Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Where Do You Stand?

I was impressed how well season three of The Chosen depicted the life of Christ with pivotal events from biblical accounts. The writer of the script did a very good job of showing how various people struggled with accepting or rejecting a mission of sharing Christ with the world. Was he really the fulfillment of prophecy? Will he defeat the Romans and free Jews from oppression? How can he heal people and raise the dead? Everyone has their own list of questions which need answering.

This past week a friend invited me to watch the Netflix movie Messiah. Many of the scenes depicted characters from over two decades of news coverage. You could see how various individuals with big egos from political and religious backgrounds were intent on maintaining control. When the series ended many predicted events had not been depicted but you could imagine how certain scenarios would play out. Human nature appears stagnant when compared to scientific innovation.
ETs discussed this with us in the following quotes from channeling sessions.
March 3, 1996 pg. 7       Choice: Stand up or Run
Q:       Do the elite have a plan of action to try and remove us quickly?
Eric:   Specifically for you there are two scenarios and it will depend on your reaction.  Because you have basically two choices; stand your ground and stand up for who and what you are or run and hide. So, their reaction to you will be what your reaction is to these negative beings. They will probably try to silence you without making you martyrs. They do not want to do it where people will realize what's happening. They do not want God brought into it. They don't want to look like they are terrible, terrible beings. They don't want you to become martyrs so that other people will get behind you and your cause. Balance wouldn't hurt and trust and faith and balance and believe with your heart and soul.
March 2, 1997 pg. 7-8     Doubt can control you

Q:          Is the balance and the light effective against the technology being used; being able to read our thoughts, seeing what we're seeing, hearing what we're hearing and controlling our motor reflects etc.?

Monn:  Balance and light, faith, understanding, knowledge. A belief in yourself and in God and the Creator. Calling on all three, because you have as much power as Jesus and God.   You have not recognized it yet.  You too can move mountains.  Maybe not as well, but it's possible.  Practice, practice, practice.

              Never doubt your faith. Never doubt God. Never doubt that he gave you protection. Never doubt that he is with you now. Never doubt yourself, and you will survive as long as you need to. You know, in your Bible, when it talks about the mustard seed?  Well, if you doubt about anything in this area the size of a mustard seed, that doubt will control you and it will take you to the dark side, and it will be a hard time getting back.  So have faith in yourself along with everyone else and you will survive for as long as you need to, to complete you mission and your job.


July 17, 1993  pg. 3                 Faith is all there is

Monn: Your reality is not this planet. Your reality is in the heavens. And as you have walked with Him before, you shall walk with Him again. So, keep the faith, no matter what. Faith is all there is, and it will keep your existence in this reality where it belongs.


Because political leaders appear to be focused on solidifying their control over others all people are aware no safe areas exist. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are watching for their Messiah, Christ, or al Mahdi to appear. Are angels positive ETs? Are demons extraterrestrials who worship technology? Whether religious mysticism or scientific materialism defines your faith you do have a choice. Choose wisely.


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