we had scheduled for that day. While we were outside the theaters, I noticed a man who was focused on my mother and me. Something inside me told me that there was something about this man that was different and that I should be aware of him. He was clean-cut with short dark hair. He wore dark slacks and a beige waist-length, older style windbreaker (like they wore on “Leave It to Beaver”). On two occasions that day I noticed this man. He was alone and always kept eye contact. I did not say anything to my mother because I did not want to frighten her. Although she may have been very trusting and naïve, she did think that the World Trade Center towers coming down like they did, looked more like a demolition job… I agreed with her.


Confused Geese Dream

I had this dream a few years ago. There were two groups of migrating geese. They seemed to be confused because they were colliding with each other in midair.

One day I actually saw this dream come to pass. I looked up to see two groups of geese; one coming from the North to the South, and the other coming from the Southwest to the Northeast. They didn’t collide in midair, but there was much confusion and honking as they scattered into several smaller groups. I am not sure what caused this to happen; the strange weather, the change in the tilt of the earth (change in the magnetic grid lines), or something else.
Memory of Helping a Hybrid Child

In this memory, I recall holding hands with and speaking to a very young hybrid alien/human child. He was listening to me and making eye contact. I was saying that we needed him to be strong and help the other children. He would blink occasionally with his large blue eyes as if he understood the importance of what I was saying to him. He had a small frame with long, thin arms and legs. His head was very large with sparse blond hair on the top.
I recall there being two evil beings that were very angry that I was there. I sensed that one was male and the other was female.  They could not enter into the protective light around the child and me. I felt a great sense of peace when I was speaking with the child.

For several years after this dream I was confused by the fact that I was on a negative alien craft. Was I abducted? I talked to one of our ET contacts about this and she said that I was on a mission; I was not abducted.

Refusing an alien abduction in the late 1990’s: It was late and I was just about to fall asleep, which is a very vulnerable time (the time between wake and sleep). I felt myself paralyzed. In my mind, no one has the right to invade the space (mind, body, spirit) of another person. I was upset at this act against my free will. I knew that if I could will any part of my body to move I would be free. It took every ounce of strength, concentration, and belief to move my head. Once I moved a part of my body, the beings left.

They tried another time but this time I was armed with a little more truth. The scenario started out the same: it was late and I was almost asleep when I felt paralyzed. I began to pray and ask God for help but I have to admit I was upset and angry with the abductors. One of our benevolent alien contacts spoke to me telepathically saying, "It's not working because you are not saying it calm enough or kind enough." I stopped my struggle; finished the prayer, sent out love and light, then rolled over and went to sleep. There have been no more abduction attempts like that. The negative beings do try to influence our dreams so we must be alert to that, too. I have learned that fear and anger are negative emotions and when I was feeling anger it only served to "feed" the negative beings making them stronger as I gave them my power.

My computer has been manipulated/jammed especially when we were working on a UFO-related project. The computer would lock up or display odd messages and sometimes the computer would just turn off. Emails have been delayed for days and some never made it to their destinations.  Our telephones have been tapped for years, although the government just recently admitted to tapping the phones of its citizens. There were buzzing, clicking and machine-type sounds coming from my phone on many occasions. Phone calls have been cut off in the middle of conversations. Some phone messages and calls never got through even when the person being called was home to answer the phone.

Our web site has been tampered with. Some text was changed or removed. A friend of ours had just joined the study group when she had found something interesting on our web site. When she went to show her mother, the information was not there.  We were blocked from making any updates to our web site for a short while. Once, I called my Internet Service Provider to explain that our updates seem to be going through and we confirmed the changes were online but several days later the old information was back on the web site. The updated information had to do with the dates of our meetings for the following year. I think they thought I was incompetent and had no clue of what I was doing. “We’ll just check a couple of things out”, the tech told me. Everything seemed ok on their end but things did not improve. The tech went back and checked something else, “Oh, we are going to have to call you back.” The tech seemed baffled by what he found and was not able to fix the problem right away. I am not sure what he discovered (I never asked and he never told) but the next day the problem was fixed.

All this interference makes for a frustrating situation but through the years we have figured out that the purpose of the interference with our computers, phones, website and emails is to cause frustration and anxiety. Now we tell ourselves that we must be doing something right if this is happening.

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